beu₂ /bɯ³¹/ prt 助词 go (andative deictic, from speaker's point of reference) 去(动作向外,说话人所处位置) | na pvdi beu. You go ahead. 你去吧. | nga ding beung ning. I'm going. 我去吧. | singho sot sot gym taq laqvpoq beu. It will make life better and better. (这会)让生活变得更美好.
Search results for "u₂"
bu₂ /bu⁵⁵/ v 动 burn (injury) (火伤)灼痛 | nga ur tvmi mi nvwvr chuq bu. I burned my arm a bit in the fire. 我的手在火里有一点灼痛.
cu₂ /tsu⁵³/ v 动 grow (of a tender shoot) (嫩芽)长 | vmra do vngza cu. The grains in that field are growing shoots. 田地里粮食发芽.
dvgeu₂ /də³¹gɯ⁵⁵/ 1v 动 cover up 遮;遮掩;遮盖 | gya mi padvgeusheu. Use this to cover yourself up. 用这个遮住你自己. 2n 名 covered item 遮蔽物
dvnggu₂ /dəŋ³¹gu⁵³/ n 名 plank; board 木板 | dvnggu kyeum plank house (walls made of large wooden planks placed horizontally) 木板房
geu₂ /gɯ⁵⁵/ nclf 名量 animal (一)只(动物);头;匹 | pvchiq ti gung one bird 一只鸟 | (Fourth Township) gung /guŋ⁵⁵/
gyu₂ /ɟu⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 1be correct 正确 2be appropriate 合适 | mvgyu kop hide what is inappropriate 不合适隐藏 3be permitted 允许
meu₂ /mɯ⁵⁵/ 1n 名 money 钱 | vtvng meu e? How much money is it? 多少钱? 2nclf 名量 yuan; unit of money (一)元;块 | ngul ti meu one unit of money 一元钱 3num 数 ten thousand (10,000) 万 | ti meu ten thousand 一万
neu₂ /nɯ³¹/ prt 助词 optative mood (expressing the speaker's desire) 吧(愿望态) | na mvndi neu. Don't you go. 你别去. | do, looq neu. Let's go. 走,咱们回去吧. | Used with first-person plural or second person, in sentence-final position. 在句尾,用于第二人称(说话人).
ngeu₂ /ŋɯ⁵³/ vi 不及物动 cry 哭 | nagoq ngeu ra. (I hear) the baby crying. 孩子哭了(我听见). | (First Township) neu /nɯ⁵³/
sv'ngeu vt 及物动 drive to tears 使哭
v'ngeu vi 不及物动 weep 哭出来
peu₂ /pɯ⁵³/ vi 不及物动 be worth money; be valuable 值钱 | gya tvtei peu svra e. This thing is very valuable. 这东西很值钱.
pu₂ /pu⁵³/ 1vi 不及物动 rot 腐烂 2vi 不及物动 be rotten; be decayed 腐朽 3vi 不及物动 be foul; be smelly 臭 | pusiq foul rotten smell 腐臭味
svpu vt 及物动 rot 使腐烂