chvt₁/tɕət⁵⁵/1vi不及物动be tight紧| nvmbu chuq chvt ra.The pants are a little tight.裤子有点紧. | chvtchvtvery tight紧紧2v动keep close; draw near; keep on a leash握得拢
svchvtvt及物动tighten strap使(背带)紧
chvt₂/tɕət⁵⁵/v动have a stomach virus翻肠子| pvgyeu chvt
chvteng/tɕə³¹tɛŋ⁵³/n名thunder雷声| chvteng tengthe crash of thunder打雷
chvteung/tɕə³¹tɯŋ⁵³/n名deep spot (good for fishing); still pool of water (in a river)(江流)深水潭(可以钓鱼的)
Chvwa'long/tɕə³¹wɑ⁵⁵lɔŋ⁵⁵/top地名Chawalong察瓦龙| Town in Southeast Tibet, close to Trung territory, whose rulers formerly exerted their power over many Trung.西藏东南部的镇子,藏族人统治独龙江时期的首都.
co'ceuq/tsɔ³¹tsɯʔ⁵⁵/n名table桌子 | Chinese loanword.汉语借词.
co'naq/tsɔ³¹nɑʔ⁵⁵/n名direction in which spirits face, and towards which a dead person should be facing in order to become a spirit 一种鬼灵存在的方向| (一乡)mvr co'naq lai le maqvpoq hreq pvwasheu.Don't turn your face in the direction of the spirits.不要把脸朝向鬼灵存在的那个方向.| After a person dies and his face is in the spirit direction, he will remain dead (unable to become a spirit).人死后如果脸朝向“朝拿”,就会继续死人.
cong/tsɔŋ⁵³/1vt及物动pile up; stack; heap堆| shing gya lok lacoong.Pile up the firewood here.把柴堆这儿. | congkyeumconcrete (block) houses水泥房2nclf名量pile堆
coq/tsɔʔ⁵⁵/n名type of spirit一种鬼灵| After someone dies, their body should be made to face east immediately, so that the coq spirit can see it, otherwise it will continue to be merely dead.人死后要立即使其面朝东,让这种鬼灵看到,否则会继续死人.
cot/tsɔt⁵⁵/n名1time时间;时候| (一乡)vng loq cot do pvgi.Go there when he comes back home.你在他回来(到家)的时间去.2moment时刻| (Fourth Township) sot/sɔt⁵⁵/
cu₁/tsu⁵⁵/n名lake (usually up in the mountains); sea大湖(平常在山上);海
cu₂/tsu⁵³/v动grow (of a tender shoot)(嫩芽)长| vmra do vngza cu.The grains in that field are growing shoots.田地里粮食发芽.
cu₃/tsu⁵³/v动graze; put out to pasture (cows, sheep)放(牛、羊)| nungngua cuput the cow out to pasture放牛
cu₄/tsu⁵³/v动shock (of electricity)触(电)| (一乡)tyen te nyvcu.The electricity shocked me.电来触着了.
cu bv'ling/tsu⁵⁵ bə³¹liŋ⁵⁵/n名shrimp虾| Literally "lake insect".直译“湖虫”.| (First Township) cu bv'leung/tsu⁵⁵ bə³¹lɯŋ⁵⁵/