abotoabotoboto1vtbeat; punishapalearNaquenemano caqi abotima ysino toomama naquosota acu anoco abotonomate, chipasonomate napalucusunumate, anona, caiuqita, mucu, namahatota naiuricosinta nima nate manistetileta, mosotema caqi mandacumelenoma na emoqua ecata, na iniheti intela.He who beats or harms or menaces or injures or affronts the one who offended him or does not pardon or give counsel for whatever contempt, sins against this commandment.El que apalea, o hiere, o amonaça, o injuria o afrenta o a su offensor, no perdona, o da consejo para qualquiera desacato, pecca contra este mandamiento.1612 Cat 2.1Anoco ineca luba ticote hochie yuricono yebueta iquimileqe ineco nahiqe abotosiro-manda quosta nasisobi cho?Lit:Even if a person has not done anything wrong, because of your anger, has some punishment taken place, and have you given an order and had them beaten?Without having any reason except that you were angry, have you punished anyone?Conf, f1 1.1Anoco inonino namoquatima maha ine eyo nayuricomita chacali carema tuchemacamo chiqe abotomoqe yabi vichubi?Did you order laborers to be punished so as to have their arms broken, not for the sake of work, but for being angry?Lit:Did you order that the chacales should beat someone because you were angry and not because of work, and did they break arms?Conf, f1 1.1Abotosiro manibicho?Or have you wanted to do so?O as lo desseado hazer?Lit:Have you wanted to beat them?Conf, f1 5.1Confident2vstrike, hitgolpear, pegarPilema numa hebuama nabotoqe, tapolamano inti uquabicho? When lightnings struck into the clearing (roça) or maize-field, did you not eat of it?Conf, f1 1.1Confidentsp. var.abotaboto
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