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Browse Turkmen - English Dictionary



ýa2interjoh!Ýa Rebbim, maňa kömek et!Oh my Lord, help me!
ýa1conjorBu çaýmy ýa kofe?Is this tea or coffee?ýa... ýaeither...orÝa ädik satyn al, ýa-da köwüş.Buy either boots or shoes.
ýa-daýa:-daconjor, or elseazatlyk ýa-da ölümfreedom or deathýa... ýa-daeither... orDynç alyş güni ýa kino giderin, ýa-da teatra!On Sunday I'm either going to the cinema or to the theatre.
ýabakýa:baknpitchforkBabam maňa oba baranymda iki sany ýabak satyn aldy.My grandfather bought me two pitchforks when I visited to the village.
ýabanyýa:banyadjwildýabany haýwanlarwild animalsýabany pişikwild catýabany ösümlikwild plantÝabany kirpi gorananda, tikenleri bilen atýar.When a wild hedgehog defends itself, it attacks with its bristles.Ýabany çölde örän gorkuly, o taýda her hili zäherli ýylanlar kän.The wild desert is very dangerous, many different poison snakes are there.animate
ýabynhorseTraktordan öň ýabylar daýhanlar üçin esasy işçi güýji bolupdyr.Before tractors horses were the main form of power for farmers.
ýadamakcfýadatmakvto be tired, get tiredMen köp işläp ýadadym.I've worked hard and got tired.ýöräp ýadamakto get tired of walkinggaraşyp ýadamakto get tired of waiting
ýadatmakýa:datmakcfýadamakv causto wear outgözleriňi ýadatmakto wear out one's eyesOl meni öz soraglary bilen ýadatdy.He wore me out with his questions.person or object
ýadawýa:dawadjtired, wearyýadaw keşptired appearancePagta ýygyp, ýadan gyz çaý başyna oturdy.After she had picked cotton the tired girl sat down at the tea table.Ýükli ýadaw eşek haýal ýöräp barýar.A tired donkey with load is walking slowly.Utan sportsmen ýadaw bolsa-da, örän şatdy.The winning sportsman was happy instead of being tired.ýadaw görünmekto look tired, look worn out
ýadawlykýa:dawlyknweariness, tirednessýadawlyk duýmakto feel tiredness (coming on)Onuň ýüzünde ýadawlyk duýulýardy.Weariness was felt in his face.
ýadawsyzýa:dawsyzadjtireless, indefatigable, without wearyingýadawsyz zähmet çekmekto work tirelessly/indefatigably
ýadygärýa:dygärn1keepsake, remembranceýadygär bermekto give as a keepsake2souvenirýadygär bermekto give a souvenir
ýadygärlikýa:dygärlikn1as a keepsake, in order to rememberýadygärlik kitap bermekto give somebody a book as a keepsake2monument, memorial; statuegadymy ýadygärliklerancient monumentskimdir birine ýadygärlik dikmekto erect a monument to somebodyMagtymguly Pyragynyň ýadygärliginiň açylyşy hem boldy.The also unveiled a statue to the poet Magtymguly.3antique, antiquityarheologik ýadygärliklerarchaeological finds
ýagmakcfýagdyrmakv1to fallÝagyş ýagýar.It is raining.Ýagyş güýçli ýagýar.It is pouring.Gar ýagýar.It is snowing.Ýagyş bedreden guýlan ýaly ýagýar.It is raining cats and dogs.Doly ýagýar.It is hailing.precipitation2to be thrown, to rain down, to be fired (at)Sorag ýagyp başlady.The questions began to descend.
ýagýa:gn1oilzeýtun ýagyolive oilmaşyn ýagymachine oilpagta ýagycotton-seed oilýag zawodycreamery2fatguýruk ýagytail fatgoýun ýagysheep fat3oil, greaseýag gabyoil-canýag ýalycomp.smoothly, without any problems at allOnuň sözleri ýag ýaly ýumşak.His words flowed softly as silk from a loom.ýagy bilencomp.brand spanking newMeniň daýym ýagy bilen maşyn satyn aldy.My uncle bought a brand spanking new car.colloq
ýagdaýn1condition, state, situationSyrkawyň ýagdaýy gün-günden oňatlaşýar.The patient is getting better day by day.Ýagdaýyň nähili?How are things?adatdan daşary ýagdaýstate of emergencyýagdaýlar gowulaşýarConditions are improving.maddy ýagdaýfinancial situation2status, standingmaşgala ýagdaýyfamily statussosial ýagdaýsocial status3occasion, momentamatly ýagdaýright moment4opportunity, possibilityKynçylygy basyp, ýagdaý döredýär...When difficulties arise, possibilities are created...5means, resourcesýagdaýym ýok.I haven't got the means.finances6atmosphere, environmentDuşuşyk dostlukly ýagdaýda geçdi.The meeting has passed in a friendly way.
ýagdyrmakcfýagmakv caus1to irrigate, use the sprinkleremeli ýagyş ýagdyrmakto artificially irrigate2to throw, bombard, showerdaş ýagdyrmakto throw stonessorag ýagdyrmakto bombard with questionspul ýagdyrmakto squander money
ýaglamakýa:glamakvto oil, grease, lubricatetikin maşynyny ýaglamakto lubricate a sewing-machine
ýaglyýa:glyadjfatty, oily, greasyýagly palawgreasy pilauýagly saçgreasy hair
ýaglyknscarf, headscarfýüň ýaglykshawlkelläňe ýaglyk daňmakto tie a headscarf on, to put a headscarf ongaragaş elý handkerchief
ýagmyrnrainHowa gurak bolanda, ýagmyr ýadyr Soltanym diýip dileg edýäris.When the weather is dry we pray in the name of my Sultan, provider of rain.dial
ýagmyrlyadjrainyýagmyrly howarainy weather
ýagnyconjthat is (to say), to be exactMen ol ýerde anna güni, ýagny on bäşinji martda bolaryn.I'll be there on Friday, that is to say on the fifteenth of March.
ýagsyzýa:gsyzadjleanýagsyz etlean meat
ýagşyadjgood, wellGiç ýagşy!Good evening!Gelen ýagşy!Good evening!Ýolagçy ýolda ýagşy.The traveller needs to get going.Reply to the above greeting.bir-biriňi ýagşy görmekph. v.interjto love each other; all right (then), okayýagşy, men oýlanyp görerin.All right, I'll think about it.ýagşy görmekph. preferOl öz gelenini ýagşy gördi.He preferred to come himself.

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