aboloabolovraisealzar, levantar Ano amitimamano, Itimileno Sacerdoteleta amitimi michu, nihelamanda, Purgatorioma hibuatela, manda equelareqe, na Missa chietequa pilaniqi yahareqe hiereba nacaquino michu chotota, ichuniqe balunimano, anamitima michu Missaletequa Hostiama aboloqe eyobeta caqùino faye michu yeroconisiqemanela. Afterwards it was learned that his brother Germano the priest said a mass for his soul every day, as if he were dead and in purgatory, and at the time of lifting the host, the chains that held Imma fell away.Despues se supo que un hermano suyo Germano Sacerdote dezìa cada dia Missa por su alma, como si ubiera muerto, y estuviera en el Purgatorio, y que al tiempo de alçar de la Hostia se le cayan las prisiones que Imma tenia. [Beda lib 4 hist Angli c 22]Pareja 1627b:f275v-275r 1.1Often found in passages discussing raising the Host during Mass.Confident

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