habosohabosov1receive, acceptrecibirP- Hotosinta inifinano mantahabosotecho?Do you accept him for your spouse and husband?Recebisle por vuestro esposo, y marido? 1612 Bap 34.1Hono-melomano pilaneqe nabe chaleqe quenema haiarota ebetoqe ybama nahabosoqe mosotequa qerebama nahitanima;§ The shell of the ocean opens every night and every morning to receive the dew from the sky, wherewith the pearl congeals in it; the peal locks itself in, when the sun has risen and the day has advanced, and preserves its natural heat and so that it may be seen afterwards by all, it locks itself in.La concha del mar, noche y mañana se abre para recebir el rocio del Cielo con el qual se conjela le perla en ella, la qual se cierra al salir del Sol quando es ya muy de dia, y viene escalentando, y por que puede ser entonces de todos vista se cierra.1612 Cat 1.1Confident2give?TentativeAp habina; Ct, Cs habinareceivedial. var.abosohabaso

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