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Browse Turkmen - English Dictionary



batmakv1to sink, go down, be lostAýagym batga batdy.My hand sank into the swamp.2to setOraza aýynda gün batandan soň agyz açylýar.During the month of Ramadan after the sun has set we break our fast.3to get a splinterElime tiken batdy.I got a splinter in my hand.4to be plunged into, be absorbed in, be immersed inGuwanç täze maşyn alyp bergä batdy.Guwanch bought a new car and was immersed in debt.
batareýanbatterySagadyň batareýasy çökenligi sebäpli, işe gijä galdym.I was late for work because the clock's battery had gone flat.Babam uruşda artilleriýa batareýasynda söweşdi.My (maternal) grandfather fought in the artillery battery.
batganswamp, marsh, bogObamyzda ýagyşdan soň batgasyndan ýaňa ýörär ýaly däl.After it rains in our village you can't walk because it's like a bog.
batlanmakba:tlanmakvto strengthen, become/get stronger, intensify, gain strengthÇölde tozanly tüweleý agşamara batlandy.In the desert the dust storm gained strength during early evening.
batlyba:tlyadv1strongly, intensely, powerfullyBatly şemal miweli baglaryň güllerini gaçyrdy.The strong wind brought down the blossom in the orchard.2quickly, fastGözbagçy eliniň batly hereketi bilen tomaşaçylaryň gözüni baglaýar.The magician, with a quick action of his hands, fools the eyes of the audience.3loudlyAman batly sesi bilen aýdym aýdýar.Aman sings with a loud voice.
batylba:tyladj1blindgözleri batylhis/her eyes are blind2shut; tied up; turned off, closedAçylsyn batyl ýollaryň.May your closed ways be opened.
batyrmakvto dip, dunkÇöregi gaýmaga batyryp iýseň süýji.If you dip your bread in cream and eat it, it is sweet.
batyrba:tyradj1brave, bold, courageousSirkde gaplaňlara tälim beriji adamlary batyr görmeli.In the circus those who control the tigers have to show bravery.2BatyrTürkmenlerde ogul bolanda, köplenç Batyr diýip at dakýarlar.When a boy is born Turkmen people often give them the name Batyr.
batyrlykba:tyrlyknbraveness, boldness, courageTürkmeniň taryhynda Gökdepe galasyny goran aýallar öz edermenligini we batyrlygyny görkezdi.In Turkmen history the women who defended the fort at Goekdepe showed great courage and bravery.
batyrsyramakvto seem brave
baýba:ý1adjrichRuhy baý adam köp ýagşy kitaplary okaýar.A spiritually rich person reads many good books.baý toprakrich landDökin berilen ýeriň hasyly baý bolýar.If you put manure on the land the harvest will be rich2nrich man
baý-bowbaý-bo:winterjMy goodness!Baý-bow, bu garynjalara seret!My goodness, look at these ants!
baýamakba:ýamakvto become rich, get rich, come into some money, go up in the worldSöwdagär bir şapbatda, çopan bir ýylda, daýhan on ýylda baýaýar.A businessman gets rich in one moment, a shepherd in one year, and a peasant in ten years.
baýdaknflag, bannerHer ýurduň baýdaklary özüçe owadan.Each country's flag is beautiful to them.
baýguşba:ýguşnowlMeniň, baýguş ýaly, gijelerine gözüme uky gelenok.I'm like an owl - I can't sleep at night.Baýguş guşuny birinji gezek zoologiýa muzeýinde gördüm.I first saw an owl in a zoological museum.
baýlaşmakba:ýlaşmakvto widen, increase, enrichKitaphanada okaýan kitaplarym bilimimiň baýlaşmagyna kömek berýär.In a library the books I read help to enrich my education.
baýlykba:ýlyknriches, wealthAdam üçin iň uly baýlyk ruhy baýlygy.For people, the most important riches are spiritual riches.
baýraknprize, reward, awardHimiýa olimpiadasynda birinji ýere eýe bolup, iň uly baýragy aldym.In the chemistry competition I got first place and won the largest prize.
baýramnBairam; festival, celebration, free day, holidayÝeňiş baýramyňyz gutly bolsun!Congratulations on victory day!Nowruz baýramyna gabatlap, öňünden bugdaý ekip goýýarlar.Before New Year's festival arrives, they sow wheat.
baýramçylyknholiday, day off, festivalBaýramçylyklaryň içinde iň gowy hem gyzyklysy Gurban baýramy.Amongst the festivals Gurban festival is the best and most interesting.
baýyrnfoothills, hill(s), knoll, hillockBahar paslynda, baýyrlaryň ýüzi her dürli güllerden dolýar.In Springtime the face of the foothills is covered with all kinds of flowers.
baýyrlyknhills, hilly areaHer ýyl etrabyň çetindäki baýyrlykda hasyl toý edilýär.Each year a harvest festival is celebrated on the edge of the region in the hilly area.Ýagyşdan soň baýyrlyk tarapdan älemgoşar göründi.After it rains in the hills you can see lots of poppies.
bazaba:zan1base, areaбазаpagta bazacotton collection areamaglumatlar bazasydatabase2wholesalersSöwda bazasyndan dükanlara haryt paýlanýar.Shops buy their goods from wholesalers.
bazarba:zarnmarket, bazaar, marketplaceMal bazarda saýlama mallar bar.In the animal market there are good quality animals.Tomus, bazarda göwnüň islän zadyny alyp bolýar.In the summer you can buy lots of good stuff in the market.
bazarCopyright © 1994, David Gray, CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
bazar gü günnSunday, market dayBazar güni bazara köp haryt çykarylýar.On Sunday many goods are taken to market.

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