Seret Türkmençe-iňlisçe sözlügi



bulaýlamakvto wave, whisk, swing, wagDaşdan gören jorama elimi bulaýladym.I waved at my female friend who I saw in the distance.Biziň itimiz nahar beren wagtymyz öňümizde guýrugyny bulaýlaýar.Our dog wags its tail in front of us when it's time to feed him.Demir ýolda näsazlyk görseň, gelýän otla eliňe gyzyl mata alyp bulaýlamaly.If you see something wrong on the track, you have to take a red cloth in your hand and shake it at the oncoming train.
bulutncloudAsmandaky pagta ýaly ak bulutlary synlamany halaýan.I like watching the clouds that look like cotton go by.Gün buludyň aharsyndan çykanda ýeriň ýüzi ýagtylyp gitdi.When the sun peaked out from behind the clouds the earth was lit up.bulutsyz güna clear day
burmakv1to turn right off, turn tight, tighten, screw upnurbaty burmakto tighten a nut2to twist, twirl, wind roundelini arkasyna burmakto twist someone's arms behind their backStoluň aýagyny burmasaň, biraz wagtdan ýykylar.If you don't tighten the table legs it will eventually collapse.Tama nurbaty burup ondan owadan şekili asdym.I put a screw in the wall and hung a beautiful picture from it.Joramyň oýun bilen burup alan ýeri gögerip dur.I'm envious of the place where my friend turned the game around.3to hide behind your backJenaýatçyny tussag edenlerinden soň elini arkasyna burdular.Having arresting the criminal, they put his hands behind his back.Mugallym sapak geçende iki elini arkasyna burup aňryk bärik ýöreýär.The teacher walks around with both hands behind his back during class.
burawngimlet, auger, drill, something that makes perforationsбуроваяEjem nebit gaz buraw ekspedisiýasynda aşpez bolup işledi.My mother worked as a cook for the expedition to drill for gas.Beýik depä münseň çöldäki buraw wyşkasy görünýär.When you climb a high hill, you can see the drilling rig in the desert.
burç2n1cornerKöçäniň burçunda täze çagalar üçin dükan açyldy.A shop for new children opened on the street corner.Eglen wagtym maňlaýym stoluň burçuna degip gözümden ot çykyp gitdi.As I bent down, my forehead touched the corner of the table and fire came out of my eyes [i.e. it hurt].2anglejanly burçcomp.ndisplay cornerÇagalar bagynda janly burç döredilmänkä, ene-atalardan çagalaryň allergiýasynyň barlygyny ýa-da ýoklugyny soradylar.Before creating an animal corner in the kindergarten, they asked parents about the children's allergies.Klasymyzyň janly burçunda her hili haýwanjyklar we balyklar bar.There are different kinds of small animals and fish in the animal corner of our classroom.
burç1npepperbolgar burçcomp.bell/sweet pepperBolgar burç nahary örän tagamly edýär.Sweet peppers make a dish really tasty.Dümewlän wagtyň noýbaly unaşy gyzyl burçlap işseň düwmekden açylýarsyň.If you open a bean bag with a red corner at the same time, you can open it from the button.gara burç peppergyzyl burçcomp.chilli, chilli pepper, cayenne pepper
burgyncontractions, labourÇaga burgusy tutup başladygy tiz kömege jaň etmeli.When childbirth contractions begin you have to ring the ambulance.Burgy tutup başlanda oturmak gadagan.When labour begins you mustn't sit down.
burugsalamakvbillow, waft
burunn1noseÇybyn ýolbarsyň burnundan dişläp başlaýar.A mosquito starts by biting a lion's nose.2nose, interestBurnuňy sokmasyz ýere sokma.Don't put your nose into other people's business.3toe, front end of the shoeGyzym ilki ýöräp başlanda aýagyň burnunda ýöredi.When my daughter first started walking she walked on her toes.burun deşigicomp.nostrilsburnundan aňryny gö being able to see beyond your own noseburnundan humiliateburnuňy want somethingiki eliňi burnuňa sokup come with nothing to contributeBar pulumy biderek zada sowup, iki elimi burnuma sokup geldim.Having spent all my money on something I didn't need I came with nothing to contribute.Gaharyň gelse, burnuňy dişlesay.If you get angry, bite your nose
buşlamakbu:şlamakvto be first to bring good newsJigim bolanda hemme dogan garyndaşlara buşlap çykdym.When my younger sister was born I ran out to be first to tell the good news to all the siblings and relatives.Şatlykly habary buşlana serpaý berilýär.A happy message is sent to the recipient.Agam gullukdan gelende, buşlap toplan puluma owadan ýaglyk aldym.When my older brother came home from military service, I received enough money to buy a nice headscarf.
buşlukbu:şlukn1message containing good newsBuşluk! Dursun ejäniň ogly gullukdan gelipdir.Good news! Dursun your mother's son has come back from military service.Myrat aganyň ogul agtygy bolupdyr, buşluk!Myrat became your older brother's grandson, good news!2reward for good newsBuşluga berlen köýnegi toýa geýdim.I wore the dress I got as a reward for the good news.Buşluga gelen adamy boş goýbermeýärler.Those who come to the good news celebration don't go away with their hands empty.
butbu:tn1thighSoýulan öküziň yzky buduny satyn aldyk.We bought the rear thigh belonging to the slaughtered ox.2idol; god - the man-made image of a god
buthanabut'ha:nantemple; churchButhana ikona suratlaryny görmek üçin bardyk.We went to the church to see the icons.Köp ýaşlar toý güni nikalaşmaga buthana barýarlar.Many young people on their wedding day go to the church to get married.
butnamakvto moveMeniň ýanymdan bir ädimem butnama.I'm not moving one step from here.Mina basan adam hiç ýerik butnaman durmaly, halas edýänçäler.Those who are stuck in a mine must wait until they are rescued.
buýanabuýa:naadvfrom this point on, from hereMundan buýana menden birugsat hiç ýerik çykmaly däl.From now on, [you] are not allowed to go anywhere without my permission.Şundan buýana men çilim çekmämi goýdum.From then on, I gave up smoking.Buýana awtoulaglara sürmek gadagan.Vehicles are forbidden from this point on.
buýraadjcurl, curly, frizzyBu gyzjagazyň buýra-buýra saçlaryny daramaga kyndyr.It's hard to comb that girl's frizzy hair.Duralgada buýra saçly görmegeý ýigit gördim.I saw a good looking young man with curly hair at the stop.Dellekhanada himiýa kömegi bilen saçymy buýra etdirdim.At the hairdressers I got the hairdresser to perm my hair.
buýrukn1order, commandAýal gyzlaryň baýramçylygyna baş lukmanyň buýrugy bilen zenan işgärlere sowgat berdiler.On women and girls day the female staff were given a gift by order of the chief physician.Komandiriň buýrugy boýunça işi ýerine ýetirmek.To do the work commanded by the team.buýrulan işthe work that's been ordered2command form (of a verb)işligiň buýruk formasyimperative; the command form of a verb9Grammargrammar
buýsanmakv1to be proud of, take pride in, boast inMekdebi altyn medala gutaranyma buýsanýaryn.I'm proud of the fact that the school got a gold medal.Men şäherimiň owadan hem arassalygyna buýsanýaryn.I'm proud that my city is beautiful and clean.2to rely on, hope onBaýka, baýlygyna buýsanyp adam äsgermedi.While rich, those who rely on their riches are not put to shame.Öz güýjüne buýsanyp ýokary okuw jaýyna ekzamensiz diňe gürrüň geçirme bilen geçdi.Those who relied on their own ability got into the place of education just by passing an oral test, without a written exam.
buýsançnprideÝurdumyň parahat hem asudalygyna buýsanç bilen garaýaryn.I guard our country's peace and quiet with pride.
buýurmakvto order, command, book
buzbu:zniceBuzuň üstünde taýmak şeýle bir hezil.Ice-skating is so enjoyable.buz gaýmakunspec. comp. formnice creamöýde buz gaýmakhome-made ice cream
büdremekvto stumble (over), get stuck (on)Awtobusa ýetişjek bolup ylgamda, daşa büdräp dyzyma ýykyldym.When I was running for a bus, I stumbled over a stone and fell to my knees.Garaňkyda bir zada büdräp tas ýykylypdym.I almost stumbled over something in the dark.Basgançakda büdräp, ýykylmajak bolup germeçden ýapyşdym.I stumbled up the stairs and clung to the handrail so as not to fall.Bu iş meni büdretdi.This job caused me to stumble.Saz çalanda, onuň eli büdreýär.When playing music, his hand gets confused.