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Browse Turkmen - English Dictionary



berklikn1durability, strengthpoladyň berkligithe strength of steel2strictnessTäze goýulan ýolbaşçymyzyň berkligi, meni haýran galdyrdy.I was surprised at the strictness of our newly appointed leader.edilýän talabyň berkligithe strictness of the demand
besadjenoughÖz gazanjym maňa bes!What I have earned is enough for me!bes etmekph. stopBes et!Stop it!Gün ýaşanda işimizi bes etdik.When the sun went down we stopped work.
beslenmekvto dress oneself up
betadjnaughty, mischievousSüýt dükanynyň satyjysy bet häsiýetli aýal.The woman who runs the milk shop has a mischievous character.
betbagtadjunlucky, badMeniň durmuşymda iň betbagt gün, ejemiň ýogalan güni.The worst day in my life was the day my mother died.
betbagtçylykndisasterAllatagalla hiç kime betbagtçylygy görkezmesin.May God Most High not show any disasters to anyone.
betbagtlyknmisfortune, bad fortuneAdamyň başyna betbagtlyk inende güýçli bolup geçirmeli.When misfortune comes on someone they need to be strong to get though it.
beteradv1especially, particularly, unusuallyHas beter ol agşamlaryna işli.He is especially busy in the evenings.Bu gün ol beter şat.He is unusually happy today.2much worseMen düýnküden beter üsgürýärin, lukmana ýüz tutmaly bolaýmasam.I'm coughing much worse than yesterday, maybe I'll soon have to call the doctor.Mundan beter janyňy ýakma.Don't be sadder than you were before.
beterlemekv1to get stronger, strengthenÇölde ýel gitdigiçe beterleýärdi.In the desert the wind got stronger and stronger.2to worsen, get worseOnuň saglygy beterledi.His health got worse.Gyşyň sowugy beterleýär.Winter is getting colder.
betgylyknevil, wickednessBetgylyk adamdan her zada garaşybermeli.You have to expect anything from an evil person.
betnambetna:madjdisgracebetnam bolmakto disgrace oneself, be disgraced
betniýetadjill-intentioned, villainous, with criminal intentBetniýet adamyň soňy jenaýatçylykly iş we zyndan bolýar.The end of a villain will be criminal acts and prison.
betnyşanbetnyşa:nadjuglyMaýa betnyşan gyz bolsa-da, ýüregi ak.Even if Maya is an ugly girl, her heart is pure.
betonbe'tonnconcreteBeton jaýlar gyşda sowuk, tomusda yssy bolýar.Concrete buildings are cold in winter and hot in summer.
betpälliknwickedness, evilBetpällik edýän adamdan gowy zada garaşma.Don't expect anything from a wicked person.
beýanbeýa:nnnarrative, telling; explanation; storybeýan etmekph. narrate, recount, tellOl wakany şeýle beýan etdi...This is how she told what happened...
beýgelmekvto rise; be raised up, be elevatedDaglar kem-kemden beýgelýär.Mountains ascend gradually.Adam abraý bilen beýgelýär.A person is elevated with respect.
beýgeltmekv caus1to raisesesi beýgeltmekto raise one's voice2to elevate, raise upOnuň wezipesini beýgeltdiler.They raised him up to a high position.Suwuň joşup geljek ýerine çägeden bent edip beýgeldýärler.They place sand higher and higher to stop the water overflowing as it rises up.3to make happySeniň şatlygyň meni beýgeldýär.Your happiness makes me happy.tumşugyňy beýgeltmekph. be proud
beýhuşbeýhu:şadjunconsciousMeň çekip beýhuş bolýan adam aklyny ýitirýär.Those who take hashish to lose consciousness lose their reason.
beýikadj1high, talldagyň beýik gerşia mountain's highest range2greatMagtymguly beýik türkmen şahyrydyr.Magtymguly is a great Turkmen poet.Köpetdagyň beýik gerşinde, tomus aýlarynda hem gar ýatýar.The Kopet Dag's highest peak has snow on it throughout the summer months.Beýik ynam adamyň ruhuny galdyrýar.A person's great faith raises his spirits.
beýikliknheight, altitudedeňiz derejesinden beýiklikthe altitude, the height above sea-level
beýleadj1that, like that, in that wayBeýle çap edilenok...You don't type like that...Beýle gadymy türkmen halysyny entek göremok.I haven't yet seen a Turkmen rug as old as that.2side, other sideMekdebimiz demir ýoluň beýle ýüzünde ýerleşýär.Our school is on the other side of the railway line.eýle-beýlecomp.1this side and thatmaşynyň eýlesini-beýlesini görüşdirmekto look at a car from different anglesSerhetçi pasportyň eýlesine-beýlesine seretdi.The border guard looked at the inside and outside of the passport.2haphazard, slapdash, not very good, a bit variable, a bit randomHaý, mama jan, ol eýle-beýle adamyň yzyna düşüp gelmez.Hey, dear mother, he'll follow some random person and won't come back.Elbetde ol oglan öz ýanyna eýle-beýle adamlary göýberjek oglana däl eken, ýöne ykbal...Of course he isn't the kind of young man you'd just send some random person to, but fate...bir eýlesine, bir beýlesine geçmekph. v.1to plead with someone, entreat2to plead with someone, entreat; find a way round someone
beýlekiadjother, another, nextderýanyň beýleki tarapythe other side of the riverKenaryň beýleki tarapynda owadan park bar.On the other side of the bank there is a beautiful park.
beýläkadjthat way, in that directionSen beýläk geç.You go on the other side.Mundan beýläk beýle iş etme.From now on don't do that kind of thing.

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