hyi₁/xʲi⁵⁵/n名neigh(嘴)吹的声| tvng geuq ra da e, hyi?What's making that neighing sound?什么叫声,“嘿”?
hyi₂/xʲi⁵³/v动remain; be left over剩下| (一乡)svnaq shi beui, ebe geu cheq hyi.They all died, leaving only one alive.全死掉了只剩下这一只.
hying/xʲiŋ⁵⁵/v动have a strong smell有(气味)| tvng hying e?What is that strong smell?是什么气味?| (Fourth Township) hing; shing/xiŋ⁵⁵; ɕiŋ⁵⁵/
hyit/xʲit⁵⁵/v动push; slide over (something that remains on the ground)(底部不离地面地)挪动;移动| panteu koko nvhyit.Push the chair over there.推椅子吧.| (Fourth Township) shit/ɕit⁵⁵/
hyung/xʲuŋ⁵⁵/v动leak out (air from a room or a mattress)(房屋、被窝)漏(风)| gya lap lok hyung ra.Air is leaking out here.这边漏风了.| (Fourth Township) shung/ɕuŋ⁵⁵/
hyvng/xʲəŋ⁵⁵/vi不及物动be adept; skilled娴熟| vng wa mvhyvng ra.He did it unskillfully.他干得不娴熟.| (Fourth Township) shvng/ɕəŋ⁵⁵/
hyvngwa/xʲəŋ⁵⁵wɑ³¹/adv副directly; straight (without stopping or tarrying)直接;不停顿地| (四乡)vgui lai ong shvngwa pvdi.Straight ahead on the left.一直走,在左边。| (Fourth Township) shvngwa/ɕəŋ⁵⁵wɑ³¹/