abitiabiti1vpass (of time)Acu yqilaba mabeta, nacomulgalesonolehauema, SS. Sacramento ayetapaca Sagrario monoma, nayaletequa satele ybinemolamanacu, yale hanimano, inquenemabetaleqe, abitiqua yululuca, vinagre inta cachihabele §Lit:One ought to give communion to the sick (with the wine), [and] they keep the holy sacrament in a wooden box called a Sagrario, and so it is located there. But the wine, due to [how?] they keep it, when time passes, it becomes sour vinegar and is bitter.Pareja 1627:f192v-196r 1.3Often used in the negative, with the sense 'soon' or 'shortly after'. Probable2nmomentabitireqeeach time, each moment, or each hour a cada rato l. a cada momento l. a cada passo l. horaArte, f1 8.1The relationship between abiti and abitima is confusing. The second form is not the noun with the definite -ma, since we find examples like abitimareqema 'every time', where the final -ma is definite.habitimabitiabitima
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