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bababa:ban1grandfatherEjemiň kakasy – meniň babam. My mother's father is my maternal grandfather.2ancestorBiziň ata-babalarymyz köp däp-dessurlary galdyrypdyr.Our ancestors passed on many traditions to us.3old manOkuwçy garry baba köçeden geçmäge kömek etdi.The student helped the old man to cross the road.4BabaDaşkentde Lenin babamyz özbeke, Aşgabatda türkmene, Alma-Atada gazaka meňzärdi.In Tashkent our grandfather Lenin would be similar to an Uzbek, in Ashgabat to a Turkmen, in Almaty to a Kazakh Lenin.honorific title, esp. for saints
babadaşba:badaşndistant relativeEjemiň kakasy bilen kakamyň kakasy biri-birine baba tarapdan ýegen eken, ýagny onuň babadaşy olar babadaş bolup çykdy .My mother's father is a nephew to their father's father on my maternal grandfather's side, it turns out, that is his distant relative.
babatdaba:batdapostabout, concerningOl pul babatda ejizdir.Concerning finances, he is weak.
badaba:daadjat once, at one stroke, as soon as, immediatelyBuz çat açanda, adamlar şol bada onuň üstünden düşdüler, gaçdylar.As soon as the ice started cracking, people fell through it.Haýwanat bagynda maýmynlara alma uzadanyňda, şol bada alýarlar.In a zoo, as soon as the apples are handed out, the monkeys take them.Polaroid fotoapparaty suraty şol bada çykarýar.A polaroid camera outputs photos, at onceMugallymyň beren soragyna okuwçylar bada-bat jogap berýärdiler.The students immediately answered the teacher's questions.
badamjanba:damja:nnaubergine, egg-plant
badaşmakba:daşmakconferbagryň badaşmakph. v. ofbadaşmakvto be connectedbagryň badaşmakph. v.conferbadaşmakvto be committed to one another
badynaba:dynacfbat1prepat once, as soon asMamam tansyň badyna oýnap aýaga gyry ýadyna düşmedi.As soon as she began dancing, [the joy of it made] my maternal grandma forgot her aching leg.Deňziň gyrasynda uly şemalyň badyna durar ýaly däldi.At the sea-shore as soon as the strong wind got up it wasn't possible to stand.Jaň kakylan badyna okuwçylar ylgap daşaryk çykdylar. As soon as the bell rang the students ran outside.2nspeed, velocityBadyna çapyp barýan aty saklamak kyn.The speed of a racing horse is difficult to sustain.Öý pişiginiň badyndan, ýabany pişiginiň bady çalt.A wild cat is faster than a pet cat.
bag2ba:gnstring, lace, shoelaceaýak bagysomeone who gets in the way
bag1ba:gn1gardenbotanika bagybotanical gardenÝaz paslynda miweli baglar ak güllere bürelip otyrlar.In the spring fruit trees are covered with white flowers.2orchard, grovemiweli bagfruit orchardMekdepde ýowar bolanda okuwçylar bag hem ekdiler.In schools, when it was time for voluntary labour the school children planted an orchard.Şu ýyl biziň bagymyz, köp hasyl berdi.This year our orchard provided much fruit.3parkŞäheriň merkezi bagynda dynç alyş güni halk üçin aýdym-saz çalynýar.On Sunday music is played for people at the city's central park.haýwanat bagzoo4treebaga dyrmaşmakto climb a treeÝaz paslynyň başynda, baglara dökün berilýär.At the start of the spring season, the trees are fertilised using manure.çagalar bagycomp.kindergarten, nursery school, day nursery, playgroupÝolöten şäherinde bäş sany çagalar bagy bar.There are five nursery schools in Yoloten.Çagalar üçin, çagalar bagy gerekli, ol ýerde tertip düzgüni öwrenýärler.For children, nursery schools are necessary. They teach them order and discipline there.
bag-bakjaba:g-bakjangarden, vegetable patch, plot of land, allotmentBag-bakjada gögerýän gawun—garpyzlar örän tagamly.Melons and water-melons grown in a vegetable patch are very tasty.Daýhanlar bag-bakjada zähmet çekip işleýärler.Farmers toil away in plots of land.In Turkmen villages most houses have a plot of land large enough to grow a lot of fruit and vegetables.
bagananAstrakhan, furÝaşuly adamlar bagana telpek geýýärler.Old men wear Astrakhan hats.Gyşda çopanlary bagana possun, sowukdan goraýar.During winter Astrakhan coats save shepherds from the cold.curly lamb's fur
bagbanba:gba:nngardenerBagbanyň işi -- baglara seretmek, suwarmak, aklamak we olaryň düýbüni ýumşatmak.A gardener's work is to watch the garden, water it, tidy it, and soften hard ground.Baglary bagbandan gowy bilýäni ýok.No one knows how to garden like a gardener.
bagjykba:gjykntie, strapÇagalar bagynda çagalara köwüşiň bagjygyny daňmagy öwredýärler.In a nursery school they teach children how to tie their shoe laces.
baglamakba:glamakv1to tieÇapyksuwar atyň eýerini berk baglap münýär.Jockeys tie the horse's saddle on tight and then mount.Sürüden gelen sygyrlary gijesine gazyga baglaýarlar.Cows that come in from the herd are tied to a post at night.Balykçylar tutan balygyny tora salyp, ýüp bilen agzyny baglap, suwda saklaýarlar.Fish caught by fishermen are put in a net in the water with the mouth tied up with string.Gyzlar sähra çykyp, owadan güllerden çemen bagladylar.Girls went out into the steppe and tied up bouquets of beautiful flowers.Gözbagçy tomaşaçylaryň gözüni baglap, oýun görkezdi.The hypnotist tied up the spectator's eyes and demonstrated a trick.2to lockSürüjiler maşynyň howpsuzlygy üçin ony baglap goýýarlar.Drivers park and lock the car for safety.Ýygylan bugdaýy ammara bagladylar.They locked the gathered wheat in a barn.Kärhananyň işgärleriniň iş wagty gutarandan soň, garawul gapyny baglaýar.After the workers at the workshop have finished work the night-watchman locks the door.3to shut off, fenceÝollar remont edilende, daş-töweregini baglaýarlar.When they repair the roads they shut them off from outside traffic.Mallar mellege girip ösümligi zaýalamazlygy üçin, mellegiň töweregini baglaýarlar.When domestic animals enter the field they fence the field in to stop them harming the plants.4to linkGoşulmalar sözleri biri-birine baglaýarlar.Affixes link words to each other.9Grammargöz baglamakid.vtto hypnotisebil baglamakph. resolve; to trust inŞu gün altmyş kilo pagta ýygmaga bilimi bagladym.Today I resolved to collect sixty kilos of cotton.ýüregiňi baglamakph. steal your heartTürkmen haly muzeýinde gören halym ýüregimi baglady.The carpet I saw in the Turkmen carpet museum stole my heart.
baglanmakba:glanmakvto be tied
baglanyşdyrmakba:glanyşdyrmakv causto associate, connect
baglanyşykba:glanyşyknconnection, tie, bondGün bilen ýer şarymyzyň magnitizm baglanşygy bar.There is a magnetic bond between the sun and our globe.
baglanyşyklyba:glanyşyklyadjconnected with, bound up with, relating toYlym we tejribe özara baglanyşykly bolmaly.Research and real-life must be related to each other.
baglaşmakba:glaşmakvto make, formşertnama baglaşto make a treaty, form an allianceGurluşyk kärhanasy bilen mekdep, täze gurluşyk şertnamasyny baglaşdylar.The construction firm and the school made a new agreement about the new construction project.
baglaýjyadjconnective, conjunction9Grammargrammar
baglyba:glyadjto be connected with, dependent onMen kömek edip biljek däl, meniň elim bagly.I have my hands tied - I won't be able to do anything to help.Arassa tebigatyň ekologiýasy adamlara bagly.Cleaning up the [planet's] ecology depends on people.Okuwçylaryň gowy bilimi mugallyma bagly.The students' good learning depends on the teacher.Aýlyk hakymyz öndürýän önmeze bagly.Our monthly wage depends on how much we produce.Obanyň saglyk ojagy sebitiň merkezi keselhanasyna bagly.Your village clinic is connected with the region's central hospital.
baglykngardenTamyň yzy owadan baglyk.Behind the home there is a beautiful garden.
bagşynfolk-singer, bardMeniň gyzymyň bagşy bolasy gelýär.My daughter wants to be a folk-singer.Türkmenistanda zehinli bagşylar bar.Turkmenistan has talented folk-singers.4.2.3Music
bagtnhappiness, good fortunebagtly bolmakto be luckyUzak hem bagtly durmuşda ýaşap geçmek uly bagt.It is great fortune to live a long and happy life.Ekzameni ýokary bahalara tabşyrmak uly bagt.It is pure joy if you get a high grade in an exam.