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Browse Turkmen - English Dictionary



ýagşy-ýamannwhat is what, good and badýagşyny-ýamany görmekto see what is what
ýagşylaşmakvto improve, to become better (gradually), to take a turn for the betterOnuň ýagdaýy ýagşylaşdy.His health has improved.
ýagşylykngood, goodness, good deedýagşylyk etmekto be good to somebodyOl oňa köp ýagşylyk etdi.He was very good to her.Mundan ýagşylyk çykmaz.No good will come of it.Men saňa ýagşylyk isleýärin.I wish you well.
ýagşyzadaadjangelic; kindDünýäde ýagşyzadalaryň bardygyna Hudaýa şükür edýäris.We thank God there are kind people in the world.
ýagty1nlight, radianceýagty saçmakto shineçyranyň ýagtysyelectric lightGün ýagty saçýar.The sun is shining.Günüň ýagtysysunlightAýyň ýagtysynaby moonlightOnu ýüzi şatlykdan ýaňa ýagty saçýar.His face is radiant with joy.2adjlight, brightýagty otaglight roomDaşary ýagty.It is light outside.ýagty dünýäcomp.this world, the world of the livingHemmeler bir gün bu ýagty dünýä bilen hoşlaşmaly.One day everyone will have to say goodbye to this world.Ýatan ýeri ýagty bolsun!comp.May he rest in peace!Ol gowy adamdy. Ýatan ýeri ýagty bolsun!He was a good person. May he rest in peace!
ýagtygözinýagtygözi:nadjbefore nightfall, before darkýagtygözin işleriňi gutarmakto finish one's work before dark
ýagtylmakvto brighten, become brighter, lightenHowa ýagtylyp başlady.The day is breaking.
ýagtylanmakvto brighten, become brighter, light upOnuň ýüzi ýagtylandy.His face lit up.
ýagtylykn1lightGünüň ýagtylygysunlight, sunshine2brightness, illumination, lightness
ýagynenemy, opponentýagy çozmakfor an enemy to attack
ýagynnprecipitation; rain, hail, snow etc.Öten agşam köp ýagyn ýagyp, ekinleri zaýalady.Last night it rained much and damaged the wheat.
ýagyrnynback, shoulderDüýnki sowukdan bäri ýagyrnym agyrýar.I have pain in my back after yesterday' cold weather.
ýagyşnrainÝagyş ýagýar.It is raining.Ýagyş çisňeýär.It is drizzling.
ýakmak3vto like, love, fall in love withgöwnüňe ýakmakto really like, fall in love withto set one's heart on fireBu owadan gyz meniň göwnüme ýakdy.I fell in love with this beautiful girl.This beautiful girl set my heart on fire.
ýakmak2vto water, to give to drinkmallary suwa ýakmakto water the animalsSuw bol bolansoň, men ekinleri üç gezek suwa ýakdym.Because water is plentiful I watered the crops three times.
ýakmak1v1to burn, set light tohapany ýakmakto burn rubbish2to light, set light (to)ot ýakmakto light a fire, kindle a fireGabyrystanda ot ýakmak hem batyldyr.Lighting a flame is also not allowed in a graveyard.3to sting, burnBu arak bogazyňy ýakýar.This vodka sets your throat on fire.4to switch on, turn onMen aýdym eşitmek üçin radiony ýakdym.I switched on the radio to listen to some songs.içiň-bagryň ýakmakph. v.vto upset, hurtSen meniň aýdanymy etmän, içimi-bagrymyň ýakdyň.You upset me when you didn't do what I said.içiňi ýakmakph. deliberately hurtJeren gymmatbaha şaýlar dakynyp, jorasynyň içini ýakýar.Jeren deliberately hurts her friend by wearing expensive jewellery.janyňy ýakmakph. v.v1to waste emotional energy (on), make someone angryMeniň gyzym aýdanymy etmän janymy ýakýar.My daughter makes me angry by not doing what I told her to do.2to concern oneself with, worry aboutmallary suwa ýakmakph. water the animalsMallary suwa ýakdym diýip, sen meni aldapsyň.You deceived me by saying you watered the animals.fig
ýakancollar, neckbandköýnegiň ýakasythe collar of a dress/shirtýakasyndan tutmakto seize by the collarWomen's collars are embroidered by hand and then sewn onto a dress.gülýakacomp.nlarge silver broochýakasyny tanadancomp.famous, notorious, well-knownýakasyny tanadan jenaýatkära notorious criminalýaka ýyrtyşmakph. fight (with)Olar bazarda ýaka ýyryşyp uruşdylar.They fought with each other in the market.
ýakdyrmakv causto get someone to light, get someone to turn onMen montýor çagyryp, çyralarymyzy ýakdyrdym.I called the electrician and got him to turn on the electricity.I called the electrician, and got him to light our lamps.
ýakylmak2vto be wateredMallar suwa ýakyldy.The animals were watered.animals
ýakylmak1v1to be burned...otlar ýakylypdyr....fires were lit.2to be switched on, be turned onÖýe girsem, telewizor ýakylypdyr, ýöne hiç kim ýok eken.When I got home, the TV was turned on, but nobody was there.
ýakymly1adjpleasant, niceýakymly owazpleasant voiceErtiriň ýakymly öwüsýän şemalyna bütin jandar şatlanyp seslenýärdi.The whole of creation made a joyful noise at the pleasant breeze of the approaching day.Tokaýda ýakymly guşlaryň sesi eşidilýärdi.In the forest the pleasant sound of bird song was heard.2advpleasantlyDutaryň owazy örän ýakymly ýaňlanýar – näçe diňlesemem doýamok.The sound of the dutar was coming pleasantly - however much I listen, I want more.
ýakymsyzadj1unpleasant, badýakymsyz habarbad newsýakymsyz gürrüňlerunpleasant rumoursÝakymsyz gürrüňler bilen meniň kellämi agyrtma.Don't bother me with unpleasant rumours.2naughty, mischievousOnuň şeýle ýakymsyz çagasy bar.He has such a naughty child.
ýakynýaky:nadj1near, not far, closeTeatr bizden yakyn aralykda ýerleşýär.The theatre is not far away from us.ýakyn wagtdain the near futurelocation, time2close, intimateDogrusy olar manysy taýdan känbir tapawutlanmasa-da, salamlaşýanlaryň biri-birini ýakyn tanaýyşlaryna, dilleriniň çeperligine görä-de dürli-dürlüdir.If they twist the truth of their words here and there, their greetings to one another brings them close, their language skills brings variety.relationship3close, near, intimateýakyn garyndaşclose relationrelatives
ýakynlaşmakýaky:nlaşmakvto approach, come upşähere ýakynlaşmakto approach the town
ýalnsoup, broth, slopsite ýal bermekto give a dog something to eatýal ýagysycomp.parasite, hanger-on, sponger, scroungerMukam baryp ýatan ýal ýagysy.Mukam is such a parasite.

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