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Browse Turkmen - English Dictionary



wessalamwessala:minterjthat's enough, that'll doWessalam, iş tamam.Well, that's end of the work.Sen şu ýüki oňa eltip ber, wessalam.Send this load to him, and that will do.
wesýetn1will, testament; legacy2exhortationkitaby söýmegi wesýet etmekto exhort people to love booksdini wesýetreligious exhortation
wesýetnamawesýetna:manwill, testament (in written form)Ol kiçijik wesýetnama goýup gidipdir.He left a small amount in his will.
weteranweter'rannveteranzähmet weteranyveteran of laboururuş weteranyveteran of war
weýinterj(expr. surprise) oh!, oh, really!Weý, sen onuň syrkawdygyny bileňokmy?Oh, don't you know that he is ill?
weýranweýra:nadjdestroyed, demolishedweýran etmekto destroyÝertitreme şäheri weýran etdi.The earthquake destroyed the city.weýran bolmakto collapseWagt geçmegi bilen jaýlar weýran bolupdyr.As time passed, houses have fallen into disrepair/ruin.wes-weýrancomp.wes-weýra:nadvdestroyedSil bu obany bütinleý weýran edipdir.The flood had wholly destroyed this village.
weýrançylykweýra:nçylykndamageSil köp weýrançylyk getirdi.the flood brought a lot of damage
wezipewezi:pen1position, postýokary wezipäni eýelemekto hold a high postjob2task, dutieskyn wezipedifficult taskýokary wezipäni eýelemekto have important dutieskiçi wezipede işlemekto work in a lowly positionmüdirlik wezipesiadministrative taskSeniň wezipäň çagalaryň arassaçylygyna seretmek.Your duty is to look after children.Seniň wezipäň gelen myhmanlary garşy almak bolar.Your duty is to meet guests.Biziň öňümizde jogapkärli wezipe durýar.We have an important task before us.nobatdaky wezipelertasks next on the 'to do' list
wezipeliwezi:peliadjhaving a job/postýokary wezipelihigh-ranking, holding a high post
wezirwezi:rnvizier, high officialpatyşanyň weziriking's vizierhigh official in some muslim countrieswezir-wekilcomp.wezi:r-weki:lnresponsible person, representativepatyşanyň wezir-wekillerithe king's court, the king's attendants
wähinterjgosh, I wonder! (expr. surprise)Wäh, bu senmi?Oh gosh, is it you?
wäkinterjhey!Wäk, elimi döwdüň!Hey, you broke my arm!
wäşinjoker, wag, jesterwäşi adamperson who is a joker
wäşilikcfýumornjokingwäşilik etmekto jokeOl wäşilige salyp, garşydaşynyň gaharyna üns bermedi.He joked around, and didn't pay attention to his neighbour's anger.
wideonvideoвидеоwideo kassetavideo cassette
wideokamerawideo'kamerancamcorder, video camera, camcorderвидеокамераBiz wideokamera film düşürdik.We made a film with a video camera.
wideomagnitofonnvideo player/recorderвидеомагнитофон
wilka'wilkacfçarşakn1forkвилкаwilka bilen iýmekto eat with a fork2plugştepsel wilkasytwo-pin plug
wiýinterjoh! (expressing surprise)Wiý, men seni görmändirin!Oh, I haven't seen you!
wiza'wizanvisaвизаwiza uzaltmakto extend a visaBaşlyk arzanyň ýüzüne wiza goýdy.The manager gave a visa to as required.Başlyk dokumente wiza goýdy.The manager added a visa to his passport.daşary ýurda girmäge wiza almakto receive a visa for entering another country
wokzalwok'zalcfmenzilstansiýanstation, railway terminusвокзалdemir ýol wokzalyrailway terminusdeňiz wokzalythe terminal at a port
wraçndoctor, physicianврачwraç aýalwoman doctorharby wraçmedical officer, army surgeonweterinar wraçveterinary surgeondiş wrajydentistwraç çagyrmakto call a doctor
wraçlykcflukmançylykmedisinanprofession or work of a doctorwraçlyk etmekto work as a doctorwraçlyk käriprofession of doctor

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