ɔ'ɔnahitiɔ'ɔnahetiv.chameleon1you all (fem.) have/had __ed again and again2FP.repetitive.uhki2you all (fem.) continue to exist, have existed2FP.repetitive.uhki
ɔ'ɔnasitiv.chameleon1they all (fem.) have/had __ed again and again3FP.repetitive.uhki2they all (fem.) continue to exist, have existed3FP.repetitive.uhki
ɔ'ɔnawitiv.chameleon1you all (masc.) have/had __ed again and again2MP.repetitive.uhki2you all (masc.) continue to exist, have existed2MP.repetitive.uhki
ɔ'ɔn'itiv.chameleon1we all have/had __ed again and again1P.repetitive.uhki2we all continue to exist, have existed1P.repetitive.uhki
ɔ'ɔntav.chameleon1they all (masc.) have/had __ed again and again3MP.repetitive.uhki2they all (masc.) continue to exist, have existed3MP.repetitive.uhki
ɔmahk'unima tayanaɔmahka-unimata-yananseismologistRed Alligator and Blue Alligator are responsible for Tunica seasons; when both move, the earth quakes. A seismologist communicates with the Alligators.Immersion creation, 2017OccupationEarthquaketwo alligators talker
ɔmakan1devilSupernatural being2evil person or beingBad, immoral3sorcerer, sorceressSorcery