ötmekcfötüşmekv1to crossderýadan ötmekto cross a river2to pass, go byOndan soň bir iki aý ötdi.After that two months passed.3to overtake, to pass4to sting, to smart5to forgive, pardonGünämi öt!I'm sorry!6to be solddünýäden ötmekph. v.vto pass away, die
ötürmekvto pass (through)iňňäniň gözünden sapak ötürmekto thread a needlemaşynlary köprüden ötürmekto take cars across the bridgeHiç kimi bu ýerden ötürme.Don't let anyone pass here.
ötüşmekcfötmekv1to expire, elapsewagt ötüşýärtime is running out2to become neglectedötüşen keselneglected illness
öwmekvto praise, extolBiz ilkinji nobatda hemme zat üçin Hudaýy öwüp, Oňa alkyş aýtmaly.First of all we must praise God and thank to Him for everything.Özüni öweniň tanapy çüýrük.comp.One who praises himself (herself) is a fool.öwüp arşa çykarmakph. v.to praise to highest heaven
öwezncompensation, indemnity; damages; replacement; refund, reimbursementöwezini dolmak (doldurmak)to compensate, make up (for); to replace; to reimburseýiten wagtyň öwezini dolmakto make up for lost timeçykdajylaryň öwezini dolmakto refund expenses
öwlatnholy tribe - a group of small lineages that claim descent from the first four caliphsUmuman öwlatlaryň ỳerleşen öwülỳälerine “Akgorgan” ya-da “Aktorbat” diỳipdirler.In general they apparently called the graveyards situated among the holy tribes 'Akgorgan' or 'Aktorbat'.
öwlüýän1cemetery, graveyard2shrine, a place with special powerspeople visit the grave of a pir in order to obtain bereket3those who are close to God
öwredilmekvto be taught, be trained; to be instigated, be inductedOňa bu işi nähili etmelidigi öwredilipdir.He was trained (in) how to do this work.
öwrenmekv1to learnokamagy öwrenmekto learn to readMen Türkmen dilini öwrenýärin.I'm learning Turkmen.2to research3to get into the habit ofýaman öwrenmekph. v.to get into a bad habitOl sögünmegi ýaman öwrenipdir.He has got into the habit of swearing.Ol ýalan sözläp, pul almaga ýaman öwrendi.He got into the bad habit of getting money by telling lies.
öwrenişmekcföwrenişdirmekv1to get used to, get accustomed toişe öwrenişmekto get used to the workadamlara öwrenişmekto get accustomed to the peopleSen yssa öwrenişdiňmi?Have you got used to the heat?2to get into the habit ofOl ýatmazyndan öň çilim çekmäge öwrenişipdir.He has got into the habit of smoking before going to sleep.Men muňa öwrenişmändirin.I'm not in the habit of doing that.
öwrenişdirmekcföwrenişmekv causto train; to accustom (to), get them used (to)tertip-düzgüne öwrenişdirmekto train somebody to be orderlyir turmaga öwrenişdirmekto get somebody used to getting up early
öwretmekö:wretmekv1to teach, instructhünär öwretmekto teach a trade2to instigate, inciteKim saňa gep öwredýär?Who taught you to speak like that?3to give adviceBu günki serçe düýnki serçe «jik-jik» öwreder.comp.Today's sparrow advises yesterday's sparrow on how to chirp.
öwrülmekv1to turn, change, turn intosaga öwrülmekto turn rightbärik öwrülmekturn towardsaňryk öwrülmekturn awayOl yzyna öwrüldi.He turned back.2to return, come backOl öwrülip geldi.He returned, he came back.3to turn (into)Minutlar sagada öwrüldi.The minutes passed/stretched into hours.Suw buza öwrüldi.The water turned into ice.4to turn overbeýleki tarapyna öwrülmekto turn from one side to the otherdiliň öwrülmezlikcomp.vto be unable to talk about something, to be unable to bring oneself to speak
öwrülişiknrevolution, coup; reformsosial öwrülişikupheavaldöwlet öwrülişigicoup d'étatylymdaky öwrülişikreform(s) in science
öwrümn1turn(ing), bend, curvebirinji öwrümden saga gitgo to the right from the first turningderýanyň öwrümindeat the bend of a riverýoluň öwrümindeat the turning of a road2circleöwrüm etmekto make a circle, move making a circle
öwşünntint, play of colours; shineöwşün atmakto be iridescent; to shine