uhkiv.chameleon1he is, was; it is, was3MS.completive.uhkiExistBe2he/it had __ed, has __ed3MS.completive.uhki3he lives, lived3MS.completive.uhkiExistLive, stay4he exists, it exists, is alive3MS.completive.uhki
uhk'iv.chameleon1if he had __3MS.conditional.uhki2if he is, was, exists3MS.conditional.uhki
uhuv.T.trto coughThis verb can also be Class I, but transitive Tishlina is strongly preferred.Cough, sneezeSymptom of diseaseTypes of sounds
uk'ɛ'ɛrav.chameleon1they are/were __ing [repetitive] (M-F)3M-FP.repetitive.una2they sit, sat [repetitive] (M-F)3M-FP.repetitive.una3they live, dwell, stay, remain [repetitive] (M-F)3M-FP.repetitive.unaincludes English sense 'used to dwell'
uk'ɛrav.chameleon1they all sit, sat (M-F)SitLive, stay2they all live, dwell, stay, remain (M-F)3they all are, were, there are __ (M-F)4they all are __ing, have been __ing (M-F)3M-FP.durative.una
uk'ɛr'av.chameleon1if they all sit, sat (M-F)3M-FP.conditional.una2if they all live, dwell, stay, remain (M-F)3M-FP.conditional.una3if they all are/were __ing (M-F)3M-FP.conditional.una
uki1v.I.intrto sitSit2v.I.intrto campStay, remainLive, stay3v.I.intrto dwellLive, stay4v.I.intrto perchSit5v.II.trto place in a squatting positionPutPut down6v.I.intrto remainStay, remain7v.II.trto setPutPut down8v.I.intrto settleStop movingStay, remain9v.I.intrto stayStay, remainLive, stay