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bölüşmekbö:lüşmekvto divide (into), shareUly itimiz kiçijek güjüjegimiz bilen bölüşip iýmegi halanok.Our large dog doesn't like sharing his food with the little puppy.Gyzyma kiçilikden gysganç bolman ýakyndar adamlaryň bilen bölüşmegi öwredýärin.From when she was little I've taught my daughter to not be shy but to share with loved ones.
börekndumplings, borekAslynda börek orslaň milli nahary.Borek is a Russian dish, originally.Kädili börek birinji gezek iýip görenimde beýle süýji bolýandyr öýtmändim.When I first tried pumpkin borek I never thought it would be so tasty.A Turkmen pasta dish rather like ravioli (Italian) or pelmini (Russian), boiled rather than steamed.
börükbö:rüknskull cap, borukKöp kişi ýalňyşyp gyzynyň tahýasyna börük diýýärler.A lot of people mistakenly call a girl's skull cap a 'boruk'.Gaýyn atamyň ak goýun toýuna börük sowgat berdim.I gave my father-in-law a skull cap at his 'white sheep' celebration.Embroidered skull-cap worn by men.
böwetn1dam, weirBöwetlenen suw joşup üstünden akyp ugrady.The dammed water bubbled up and flowed over the top.Mellegi suwarar ýaly ýapdan gelýän suwy böwetläp, özümize garşy akdyrdym.I dammed the flow of water from the ditch to irrigate the fields and made it flow away from us.2obstacle, impedimentMeniň öňümde böwet bolma, men barybir giderin.Don't be an obstacle to me, I'm going in any case.Oglum bilen gelnimiň aralarynda böwet bolmaýyn diýip göçürdim.I shifted [my position] so that there would be no barrier between my son and my daughter-in-law.böwet basmakph. v.vto dam, block upböwet bolmakph. prevent (from)Türkmen diliniň ösüşine näme böwet bolýar? What's preventing Turkmen from growing?
böwreknkidneysBöwregim agyryp başlany bäri, men düýe ýüňünden guşak guşanýaryn.Since my kidney started hurting I've been tying a camel-wool belt round my waist.Gysga böwregimi sowukladyp keselhana düşdüm.When my short kidney got cold I ended up in hospital.2.1Body
böwürnside, flank; haunchÇep böwrüm sanjyp oturyp duramda agyrýar.If I sit pressing on my left side when I stand up it hurts.Bir ýerik gaty ylgasam iki böwrümem sanjyp başlaýar.When I run a lot, both my hips start to ache.Täze galdyrylan jaýyň bir böwri çat açypdyr.Part of the newly-built house formed a crack.Atam mydama tamyň düýbüne geçip böwrüni diňledip oturardy.My father would always go to the bottom of the house and squat on his haunches.böwri bükgüldilicomp.worriedböwrüni diňlemekph. squat
bubu:fr. var.mudemthis, itbu adamthis personbu gezekthis timebu ýylthis yearbu gün-ertein the next few daysOny alma, muny al!Don't buy that one, buy this one!mundato this oneMunuň ýaly ýagdaý gündogar halklarynyň edebiýatynda juda seýrek duş gelýär.This kind of situation rarely occurs in the literature of eastern peoples.Muňa seret!Look at this!bu taýdacomp.bu'ta:ýdaadvhere, in this areaÝoluň bu taýynda durmak gadagan.You're not allowed to stand on this side of the road.Bu taýda gyzgyn çäýnegi goýsaň stoluň üsti ýanar.If you put a hot teapot here it will leave a mark on the table.Bu taýda duran güli başga ýere göçürmeli.The flower growing here needs to be moved to a different place.Bu taýda ösüp oturan agajy bir gör nähili owadan.Look at the trees that grow here, how beautiful they are.mundander.pronfrom thismundan beýlekfrom now on, from this point forward
bu ýerdeadvhereBu ýerde ekilen kelem gowy hasyl bermeýär.Cabbages sown here don't grow well.Öň bu ýerde dermanhana ýerleşýärdi.There used to be a pharmacy here.Bu ýerde nämäň gurluşygy gidýär?What is going on here?
bugbu:gnsteam; water vapourGyşda gaty sowuk bolsa agzyňdan bug çykýar.If it's really cold in the winter "steam" [water vapour] comes out of your mouth.Palaw bişensoň buguna goýsaň örän tagamly bolýar.After you've cooked pilaf if you leave it in its steam it will be really tasty.Biz hammamyň bugly jaýyna girdik.We went into the steam room at the bathhouse.
bugarmakbu:garmakvto evaporate, exhale, turn into vapour, vaporiseFizika sapagynda mugallym bugaryş prosesini görkezdi.In the physics lesson our teacher showed us the process of evaporation.
bugdaýnwheatAk bugdaýdan bişirilen tamdyr nana geljek zat ýok.You won't get anything if you bake white wheat.Bugdaý bişende hemmeleri oruma iberýärler.When the wheat is ripe they send everyone out to harvest it.
buhgalterbuh'galternbook-keeper, accountant
buhgalteriýabuhgal'teriýanaccountants department
bukmakvto hide, concealÇagalaň howpsuzlygy üçin derman därileri hökman el ýetmez ýerde bukup goýmaly.To keep children safe it's important to put the medicines in a place where they can't reach them.Gyzymyň doglan gününe öňünden alyp goýan sowgadyny bukup goýdum.I wrapped up my daughter's birthday present I had bought beforehand.Bukup goýlan süýjini tapdym.I found a wrapped sweet.
bukawnmetal jewellery hung across a woman's neck (right under the collar bone)
bukjacfkonwertn1small bag, caseBazarda her-hili düýe ýüňden dokalan bukjalar satylýar.All kinds of bags made of camel wool are sold in the market.Özüme açarlary salyp göterer ýaly bukja tikdim.I sewed a case to carry the keys on me.2envelopePoçtalýon şadyýan habarly bukja getirdi.The postman brought an envelope containing news that made [us] happy.Bir hepde bäri zerur kagyzly bukja garaşýaryn.I've been waiting for the important envelope for a week.3wardrobe of clothesTäze gelniň getiren bukjasyny, hemmeler görüp haýran galdylar.When they saw the wardrobe of the new bride, everyone was surprised.
bukulmakvto hide, conceal oneselfbirinden bukulmakto hide from someone
bukynshelter, cover, dug-outUruşda gelin gyzlar we çagalar bukuda ýatyp halas bolýardylar.In the war girls and children used to hide in a shelter and were saved.buky ýercomp.hide-out, place of concealmentbukuda oturmakph. wait in ambush
bulagaýntrouble-maker, rabble-rouser, rebelKlasymyzdaky bulagaý oglan bilen hiç kim dost bolanok.Nobody will befriend the trouble-maker in our class.
bulam-bujaradj1tangled up, complicatedÝarym ýyldan bäri, bulam-bujar jenaýat işini ahyryn çözüldi.The criminal case that had got tangled up for six months was finally resolved.2in a mess, disordered, in a state of disorder; litteredDüýnki ýelden soň köçäň ugry kagyzdyr ýapraklar bulam-bujar bolup ýatyr.After yesterday's wind, the street was littered with paper and leaves.Ýatyp tursam saçym bulam-bujar bolup zordan daradym.I struggled to comb my hair as it had got tangled while I slept.Bulam-bujar bolup ýatan kagyzlaryň baryny saýhallap stolumyň üstüni tertibe getirdim.I tidied up all the messy papers and brought order to my desk.
bulamaknthick soup made with added flour, pottageEjemiň mäşli we kädili bişirilen bulamagyny uly işdäm bilen iýerdim.I used to eat the thick soup my mother used to make from beans and squash with a great appetite.Ýer bilen gök ýaly tapawutly.It is as different as the earth and the sky.
bulanmakv1to become/grow turbid, dim2to get dirty, make oneself dirty, be in a filthy stateJoramyň häsýeti gowy däl, öz aýdany bolmasa bulanyp ugraýar.My (girl) friend's character isn't good, if you don't tell her she goes around looking dirty.Köp çagalar irden çagalar bagyna bulanyp gidýärler.Many children go to nursery in a filthy state.
bulaşmakv1to be complicated, be confusing2to get involved, interfere, meddle3to get dirty, make oneself dirty, be dirty4to get tangled5to worsen, get worse, go bad; be cloudyGeň göräýmeli jigim daşardan hapa bulaşman gelipdir.You've got to be surprised - my younger sister came in from outside without having got dirty.Gaçyran ýalygym tozana bulaşyp ýatyr.My blanket fell off and is covered in dust.Ýagyş ýagan güni taýyp palçyga bulaşdym.On a rainy day, I slipped and got muddy.Howa maý aýynyň ortalaryna bulaşyp ugrady.The weather was cloudy in mid-May.Säher bilen gün çykyp duran asman öýlänlere bulutlar garalyp howa bulaşyp ugrady.In the early morning sun, the skies darkened and the clouds darkened.Howalar bulaşmaka kartoşkalary ekmeli.Before the weather gets worse [we] need to plant potatoes.Soňky döwür ýaltalygyndan ýaňa işleri bulaşyp ugrady.Lately, things have been going awry because of laziness.Onuň dosty erbet işlere başyny sokup bulaşdy.His/her friend was confused about what was going on.
bulaşdyrmakv caus1to confuse, complicateÝuwup seren eşiklerimiň barsyny şemal bulaşdyrdy.All the clothes I washed were blown away by the wind.Saçagyň üstüne agdarylan çorbaly jam bar zady bulaşdyrdy.A bowl of soup got tipped up on the tablecloth and turned everything into a mess.Jorap örüp oturan ýuwmagymy kiçijek pişigimiz bulaşdyrypdyr.Our little cat messed up my sock wash.2to mix, stir, mess up, wreckHasapçymyz bar hasaplary bulaşdyryp, baş hasapçydan käýinç aldy.Our accountant got all the accounts mixed up and was told off by the head accountant.Kakam meniň bar niýetimi bulaşdyryp, şähere gezelenje alyp gitdi.My father wrecked all my plans and took me into town to hang out.Ýel bar zady bulaşdyrdy.The wind made a big mess of everything.kofäni bulaşdyrstir the coffeepikirini bulaşdyrmakto get mixed up in your thoughtshasaplary bulaşdyrmakto mess up the accounts
bulaşykadj1confused, tangled, muddled up2confusing, obscurebulaşyk pikirlerconfusing thoughts3cloudy, dull