Seret Türkmençe-iňlisçe sözlügi



muşakgatn1disastertebigy muşakgatlarnatural disaster2misfortuneHudaýtagala ony synamak üçin agyr kesele we dürli muşakgatlara sezewar edýär.In order to test him [Job], God Almighty inflicted serious illnesses and various misfortunes [on him].3difficultiesmuşakgat ýagdyrmakph. v.v causto be worn, battle-scarredSen işe başlamankaň, dürli muşakgatlar ýagdyrýarsyň.You were battle-scarred before you start to work.
muzdn1payment, faremuzduny bermekto paymuzduny talap etmekto demand paymentUssa muzduny ber-de, gyssa.Pay the craftsman to hurry him up.2reward, compensationmuzduny bermekto reward, compensate
muzdlycftölegliadjchargeable, requiring payment, having a cost/priceBizde hemme zat muzdly.Everything here has a cost.
muzdsuzcftölegsizadjfree of charge, without chargeBiziň ýurdumyzda okuw muzdsuz.Study is free of charge in our country.
muzeýmu'zeýnmuseumülkäni öwreniş muzeýimuseum of folklore, history and the economy of the country
mübärekadj1blessedBaýramyňyz mübärek bolsun!Season's greetings.Täze ýylyňyz mübärek bolsun!A happy New Year!Doglan günüň mübärek bolsun!Many happy returns of the day!2good, pleasurableMen siziň mübärek ýüzüňizi görmek isleýärin.I want to see your good face.
mübäreklemekv1to congratulatebaýram bilen mübäreklemekto congratulate with holidaydoglan güni bilen mübäreklemekto congratulate with birthday2prezidenti mübäreklemekbirin doglan güni bilen mübäreklemekto wish someone many happy returns of the day
müdimimüdi:miadjeternal, everlastingmüdimi şöhrateternal glorymüdimi ýaşaýyşeternal lifemüdimi uka gitmekph. go to sleep forever, take one's last sleepŞahyr otuz üç ýaşynda müdimi uka gitdi.Poet went to sleep forever at the age of thirty-three.
müdirmüdi:rnhead, manager, directorkafedra müdirihead of departmentokuw müdiridirector of studies
müftinmuftiTürkmenistanyň müftisi ýaş oglan.The mufti of Turkmenistan is a young boy.Muslim legal expert authorized to issue fatwas
mülkn1property, possessions; inheritancepatyşanyň mülkithe king's propertyIndi mülk näme? Ol seniň hem-de çagalaryň baýlygy, döwleti, eklenjiň çeşmesi, ýüregiň kuwwaty.Now, what is your inheritance? It is you and your children's wealth, your prosperity, the source of support, the strength of your heart.Oňa kakasyndan uly mülk galdy.He had a large inheritance from his father.2estate, land, domainTutuş Ýer ýüzi Rebbiň mülküdir.The whole earth is the property of the Lord.
mülkdarmülkda:rnland-owner, proprietorMülkdarlaryň elinde ýüzlerçe işçileri bar.Land-owners have about one hundred workers.
mümkinmümki:nmümki:nadvpossible, probablemümkin bolar ýaly etmekto make possiblemümkin dälimpossibleeger mümkin bolsaif possibleMümkinmi?May I?Girmek mümkinmi?May I come in?Şu gün howanyň aşa gyzaýmagy mümkin.Today the weather may be too hot.Onuň geläýmegi mümkin.He may come.Mümkin olar ýatlaryndan çykarandyrlar.It is probable that they forgot.
mümkinçiliknpossibility, capability, feature; resource, means, potential halal gazanç üçin mümkinçilikleri artdyrmakto increase the potential for honest earningsmümkinçilikden peýdalanmakto use an opportunityMümkinçilik bolsa, men gezelenje gitmekçi.If it is possible, I want to go for a walk.mümkinçilik bermekph. give an opportunityMaňa naharlanmak üçin mümkinçilik ber.Give me an opportunity to have a meal.
mümkingadarmümki:ngadaradjas far as possible, as quickly as possible, etc.Ýetişen hasyly mümkingadar çalt ýygnamak peýdaly.It is useful to reap the ripened harvest as quickly as possible.
münmekcfmündürmekv1to get on, get in, jump in, to board, takeotla münmekto board a trainmaşyna münmekto get in a cartransport2to be on, be inlocation3to mount, get on, rideata münmekto mount a horseSen pile münüp gördüňmi?Have you ever tried riding an elephant?animals4to get on, climb onÇaga ejesiniň dyzyna mündi.The child got onto his mother's knee.Oglanjyk kakasynyň egnine mündi.The little boy climbed onto the shoulder of his father.gahar-gazaba münmekph. work oneself into a fury, become furiousOl salgyt tölemelidigini eşidip, gahar-gazaba mündi.Hearing that he had to pay tax, he became furious.hyýala münmekph. v.vto intend to do something, aimOl baýamak hyýalyna mündi.he aimed to get richerSiz näme hyýala mündüňiz?What do you intend to do?ökjesine münmekph. run (after), give chasePolis ogrynyň ökjesine mündi.The police gave chase to the thief.
münderlemekvto pile up, heap upOl hemme goşuny bir ýere münderledi.He piled up all his baggage into one place.
mündürmekcfmünmekvto seat, set, put, help into/ontomaşyna mündürmekto help somebody into a vehicleçagany ata mündürmekto sit a child on a horse
müňnumthousandbir müňone thousandDostumyň maňa bir müň dollar bergisi bar.My friend has one thousand in debt.
müňküradjmistrustful, distrustfulmüňkür adamsceptic, cynicmüňkür bolmakto doubtOl kime müňkür boljagyny bilmedi.He didn't know how to be sceptical about somebody.
müňlerçenumthousandsMen bu ýeriň gapdalyndan müňlerçe gezek maşynly geçendirin.I must have driven past that place thousands of times.
müňýyllykadjthousandth anniversaryBiziň watanymyzyň bäş müňýyllyk taryhy bar.Our home country has a history lasting five thousand years.
mürepbenjam, conserveüzüm mürepbesigrape jamalma mürepbesiapple jam
mürähet-mürähet etmekunspec. comp. formHave a taste!Ejem geçip barýan ýigide çörek mürähet etdi.My mother offered a flat bread to a man who was passing in the street.