chetuq/tɕɛ³¹tuʔ⁵⁵/n名corn porridge浓香包谷稀饭| Young corn dried and stewed together with bone and pig trotter.青玉米晒干后保留起来,用骨头、猪脚等一起炖.
cheu/tɕɯ⁵⁵/1vt及物动catch (with a fishing net)(用夹网)夹(鱼)| ngvplaq cheu beung ning.I'm going to catch fish.我去夹鱼.2n名fishing net (hung on two long bamboo canes)夹网
cheu'plang/tɕɯ³¹plɑŋ⁵⁵/n名spirit takes that possession of shamans or those in an alcoholic frenzy (also called u'plang)一种神灵(着魔巫师,发酒风的人)| (Fourth Township) chi'plang/tɕi³¹plɑŋ⁵⁵/
cheum/tɕɯm⁵³/quant数量1more; much多| cheum pvluu rvt.Take a little more.多拿一点来. | na cheum ta so.You understand quite a bit (of what's being said.)你还是很听得懂. | (四乡)chvnuq gvm taq ronglive pretty well好好地生活2comparatively; quite比较| (Fourth Township) chunuq/tɕu³¹nuʔ⁵⁵/
cheuq/tɕɯʔ⁵⁵/1interj感叹damn (expresses displeasure or pain)哎哟(表示被淋湿)| cheuq, nvshaq rang.Damn, you soaked me.哎哟,我被淋湿了.2v动serve (someone) right, expressing schadenfreude活该(表示幸灾乐祸)| wei, tvcheuqcheuq.Serves him right!活该!
chi₁/tɕi³¹/prt助词past evidential经验示征| vng rvngtong do vblaq raq chi e.(At that time) he arrived in winter.(当时)他是冬天到来的. | hra neu eqwa blat chi.This is how you weave a basket (based on our experience).篮子要这样编. | ewa mv'oo chi.You don't do that (according to us).(咱们的习惯)不能那样做.| Especially used in stories, followed by wa.专门用于故事,随后有 wa.
chi₂/tɕi⁵⁵/n名urine尿| chi chorpee小便 | chi vjonpee in one's pants尿裤子
chi'kip/tɕi³¹kip⁵⁵/n名bottom beam: part of a loom, consisting of a piece of wood in two parts, for winding the fabric, with a tension device at the ends低轴(织布机)
chi'klung/tɕi³¹kluŋ⁵⁵/n名bamboo cane used in divination占卜拐杖