Seret Türkmençe-iňlisçe sözlügi



biparhlykbi:parhlyknindifference, apathy; lack of difference
biperwaýbi:perwa:ýadjindifferent; lacking differencebiperwaý garamakto treat with indifferencebiperwaý bolmakto be indifferent (to)Oňa aýdanyň-aýtmanyň biperwaý.What you say or don't say to him makes no difference.Şükür Selbiniň özüni gowy görýänligini bilse-de oňa biperwaý garaýardy.If Shukur had known that Selbi liked him it wouldn't have made any difference.
biperwaýlykbi:perwa:ýlyknindifference, lack of sensitivitybiperwaý etmekto treat with indifferenceBiperwaýlyk edip adamyň gownine degmek gowy däl.To be insensitive and so upset people is not good.Adam biperwaýlyk düşünjesi bilen, ters zadyň üstüne baryp bilýär.If a person views things indifferently, he can end up going in the wrong direction.
birnum1one, a, someone; each otherSygrymyz bir göle dogdy.Our cow gave birth to a calf.Ogly atasyna meňzeş, bir almany iki böleniň ýaly.The son resembles his father so much it's like two halves of an apple.Mysal üçin birini aýdaýyn.For example, let me tell you one of them.Joram bilen bir-birimize garaşyp, okuwa bile gidýäris.My friend and I wait for each other, then we go to our place of study together.2soIrden tursak ýere bir giden gar ýagypdyr.In the morning so much snow had fallen on the hard ground.bir almany iki bölen ý peas in a podbir a flash, in a momentbir one level, rankbir gezekcomp.once, one timeBir gezek klasdaşlar bolup Sankt-Peterburg şäherine gezelenje gitdik.One time our class went as tourists to Saint Petersburg.Ömrümde bir gezek uçara münüp gördüm.I once in my life had the opportunity to fly.bir hasapdancomp.from one billbir özicomp.aloneSelbi çagalardan gizlenip bir özi oýnap otyr.Selbi hid herself from the children, and sat alone thinking.bir özüňecomp.for yourselfMen berhizliligim sebäpli nahary bir özüme üçin bişirdim.Because I was on a diet I cooked for myself only.bir wagtdacomp.1once, at one timeOl bir wagtda üç işi ýerine ýetiripdir.At one time he was able to hold down three jobs.2oncebir zatcomp.1something2one thingbir-biri(ni) another, each each otherBir-biriňe kömek et!Help one another! (of them) of usbirindenfrom someone; from one of themkimdir biricomp.pronsomeone, somebody, anyone, anybodyGapyda kimdir biriniň durandygyny gördüm.I saw that someone had come to the door.Ol ýerde kimdir biri barmy?Would there be somebody there?şeýle veryŞeýle bir owadan görmäge göz gerek.It's so beautiful you have to see itbir agza bakmakph. go along with one person's advicebir çukura tüýkürmekph. discuss something and come to one conclusion, to agreebir gözde görmek/garamakph. see things justlybir gysym bolmakph. v.1to become shrunken2to be sad, to suffer
birahatlykbi:rahatlyknanxiety, lack of peace
birazbira:zadja littleÝene biraz garaşsak, dükan açylar.If we wait just a few moments the shop will open.Biraz dynç alanymdan soň nahar bişirjek.After I've rested a bit I'll cook a meal.Biraz kelläm agyrýar.I've got a bit of a headache.
birazajykbira:zajykna little bitBirazajyk çaý guý.Pour a little tea.Birazajyk garaşyp otursaň somsa bişer.If you wait for a while the somsa will be cooked.Birazajyk oýnap öýe bar.Play for a while then go home.
birbadabirba:daadjfirst, at firstBirbada gorkdum.First I was afraid.
birçakadjlong ago, some time ago, ages ago; for an eternityUçar birçak gondy.The plane landed long ago.Oýun birçak başlady.The game started some time ago.Men işe birçak geldim.I got to work ages ago.Bu ojak birçakdan bäri şu ýerde dur.This fireplace has been here for an eternity.
birdenadvsuddenly, all of a sudden, unexpectedlyIt birden üstüme topuldy.The dog suddenly pounced on me.
birdenkäadvsuddenly, all of a sudden, out of the blueBirdenkä seniň diniň bolmaz.All of a sudden your religion will disappear.Birdenkä ýagyş ýagsa, zontigiň geregi çykar.If it suddenly starts raining you'll need an umbrella.
birehimbi:rehimadjbrutal, merciless, ruthless, cruel, relentless; ruthlesslyGuwanç örän birehim, ol it pişikleri urup, depip ýör.Guwanch is really ruthless, he hits dogs and cats and treads on them.Jenaýaty birehim adamlar edýär.Criminals treat people ruthlessly.
birentekadjsome, severalbirentek meselesome examplesbirentek adamsome peopleBirentek adamlar burçly nahary gowy görýärler.Some people like dishes made with a lot of pepper(s).Birentek owalarda keselhana ýök.In some villages there isn't a hospital.Birentek işler edilmän galdy.Some jobs remain unfinished.
bireýýämadjonce long ago; quicklyBu bireýýäm edilmelidi.This should have been done long ago.Köýnek bireýýäm tikilip taýyn boldy.The dress was ready a long time ago.Sen maňa haýyş edeniňden, bireýýäm dükana özün gidip gelerdiň.If you wanted to help me, you would quickly go to the shop and back.Otly bireýýäm ugrady.The train left ages ago.
birgidenadjloads of, a lot of, tonnesBirgiden ýere bugdaý ekdik.We sowed wheat in lots of placesAýdym sapagynda birgiden aýdymlary öwretdiler.In the singing lesson we taught a lot of songs.Çagalar birgiden alma ýygdylar.The children picked tonnes of apples.
birhilibirhi:liadj1a kind of, something like; strange kind of, unusual sort of2somehow, somewhat, a bitOtagyň içi birhili garaňky.The room is a bit dark inside.3different; differentlyHer kim birhili oýlanýar.Everyone thinks differently.4something like5strange, unusualLukman ýüzüme birhili ýylgyryp seretdi.The doctor looked at my face with a strange smile.Bu çeper filmi birhili düşniksiz gördüm.I watched this film but strangely didn't understand it.
Biribarbi:riba:rnGod; the One who is; Oneness
birigünbi:rigünadvthe day after tomorrowMen birigün işe çykmaly.I have to work the day after tomorrow.Kärhanamyzyň bildiriş tagtasynda, birigün ýowar bolýar diýip ýazyk.It's written on our workplace's noticeboard that the day after tomorrow we should help one another.Birigün meniň doglan günim.The day after tomorrow is my birthday.
birikdirmekbi:rikdirmekv causto combine, join, unite, connect, put throughKärhanalary birikdirmek üçin, birgiden kepilnama we şertnamalary taýynlamaly.In order to combine enterprises you need to prepare a certificate and an agreement.Iki tok symy birikdirmek üçin, eliňe ýörite ellik geýmeli.To join to electrical cables you need to wear special gloves.Okuwçylaň sany azlygy sebäpli, iki synpy birikdirmeli.Because there are so few pupils, two year groups need to be combined.
birikdirilmekvto be joined, be united, be combined
birikmen1joining, junction, combination, compoundharby birikmemilitary compound2formationmilitary3connectionInternet birikmäňizi barlaň.Please check your internet connection.
birin-birinbi:ri:n-bi:ri:nadjin detail, one by one, from the very beginning, without missing anything outbirin-birin görüp çykmakto look over them one by oneHemme bolan zady birin-birin aýdyp berdim.I recounted everything in detail.
birinjiordfirstBirinji alan maşynymyzyň reňki akdy.My very first car was white.Men nahary birinji iýip boldum.I was the first to eat the meal.Meniň birinji iş günim örän gowy geçdi.My first day at work went really well.birinji güncomp.nMonday, first dayHepdäniň birinji güni men işe çykmaly.I have to go to work on Mondays.
birinjidenconjfirstly, first of all, in the first placeBirinjiden sapaklary etmeli, soňra oýnamaly.Firstly you have to learn your lessons, then you can play.Birinjiden analiziňi görmeli, ikinjiden bolsa gerekli dermanlary ýazmaly.First you have to look at the analysis, then you have to write down the necessary medicines.Birinjiden-ä saňa ynanamok.Firstly, I don't believe you.