Sa'ɔnan Hipu, Sa'ɔnani Hipusa'ɔnanihipunpropWood Tick Dance(Documented in Haas Dictionary as sa'ɔnanhipu; variant of Sa'ɔnani Hipu added by Yoroni Nisa group 2025.)Dance
sahiv.II.tr1to pitch (over the shoulder)This verb can also be Class I, but Class II is the preferred form.Carry2to throw (over the shoulders)This verb can also be Class I, but Class II is the preferred form.Carry
saka1v.I.intrto crossHaas says this is "to cross (a body of water)" but it's the only "to cross" we have, so TLP is extending its meaningAcrossMove past, over, through2v.II.trto take or carry acrossCarryAcrossMove past, over, through3v.II.trto ferry acrossTransportAcrossTravel by water4v.I.intrto fordTransportAcrossTravel by water5v.I.intrto move acrossMove past, over, through6v.II.trto move something acrossMove past, over, through
sak'ɔmarisakuamarinfoodway, foodways(developed by LCRP; added by Yoroni Nisa group 2024)
saku1v.I.intrto eat; to feedEatAnimal eating2v.I.trto eat of, feed onEatAnimal eating3nfood; something to eatFood4v.II.trto make someone/something eat