Seret Türkmençe-iňlisçe sözlügi



biçmek2vto castrate, geld
biçmek1vto cut, cut outgeýim biçto cut cloth for a materialetjek işleriň planyny biçmekto prepare the plan for future work
biçakbi:çakcompvery, too
biçimçincutter, tailor, seamstressthe person who cuts out the pieces of material in the correct shape for the tailor or seamstress to sow them together
biderekbi:derekadj1useless, in vain, of no usebiderek wagtyňy ýitirmekto waste one's timebiderek ýereabout/over nothing, for no reason, in vainMeniň ejem hemişe biderek ýere zowzuldaýar.My mother always worries for no reason.Sen biderek ýere gaharlanýarsyň.You get angry about/over nothing.2good-for-nothing, uselessbiderek adamuseless person
bidinbi:di:nadj1without permission, without consentmenden bidinwithout my knowledge, without my consent2irreligious, without any religious beliefs
bidüzgünbi:düzgünadjdisorderly, confused, untidybidüzgün edaradisorderly officebidüzgün ekilen baglardisordered garden
bigänebi:gänenlazy, without work
bigünäbi:günäadjinnocent, not guiltyÇagalar öýündäki bigünä çagalara nebsim agyrýar.It upsets me when I see innocent children in an orphanage.
bihabarbi:habaradjuninformed, ill-informed, unaware (of)dünýäden bihabar bolmakto be unaware of what is going on around the worldbihabar galmaknot be informedTäze kanun çykanyndan men bihabar.I'm not aware of the new law.
bihaýaradjinsolent, impudent
bihepbeadjslobUtançsyz bihepbe arakhorlar arak içip masgara bolup ýörler.Shameless alcoholic slobs were drinking alcohol and walking about disgracefully.
bijaý2bi:ja:ý1adjextremely, veryHaly muzeýinde bijaý owadan türkmen halylary bar.There are some very beautiful carpets in the carpet museum.Berekella sen bijaý gowy çykyş etdiň.Well done you spoke very well.Men bu oýuny bijaý haladym.I liked this play very much.Ol bijaý gaty gitdi.He got angry and said too much.2advtoo much, excessive; excessively, very, overmuchGünüň dowamynda on bäş sagat işlemek bijaý kän.To work fifteen hours a day is too much.Bişiren naharymy bijaý duzlapdyryn.I put too much salt in my cooking.Gunçanyň işleýşine Serdar bijaý öýkündi.Serdar really wanted to imitate Guncha's work.
bijaý1bi:ja:ý1adjuncomfortableÝassygym bijaý gaty bolany üçin boýnumy agyrdýar.My back hurt a lot from an uncomfortably hard cushion.2adja long way awayBiz bijaý ýerde ýaşaýarys, iýmit almaga gitmek üçin 2 kilometr ýoly ýöremeli.We live a long way away - it's a 2 km walk to buy food.3adjawkward, difficultMaşynymy bijaý ýerde goýdum, beýleki maşynlara geçmäge päsgel berip dur.I parked my car in an awkward place - it's blocking other cars in.Sen meni bijaý ýagdaýda goýduň, enem-atamyň ýanynda ýalançy etdiň.You've put me in a difficult position by making me look like a liar to my parents.4advinappropriateÇeper filmde bijaý ýer düşenligi sebäpli, filmiň soňuny çagalara görkezmedim.I didn't show the end of the film to the kids as it seemed to me it had some inappropriate moments.5advuncomfortably, awkwardlyZalda maňa erbet orun düşdi, menem bijaý oturup, boýnumy gyra ýaplamaly boldum.I ended up in a poor place in the sitting room, and sitting awkwardly, I had to bend my neck to one side.6advbadly poorly, improperlyMaşyny bijaý sürüp, awariýa düşdi.He drove badly and had an accident.
bijebi:jenlotbije atmakto cast lotsbije çekmekto draw lots (e.g. straws)Oýun başlamazdan öň, bije atmaly.Before starting the game you need to cast lots.Bijeli oglan aglamazcomp.The boy who wins won't cry
bikanunbi:ka:nu:ncfkanunsyzadjillegal, illicitGoňşymyz jemgyýeltçilik tertip-düzgüni bozup, bikanun hereket edýär.Our neighbour broke society's rules and acted illegally.Teroristler uçary basyp alyp, bikanun talaplary etdiler.Terrorists hijacked a plane and made illegal demands.
bikararbi:kara:radjuneasy, restless, impatient; uneasily, restlessly, impatientlyIşden gijä galyp gelsem ejem bikarar bolup garaşýar.When I get home late from work my mother waits restlessly.Meniň jigim bikarar, ol bir zada köp garaşyp bilenok.My younger sister is impatient, she finds it hard to wait.
bikebi:kenlandlady, mistress (of the house)bikesine äsgermezlik etmekto show contempt for one's landlady, to disrespect the mistress
bikärbi:käradjidleMaksat bikär durmuşda ýaşamagy isleýär.Maksat wants to lead an idle life.Bikärden taňry bizarsay.God will make you tired of being idle
bilmekcfbilginv1to know (be aware); to know by heartMen Mary şäherini gowy bilýärin, sebäbi köp wagtdan bäri ýaşap ýörün.I know Mary city very well, because I have lived there for a long time.Men kasam bilen gimni ýatdan bilýärin.I know the national oath and national anthem by heart.2to learnSapagy oňat bilmek üçin agşam öwrenip geldim.I prepared in the evening so as to come really ready for the lesson.3to recogniseOnuň kimdigini bildik.We knew who he was.Her kim öz işini bilmeli.Everyone should know their own work.4to discoverWilliam Gilbert ilkinji bolup, elektrik toguny bilen adam.William Gilbert was the first to discover electricity.5to be able, canýazyp bilmekto be able to write, be literateMen özüm edip bilýärin. I can do that myself.Dostumyň adresini ahyr tapyp bildim.In the end I was able to find out my friend's address.Men türkmen haly dokap bilýärin.I can weave Turkmen rugs.Men palawy oňat hem süýji bişirip bilýärin.I can cook tasty pilau.bilip goýmakph. be aware, keep in mind, to remember, knowBilip goý şu gün sapagyňy etmeseň, ertir seýil bagyna gideňok.Know this, if you don't do today's lesson you won't be going to the park tomorrow.
bilbi:ln1waistinçe billi gyznarrow-waisted girl2backTaýyp ýykylanymda bilimi agyrtdym.When I slipped and fell over I hurt my back.biliň agyrmakfor one to have (lower) back painbil baglamakph. resolve; to trust inŞu gün altmyş kilo pagta ýygmaga bilimi bagladym.Today I resolved to collect sixty kilos of cotton.bil bükmekph. be bent over, to be drained (phys. and/or emotional)bil ýazmakph. rest (sitting or lying down)bili gelmek/açylmakph. have/begin one's monthly periodDil bilen orak orsaň, bil agyrmazsay.If you harvest with your tongue, your back won't hurt.
bilbilnnightingaleHaýwanlar bagynda bilbil guşuny gördük.In the animal park we saw a nightingale.Bilbil guşlar owazly aýdym aýdýar.Nightingales sing beautifully.
bildirmekv caus1to let someone know, informMen işde eglenjekdigimi öýe bildirdim.I let my family know that I was going to stay late at work.2to be obviousOnuň tolgunýandygy bildirýärdi.He was obviously worried.Meniň işden ýadaw gelenligim ýüzümden bildirdi.My face showed that I had come home tired from work.3to expressminnetdarlyk bildirmekto express one's thanksOl öz razylygyny hat üsti bilen bildirdi.He showed his agreement via a letter.
bildirişn1announcement, noticebildiriş tagtasynotice board2advertisement
bileadjtogether, with (accompaniment), along withOraz onuň bilen bile okapdyr.Oraz studied with him.Zawoda işe girmäge dostum bilen bile bardym.I went with a friend to join the factory and work there.Bile ýalkasyn!comp.And you too! Thank you!