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bükmekv1to bend, curve, foldDyzymy büküp köp otursam aýagym agyrýar.If I kneel for long periods my legs ache.Bilimi büküp ýere gül ekip çykdym.I bent over and went out to plant flowers.2to prepare (food)Börek bükmegi ors goňşymdan öwrendim.I learnt to make boerek from my Russian neighbour.Somsany köplenişip derrew büküp, ýaýyp we bişirip alýarys.When we have increased the number of somsas we quickly wrap them up, spread them out and bake them.
bükülmekvto bend (down), bow (down), stoopKiçilikden bileni-biteni diňe tikin bolansoň onuň bili bükülipdir.Since from his/her youth s/he has only been able to produce thorns, his/her back is bent.gara hyzmatdan bükülmekph. v.become ill from hard work
bürelmekvcloud overDag buluda bürelipdir.The mountain had clouded over.
bürenmekvto cover oneself, wrap oneselfÇybynlardan ýaňa ýorgany kelläm bilen bürenip ýatdym.Because of the mosquitoes I slept with my quilt wrapped round my head.
bürenjeknhead scarf, coverDinçi musulman ýurtlarda aýal gyzlar bürenjege bürenip gezýärler.In strict Muslim countries the women and girls go round with head scarves on.Turist bolup Eýran ýurduna gidenimde bürenjekli gezdim.When I went to Iran as a tourist I went about wearing a head scarf.
bürgütneagleHaýwanat bagynda birinji gezek janly bürgüt gördüm.Gök asmanda uçup barýan bürgüdi surata aldym.I took a picture of an eagle flying high up in the sky.
bürünç2nbronzeFutbol ýaryşynda biziň komandamyz bürünç medala eýe boldy.In the football competition our team won bronze medal.
bürünç1nricePalow bişirmek üçin dükandan bürünç satyn aldym.I bought some rice at the shop so I could cook pilaf.Bürünç ak, mele hem gyzyl ymtyl reňkde bolýandygyny, joram getirende bildim.
büs-bütinbüs-büti:ncfbütinleýadvtotally, completely, fullÇagany ogullyk alaňda büs-bütin hemme taraplaýyn öz üstüňe almaly.When your child is caught thieving you need to take full responsibility for it.
bütinbüti:nadjall of, wholeTikip oturan köýnegimi ýetişdirjek bolup bütin günimi sarp etdim.I spent the whole day trying to get my dress sewn in time.Gerek bolan kassetamy bütin bazara aýlanyp çyksamam, tapmadym.I searched all over the market but didn't find the cassette tape I needed.
bütindünýäbüti:ndpnýäadjworldwide, international, global, universal, whole world; internationallyFilormoniýa konserdine bütindünýa belli sazlaryň birnäçesi çalyndy.Various internationally-renowned musicians played at the Philharmonic's concert.Türkmenistan garaşsyz hem bitarap bolany bäri, özini bütindünýa tanatdy.Since Turkmenistan has become independent and neutral it has become known by the whole world.
bütinleýbüti:nleýcfbüs-bütinadvcompletely, utterly, in full, totally, quite, entirelyDurmuş bütinleý özgerdi.Our life has completely changed.
büzmekvto tighten, tie upKöýnegimiň etegini büzmek-büzmek edip tikdim.I sewed up the hem of my dress tightly.
byçgynsaw, hack-sawSatyn alan byçgymyzyň dişi ýaman ýiti.The teeth of the saw we bought are really sharp.
bykynnside; touchTürkmenlerde zenan maşgala elini bykynyna ursa halananok.Among the Turkmen, a woman doesn't like her hand being touched at all.
býujetnbudgetбюджетDöwlet býujet kärhanalary aýlygy gowy hem wagtynda berýär.The state-owned and budgeted workplaces pay good wages and on time.
býurobýu'ronoffice, bureau; lineSorag-jogap býurosyna jaň edip, otlyň ugraýan wagtyny bildik.We rang the help line and found out the time of the train.Duralgada tapan pasportymy, ýitirilen zatlar býurosyna tabşyrdym.I handed in the passport I found at the bus stop to the lost and found office.

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