aboabo1nhigh locationubicacion altaConfident2nheavencieloCaqi abo, ano eatema, chi ahodelesibotanchu, Lit:I previously told you about the ones who lived in heaven Pareja 1627a:f013r-15v 1.1Confident3ntopcimaibine tobo chiqequa, vquequano, misoniqe, aye yhiribacoco, ofuenomate, caraba, abococo, ofuenomate, acasala, §Lit:the water covered it there... and rain was sent and rose over the tall trees and over the top of the high caraba.1627 Cat 1.114adjtall, giantAcu naquenemano viro abo nebelecaco chiricota hùe echesonocono, inibitileqeWould it not be a miracle if a giant could fit in a fist? no seria marauilla que vn gigante cupiesse en el puño? Pareja 1627:f021v-022r 1.2ConfidentH (S), Mk amb-i 'high' (DM), abAt-i 'high' (Sm: abunti); Al abayli, aba:li (L), abahli (H), aba (in compounds) (H), K aba (K); Ct aba, Cs aba'. Natchez ʔa·po 'head'abuoavohabuoabò

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