cvm₂/tsəm⁵⁵/v动1be sociable; get on well with others和群| vng lambroq le mvcvm vcvng e.He's not very sociable with friends.他(跟朋友)是个不和群的人.2muster; gather up completely集中(全部)| nungngua cvmherd all of the cattle together (so that none are missing)把牛集中起来| (Fourth Township) rvm/rəm⁵⁵/
cvm₃/tsəm⁵⁵/n名an edible variety of bracken (with an edible pointy top that curls up)一种蕨菜(尖头卷起,食尖头)
cvmgyoq/tsəm³¹ɟɔʔ⁵⁵/n名a person who curses others at will随意诅咒人的人
cvmnai/tsəm³¹nɑi⁵⁵/n名container with five different types of seed, used for divination purposes during the mvsoq ritual种子容器(保命延寿仪式)
cvng/tsəŋ⁵⁵/vi不及物动mate (of animals)(动物)交配| gyaq pe geu cang.This animal is mating.这个动物正在交配.
svcvngvt及物动cause to mate使(牲畜)交配
cvngjoq lunggang/tsəŋ³¹ʑɔʔ⁵⁵ luŋ³¹gɑŋ⁵³/n名a mythological stone slab where god made men神话传说中天帝造人的石板
cvnma/tsən³¹mɑ⁵⁵/n名propriety分寸| vng cvnma mal vcvng e.He's a person without a sense of propriety.他是个(做事)没有分寸的人.
cvnvt₁/tsə³¹nət⁵⁵/n名reed: part of a loom, consisting of a bamboo rod with heddle rings of thread or plastic, keeping the warp threads separate筘(织布时上下交线用的线)
cvnvt₂/tsə³¹nət⁵⁵/n名type of wasp that makes its nests underground一种在土里造巢的野蜂
cvp₁/tsəp⁵⁵/v动1repay (a debt or indemnity)还(债)| vng pvlon cvp jin.I paid back his debt.他的债我还了.2lose (one's life)损失(生意)
cvp₂/tsəp⁵⁵/vt及物动1bake; heat by fire烘| gya pvcap rvt.Bake this a little bit.把这个烘一下.2roast烤
cvr/tsər⁵³/v动rise (of the sun)(太阳)出| nvm cvr di.The sun is out.太阳出来了.| (Fourth Township) svr/ɕər⁵³/
cvri/tsə³¹ri⁵⁵/n名thread (usually of plant or cotton fiber for weaving)线| gyoq wa sa cvrithread of woven cloth织布的线 | cvri svteumknotted cord formerly used for counting (especially days), with each node representing one unit以前算数(算天)的工具