Search results for "wal"
chung pvri /tɕuŋ⁵⁵ pə³¹ri⁵⁵/ n 名 swallow 燕子 | (First Township) charzi /tɕɑr³¹zi⁵⁵/ | (Fourth Township) chaibyeu /tɕɑi³¹bʲɯ⁵⁵/
Chvwa'long /tɕə³¹wɑ⁵⁵lɔŋ⁵⁵/ top 地名 Chawalong 察瓦龙 | Town in Southeast Tibet, close to Trung territory, whose rulers formerly exerted their power over many Trung. 西藏东南部的镇子,藏族人统治独龙江时期的首都.
di₁ /di⁵³/ vi 不及物动 1walk 走 2go 去 3come 来 | na pvdi ra. You come here. 你过来. | (First Township) gyi /ɟi⁵³/
svdi vt 及物动 make walk 使走
dvbang /də³¹bɑŋ⁵⁵/ adv 副 too; really 太;不怎么 | vhrei ding be, dvbang di mvkyang. We won't get there by walking. 走路的话,走不起. | dvbang mvtei. It's not very big. 不是很大. | Often used with negative. 常常用于否定句.
dvgleut /də³¹glɯt⁵⁵/ v 动 swallow whole (a large chunk of something) (把大块的东西)囫囵吞下 | shacheq dvgeuitvng mi vya keuq dvgleeut di. The little dog directly swallowed whole a chunk of meat. 小狗把肉块直接吞了.
dvnggu₂ /dəŋ³¹gu⁵³/ n 名 plank; board 木板 | dvnggu kyeum plank house (walls made of large wooden planks placed horizontally) 木板房
gar'v'gar /gɑr⁵⁵ə³¹gɑr⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 (walk) with legs splayed out (considered unattractive) (脚)岔开地;缝隙大地(走路) | ko pvma hrei gar'v'gar, gyvng mvgvm. That woman is bow-legged, not very attractive. 那个女的脚岔开的不好看.
gligli /gli⁵⁵gli⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 be smooth; sleek (like the walls of a cave) (洞穴四壁)光滑 | gligli lung tvlong very smooth stone pillar 滑溜溜的石柱 |
gyangblan /ɟɑŋ³¹blɑn⁵⁵/ n 名 ritual to embed prosperity in a house, performed on many different occasions (construction, funerals, the New Year), which includes tossing a bit of flour on the exterior and interior walls, and in the hearth area 繁荣仪式(建房,丧礼,新年的时候,把面粉撒在炉床里,内外墙上) | gyangblan wa
gyu₁ /ɟu⁵⁵/ adv 副 down (in the downstream direction) 下面(下游方) | gyuu further down 最下面 | vng gyu le di di. He's walking down that way (downstream). 他往下面去了. | (Fourth Township) yu /ju⁵⁵/
hraq /xrɑʔ⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 be foul-tasting (of food gone bad, experienced after swallowing) 涩;(芋头)麻嘴 | (Fourth Township) haq /xɑʔ⁵⁵/
hring'lv'hring /xriŋ⁵⁵lə³¹xriŋ⁵⁵/ adv 副 with a jingling sound (of metal) 金属叮叮当当的声音 | (一乡)vngser guisheu, mvlong gi be "hring'le'hring" geuq. She's wearing metal jewelry, when she walks it makes a jingling sound. 她身带金属饰品,走路时叮叮当当地响. | Onomatapoetic. 象声词. | (First Township) hreung'le'hreung /xrɯŋ⁵⁵lɛ³¹xrɯŋ⁵⁵/
kya₁ /cɑ⁵³/ v 动 1accomplish, be able (completive) 得了(能做) | nga di mvkyang. I can't walk. 我走不动了. | lu svkya bring something over (应该)拿过来 | nga loq svkya. I have to get back. 我得回去. | dop kya very formidable 很厉害 | vcvng mvkya can't fit people 坐不下人 2happen 发生 3reach (time, age etc.) 到(时间、年龄) | nga vpei dvgeu cal ning kya. My father is ninety years old. 我的父亲到了九十岁. | vteum neu vhreui kya sa. By then it was evening. 到了晚上. 4get sick 生病 | ze kya vcvng leper 麻风病人
kyep /cɛp⁵⁵/ v 动 insert (into a small crack) 插(在缝隙里) | dvngshi pel do pvkyeep. Stick the small knife in the wall. 把小刀插在墙壁上.
vkyep vi 不及物动 be wedged 夹着
lai₁ /lɑi⁵³/ v 动 1spit out 吐出 | mvnmlaq neu, pvlaai. Don't swallow it, spit it out. 别吃进去,吐出来. | vng mi tvng laai rvt? What is he spitting out? 2remove 拿出;取出 3excrete 上厕所(大便) | ni lai
laiqsheu vi 不及物动 relieve oneself; confess 解(大便);招供
lan₁ /lɑn⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 be bare; naked (lower part of the body) (下身)赤裸;躶体 | vng lan rong. He's naked. 他赤裸着. | hrei vng'lan barefoot 光着脚 | hreilan di walk barefoot 赤脚走
lembu /lɛm³¹bu⁵⁵/ n 名 deputy; lackey 代理人;走狗 | Possible Tibetan loanword. Hereditary title, designating tax-collecting representives of pre-20th century Chawalong (Tibetan) rulers. 可能是藏语借词,指以前从察瓦龙来收税的代表.