Search results for "geuq"

bvttvng /bət⁵⁵təŋ⁵³/ n type of bird 一种鸟 | bvttvng geuq be kam le cu. When the bvttvng bird starts calling, the bamboo begins to grow. 报春鸟鸣叫时出竹笋. | Known for announcing the arrival of Spring. 宣布夏天的到来.
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chiwa /tɕi³¹wɑ⁵³/ prt 助词 supposedly (according to hearsay) 据说 | geuq chiwa supposedly 据说 | Cannot be used in isolation. 不能单独用. > chi, wa
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chvnen /tɕə³¹nɛn⁵⁵/ n type of black and yellow bird 一种鸟,黄色黑色 | nvm'leum nvm du, chvnen geuq ra. The warm season is here, the birds are calling. 春天到了,听见春鸟在叫.
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cur /tsur⁵⁵/ adv sizzling sound of deep frying 油炸的声音,象声词 | cur wa geuq. It's making that sizzling sound. “嗻”地响. | Onomatapoetic. 象声词.
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di /di³¹/ prt 助词 1go (andative deictic marker from any point of reference, often the speaker) 去(动作向外,可能是说话人正处的位置,兼表亲见意义) | vng shing ri le dii di. (I saw that) he went to carry firewood. (我看见)他去背柴了. | nga sheng le ding di wa geuq kleup e. Someone said I went to the county capital, but he was lying. (某人说)我去县城了,是谎话. 2immediate past perfective (visual evidential) 完成体(刚刚完成,兼表亲见意义) | ngang vsu di. The water is boiled. 水(烧)开了. | In both senses, typically not used with a first-person agent, unless reporting someone else's statement about the speaker. Speaker is directly reporting a witnessed event. 一般不用于第一人称做施事,除非表示说话人转述他人的话. 动作的发生是说话人亲眼目睹的. | (First Township) gyi /ɟi³¹/
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ekek /ɛk⁵⁵ɛk⁵⁵/ adv sound of cracking 碎裂声 | ekek wa geuq tvng geuq da e? What is making that cracking sound? “哎哎”地叫,什么东西在叫? | Onomatapoetic. 象声词.
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geuq /gɯʔ⁵⁵/ vt 及物动 1say; speak | tvng nvgeuq pvngwa? What are you going to say? 你要说什么? | geuq mazu speak wrongly 说错 2call over (people) 叫(人) | vngning chuq nvgeuq beu. Go call over them here for a minute. 去叫一下他们. 3call (of animals) 叫(动物) 4make a sound
svgeuq vt 及物动 make ring 使响
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gyol /ɟɔl⁵³/ vi 不及物动 be easy; simple 容易 | gya wa mvgyol. Doing this isn't easy 这个不容易做. | geuq sa gyol easy to say 容易说 | (First Township) la /lɑ⁵⁵/ | (Fourth Township) yon /jɔn⁵³/
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hring'lv'hring /xriŋ⁵⁵lə³¹xriŋ⁵⁵/ adv with a jingling sound (of metal) 金属叮叮当当的声音 | (一乡)vngser guisheu, mvlong gi be "hring'le'hring" geuq. She's wearing metal jewelry, when she walks it makes a jingling sound. 她身带金属饰品,走路时叮叮当当地响. | Onomatapoetic. 象声词. | (First Township) hreung'le'hreung /xrɯŋ⁵⁵lɛ³¹xrɯŋ⁵⁵/
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hyi /xʲi⁵⁵/ n neigh (嘴)吹的声 | tvng geuq ra da e, hyi? What's making that neighing sound? 什么叫声,“嘿”?
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kraq /krɑʔ⁵⁵/ 1v win | vng kraq di. He won. 他赢了. 2vi 不及物动 be formidable; awesome 厉害 | vng mvgyvl wa le tvtei kraq. He is good at the work he does. 他做工作做得很厉害. 3vi 不及物动 be severe; fierce 尖;狠 4adv quick | kraq pvgeuq. Say it quick. 快说.
vkraq vi 不及物动 be surprised; be frightened 吃惊;吓
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la- /lɑ³¹/, /lɑʔ⁵⁵/ v jussive (indirect directive) 祈使式(说话人建议或希望第三方进行或不进行某种动作) | vng la'ip. (You should) put him to sleep. 让他睡吧(我希望). | vng ewa laqmvgeuq. (I'd rather) you not let him speak that way. 别让(我不希望)他那样说. | vng laqmamvdeum wa. (Someone said) he shouldn't go back. (某人说)他别返回去了. | Often followed immediately by negative marker. laq- is used before two-syllable and already prefixed verbs. 常常加否定词在后面.laq- 用在双音节动词(包括其他语法前缀)前.
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le /lɛ³¹/ post 后置 1allative (to; towards) 夺格 | kyeum le vblaq teum after we went back home 回家以后 2anti-ergative (recipient, patient, benefactive) 反作格 | tvng le nadvgvng? What are you being so stubborn about? 你倔强什么? | vta jvng geuq e? What do you want to say? 你想说什么? 3purposive (in order to) 目的格(为了) | prase kei le come to raid the people 来剥削老百姓 | (Fourth Township) jvng /ʑəŋ³¹/
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lvchi lvkui /lə³¹tɕi⁵³ lə³¹kʷi⁵³/ all different kinds of; of every description 奇形怪况;各种各样 | lvchi lvkui geuq say all kinds of things 乱说 | lvchi lvkui gyoq all kinds of clothing 各种各样的衣服
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lvn /lən⁵⁵/ v 1call 叫;称呼 | vng mi nvlan vngbreung. He gave me the name. 他给我起名字. 2assume; believe 以为;认为 | vng ewa geuq be nvmvlvng. I don't think he would say that. 我认为他不会怎么说. | tvpang mvlvn look down on; despise 看不起;看不惯
lvnsheu vi 不及物动 be named 叫(名字)
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mvcheu /mə³¹tɕɯ⁵³/ adv however one wishes 随便;随意 | mvcheu mvn'geuq neu. Don't just say whatever you want. 别随便说. | (四乡)nyaq ding. I'll go when I wish. 我随便去. | (Fourth Township) nyaq /ɲɑʔ⁵⁵/
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mvlan /mə³¹lɑn⁵³/ v 1proceed immediately; continue on (without stopping at an intermediate place) (刚到某处不停留又)去(某处) 2just (finished) 刚(完了) | ka geuq ton mvlan just after finishing what he had to say 话刚说完了
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ning /niŋ³¹/ prt 助词 optative (marking requests, desires, intentions) 吧(愿望态) | ngei geuq ning. I am telling you (him, her). 我说给你(他/她). | nga lang rang ning. I'll look for you. 我会找你. | (四乡)peut vsvng sheu saqdeu taq greung gol, ta vsvng sheu ding ning mitsheu. The person talking should make it so vivid that the person listening will think about going. 要尽量说得生动一些,使听的人想去. | Used by first-person speaker, in sentence-final position = neu +-ng. 在句尾,用于第一人称(说话人)= neu +-ng. | (First Township) yeung /jɯŋ³¹/
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ra /rɑ³¹/ prt 助词 1venitive deictic (towards the speaker) 来(动作向心) | pvdi ra. (You) come over here. 你过来. | nga vdoi ding rang ning. I'll come back in a little while. 我过一会儿过来. | u na'vdeup rang. I hit my head. 撞了我的头了. 2mirative (eye-witness discovery by sight, touch etc.) 发现体(亲眼目睹的视觉、触觉) | vng tvng geuq ra? (You heard him) say what? (你听到)他说什么了? | vng gyoq jvl ra. (I see that) he is washing clothes. (我发现)他正在洗衣服. | tvtei sison ra very interesting 有趣极了 | Used with imperative to sound more polite. 跟命令式同时使用更礼貌.
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rvsiq /rə³¹siʔ⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 be noisy (声音)吵;吵闹 | rvsiq, ka mvn'geuq neu. It's too noisy, don't talk. 太吵了,别说话. | (First Township) rvseuq /rə³¹sɯʔ⁵⁵/
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sa /sɑ³¹/ prt 助词 nominalizer 名物化 | Tvrung kvt tei wa geuq sa? How do you say it in Dulong? 独龙语怎么说? | kei sa ngaq sa food and drink 吃的喝的 | (一乡)vsan nyi vgyvng sa see you tomorrow 明天见
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svgeuq /sə³¹gɯʔ⁵⁵/ vt 及物动 make ring; make sound 使响;弄响 > geuq
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tvkei /tə³¹kəi⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 be difficult (to do) 难(做);麻烦 | gya tvtei tvkei. This is very difficult (to do). 这个很难(做). | geuq sa tvkei hard to say 难说
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v- /ə³¹/, /ɑ³¹/ v 1intransitive 不及物 | vgyvngsheu be visible 看得见 2reciprocal action 互动态 | tvng na'vgeuqsheu? What are you two saying? (你俩)在说什么? | vngne ko le gya le vkuan. The two of them are chasing after each other. 他俩互相追逐. | vbi mutually present gifts 互赠 | ahraq scare each other 互相吓唬 | a- is used before two-syllable and already prefixed verbs. a- 用在双音节动词(包括其他语法前缀)前.
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