naŋaraطبلtambour (m) joué avec des baguettesdrum played with sticks
narda duطوعاً; رضيvolontairement; de son plein grévoluntarily; of one’s own free will
nartiزَعَقَ (الرعي بغنمه، الضابط على الجند)hurler; crier; beugler (un officier sur ses soldats, un berger sur ses chèvres etc)yell at; shout at; scream at (an officer at his soldiers, a goatherd at his goats etc)
nasuساعِد (الذّراع من المرفق إلى الرسّغ)avant-bras (m) (du coude au poignet)forearm (from the elbow to the wrist)syn1relgesu 1
ndabiرَضِعَtéternurse (suckle)yabiriسأرْضَعje tèteI nurse (from my mother)čabiسيَرْضَعil tètehe nurses (from his mother)
ndabtiأدنى من; قَرَّبَapprochermove close; approachndamiriسأُقَرِّبj'approcheI come closendabčiniسيُقَرِّبil approchehe comes closeYagabi a, yagabi gudi-ĩ ndabči čîهَذا البَيت قَريب من البَيْت الآخَرCette maison est tout près de l'autre maison This hous is right close to the other houseNdammu sobus !أجْلِس قَريب منه !Assieds-toi tout près de lui !Sit right close to him!