hroq/xrɔʔ⁵⁵/v动1scrape out (e.g. with a spoon)(用调羹)刮| tombu mi tasheuq hroq(use a spoon to) scrape out the crust of cooked rice(用调羹)刮锅巴2singe (textiles, to remove loose fibers)烧毛
hrot/xrɔt⁵⁵/v动shave (hair)刮(毛)| gya mi pvhroot.Shave it off with this.用这个刮.
hru/xru⁵⁵/v动roast in the flames (e.g. meat, peeled potato, taro, or corn)(把去皮的熟食)烤(在火炭上)| gyaq gui chuq pvhru rvt.Roast this taro for a while.这芋头烤一下.| (Fourth Township) tvhu/tə³¹xu⁵⁵/
hrvm/xrəm⁵³/n名second level of the sky, to which the lives of men and women are connected天空中的第二级,以其中男女性的生命连接| Cf. hrvmmei
hrvmchi/xrəp⁵⁵tɕi⁵³/n名small drying area just above the hearth, made of bamboo and suspended from the hrvmmei, used to dry wood and meat火塘上方的架子,用来晒干东西
hrvmmei/xrəm³¹məi⁵³/n名large storage area under the roof, covering the space above the hearth and serving for cereal storage, notably those for alcohol火塘上方的存放东西的大架子| Symbolically represents the second level of the sky (hrvm).象征天空中的第二级.
hrvmsheu/xrəp⁵⁵ɕɯ³¹/vi不及物动cover or block (with one's body)(用身体)扑盖;盖住
hrvn/xrən⁵⁵/v动move up (to a higher level)(往高架上)搬| gya pvhran rvt.Move this up there.把这个搬上去.
hrvngsheu/xrək⁵⁵ɕɯ³¹/vi不及物动look up; hold head high仰头,抬起头;昂首,抬头| pvhrvngsheu.Lift up your head.抬起头来.
hrvnsheu/xrət⁵⁵ɕɯ³¹/vi不及物动1climb up爬(高处)| shing le pvhrvnsheu ra.Climb on up the tree.爬树上来.2board (vehicle)上(车)| nga mudo le hrvnsheu ning.I want to get in the car.我想上车.> hrvn
hua/xʷɑ⁵⁵/nclf名量large group(一)群;(一)拨| vcvng ti huaa group of people一群人| Lisu loanword.傈僳语借词.
huam'lv'huam/xʷɑm⁵⁵lə³¹xʷɑm⁵⁵/adv副1be weak and dispirited有气无力| (一乡)ko vcvng huam'le'huam neq kvlang geu e.That person seems listless, maybe he's drunk.那个人有气无力的,可是酒醉了.2loosely (e.g. of shoes)松松地(穿鞋子)
huap'lv'huap/xʷɑp⁵⁵lə³¹xʷɑp⁵⁵/adv副pacing back and forth (stirring up the air)人走来走去(产生的风尘)| (一乡)huap'le'huap mvwa vl, vngza vpeur.Don't keep moving back and forth, dust is falling in the food and getting it dirty.不要动来动去,灰尘掉进饭里不干净.