Search results for "ulon"
Gvla /gə³¹lɑ⁵³/ top 地名 Western countries (especially England or France) 西方国家(英国和法国) | Gvla mvli | English loanword "England". Also by extension the area west of the Dulong river, i.e. Burma, during the era of British imperial activity. 英语借词(英格兰).也包括殖民地时代独龙江的西部(缅甸等).
Kyvngbvyeuqlong /cəŋ⁵⁵bə³¹jɯʔ⁵⁵lɔŋ⁵⁵/ top 地名 Kyangbayeu river valley in Dulongjiang, mentioned in mythology 神话传说中的独龙江河谷名
loco /lɔ³¹tsɔ⁵⁵/ n 名 stove 灶 | Chinese or Lisu borrowing. Modern appliance not usually found in Dulong homes. 汉语或傈僳语借词.
Lungsaidvm /luk⁵⁵sɑi⁵³dəm⁵⁵/ top 地名 Lungsaidam village 村名 | On the eastern shore of Dulongjiang. 在独龙江东.
Lungsaiwang /luk⁵⁵sɑi⁵⁵wɑŋ⁵³/ top 地名 Lungsai river (tributary of the Dulong river) 河流名(独龙江支流) | Tributary of the Dulong river. 独龙江支流.
mi /mi³¹/ post 后置 1agentive 施事格 | tvsa pe gyoq mi sheu ap wa the first one also shot [an arrow] 第一个人也射箭了 2instrumental 工具格 | Tvrung kvt mi gya sara lan. This (table) is called "sara" in Dulong. 独龙语这样(桌子)叫 sara. 3causal (because) 原因格 | nvm gang mi ngang bvt di. The sun is shining so the water is drying up. 因为太阳照所以水干了. | (First Township) te /tɛ³¹/ | (Fourth Township) me /mɛ³¹/
Mvngblilong /məŋ³¹bli⁵³lɔŋ⁵⁵/ top 地名 Mangbli river and river valley 麻必河谷;麻必河 | Upper tributary of the Dulong river. 独龙江上游支流之一.
mvpvt /mə³¹pət⁵⁵/ n 名 leech 蚂蟥;蛭 | Tvrung mvli mvpvt tei vl. There are lots of leeches in Dulongjiang. 独龙江有很多蚂蟥.
Rvwang /rə³¹wɑŋ⁵³/ nprop 专有名 Rawang ethnic group 日旺族 | Minority group across the border in Myanmar, seen as being an extension of the Dulong, or else their cousins or close relatives. 缅甸的少数民族,被认为是独龙族统一的自称或表弟亲戚.
sa₁ /sɑ³¹/ prt 助词 nominalizer 名物化 | Tvrung kvt tei wa geuq sa? How do you say it in Dulong? 独龙语怎么说? | kei sa ngaq sa food and drink 吃的喝的 | (一乡)vsan nyi vgyvng sa see you tomorrow 明天见
timuq kuq /ti³¹muq⁵⁵ kuq⁵⁵/ v 动 kowtow 叩头 | Not traditional to Dulong society, but may have been practiced with Tibetan overlords in Chawalong. 不是独龙社会的传统,可能与藏族察瓦龙统治者实践的.
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