sa₁/sɑ³¹/prt助词nominalizer名物化| Tvrung kvt tei wa geuq sa?How do you say it in Dulong?独龙语怎么说? | kei sa ngaq safood and drink吃的喝的 | (一乡)vsan nyi vgyvng sasee you tomorrow明天见
sa₂/sɑ⁵⁵/v动1know (thing or person)知道;认识2understand懂;明白| manvsa lung sheu?Do you two understand?(你俩)明白了吗?3be able会| ngei don sang.I know how to read.我会读.
sa₄/sɑ⁵⁵/v动1give (a gift); present with送(礼物)| gya pvsa beu.You go present this.你去送这个.2accompany; take (someone somewhere)送(人)| nga na le sang ning.I'll take you.我去送你.
sa₅/sɑ⁵⁵/v动rust; grow rusty生锈| na shvm sa.Your knife is rusty.你的刀生锈了.
sa6/sɑ⁵⁵/n名type of tough, durable tree, whose wood can be used to make bows一种坚韧的树,可以做弓