abadanabada:n1adjprosperous, well, wholeBiz abadan durmuşda ýaşaýarys.We live a prosperous life.2nAbadanAbadan gelýärmi?Is Abadan coming?a girl's name
abadançylykabada:nçylykn1prosperityBiziň Prezidentimiz abadançylyk syýasatyny alyp barýar.Our President is pursing a prosperity policy.2improvements, modern amenitiesÝertitremeden soň şäherde abadançylyk işlerini geçirdiler.They carried out improvements after the earthquake in the city.
abadanlaşmakabada:nlaşmakvto improveObalar hem gün-günden abadanlaşýar.Villages also improve day by day.
abadanlaşdyrmakabada:nlaşdyrmakv caus1to improve, make improvements, redo, do something up, remodel2to moderniseÝertitremesinden soňra, şäheri abadanlaşdyrdylar.After the earthquake, they modernised the city.
abadanlykabada:nlykadvprosperity, peace, wholenessTäze ýylda size maşgalaňyzda abadanlyk dileýäris.We wish your family peace in the New year.
abanmaka:banmakv1to bend over, to lean overÜstüme abanyp durma.Don't lean over me.2to overhangÝokarda gaýa bize abanyp dur.Up above there is a cliff overhanging us.3to threatenÝurda işsizlik howpy abanýar.The danger of unemployment threatens the country.
abata:ba:tadj1whole, in one pieceabat maşgalahealthy, whole family (with children, not divorced)2whole, in good condition, in good working orderSen döwük maşyny abat etmeli.You need to repair the broken-down car.Köne, ýöne abat aýakgap.Old shoes, but in working condition.3safe and soundOl derýadan uzakda abat ýerde mekan tutdy.He settled in a safe place away from the river.abat öýsolid house
abatlaýyşnrepairsTäze okuw ýylyna taýýarlanmak üçin mekdeplerde abatlaýyş işlerini geçirýärler.They carry out repairs in schools in order to prepare for the new academic year.
abatlyka:ba:tlykn1safety, lack of damageTupan abatlyk getirmez.A hurricane is bound to cause damage.2wholenessAbatlyk bolsa, rahatlyk bolar.Where everything is in order, there is peace.
abraýa:braýnesteem, respect, honour, prestige, (good) reputationTürkmen atlarynyň dünýäde uly abraýy bar.Turkmen horses are esteemed around the world.abraýa eýe bolmakto be keeper of one's own reputationabraýdan aýyrmakph. v.to disgraceOl ogurlyk edip, tutuş maşgalamyzy abraýdan aýyrdy.By stealing he disgraced our whole family.abraýdan düşmekph. v.1to lose respectAýagyny gyşyk basyp, ters iş edip abraýdan düşdi.He lost respect by doing immoral and perverse things.2to fall from honourOl ýalan gepläp, abraýdan düşdi.He lied and has fallen from his honourable position [in society].abraýyňy dökmekph. v.to lose prestigeAbraýyňy dökmek aňsat, ýöne dikeltmek kyn.To lose prestige is easy, to build it up is difficult.abraýyňy ýitirmekph. v.to lose prestigeOl para-peşgeş alyp, abraýyny ýitirdi.He lost his prestige by taking bribes.
abraýlya:braýlyadj1respected, honoured, prestigious, esteemed2authoritativeAbraýly alymyň sözi ynandyryjy bolýar.An authoritative scientist's words are trustworthy.3high class, formalAbraýly ýerde özüňi edepli alyp barmaly.In high-class places, you have to behave in a cultured fashion.
abzaln1instrument, tool, kitUssahanada köp abzal bolýar.In the repair shop are many tools.2equipment, outfit, riggymnastika abzallarygymnastics equipment
abzallaşdyrmakv causto equip, fit out, kit outedarany täze tehnika bilen abzallaşdyrmakto equip an office with new technology
abzasab'zasnparagraphабзацHer bir täze pikiri abzasdan başlamaly.Every new thought should start a [new] paragraph.
açmakv1to open, inaugurateGapyny aç.Open the door.Sport dürli ýurtlara gapy açýar.Sport opens the door to different countries.2reveal, discoverYlym tebigat syrlaryny açýar.Research reveals the secrets of nature.Galileý ýeriň aýlanmak kanunyny açdy.Galileo discovered laws concerning the earth's rotation.3to open, beginýygnagy açmakto start a meeting4to turn onRadiony açsana, gyzykly gepleşik gidip dur.Please turn on the radio, there is an interesting speech going on.agyz açmakph. v.to break one's fast (during the fast of Ramadan)ara açmakph. v.to dissociate, break off relationsgöwün açmakph. v.to have a good time with one's friendsgürrüň açmakph. v.to begin a conversation, open a conversation
aça:çadjhungryMen irden bäri hiç zat iýmänsoň gaty aç.I am very hungry as I've not eaten anything since this morning.
aç-açanaç-aça:n1adjfrank, candid2advfrankly, candidly, openlyaç-açan iş etmekto do something openlyaç-açan aýtmakto speak frankly
açarn1keygulpuň açarykey that fits the lockDil kalbyň açary.The tongue is the key to the soul.anything used to open something else with2tin-opener, can-opener; bottle-opener, corkscrewsaz açaryclefmusic3passaçar sözipassword
açgöza:çgözadjgreedyMeniň dostum açgöz, garny doýsa-da, gözi doýmaýar.My friend is greedy, his eyes are bigger than his stomach.
açgözlüka:çgözlükngreedinessaçgözlük bilen seretmekto look greedilyAçgözlük gowy gylyk däl.To be greedy does not show good character.
açlyka:çlykn1hungerAçlygymdan ölüp barýaryn!I am dying of hunger!açlyk yglan etmekto go on hunger strike2famineGurakçylykda açlyk döreýär.When there is a drought, it causes famine.
açylmakv1to be openedAýna açylypdyr.It seems that the window has been opened.2to openSergi açylypdyr.The exhibition was opened [though I wasn't there at the time].3to bloomGüller ýazda açylýarlar.Flowers bloom in the spring.4to brighten up, become clearGyşda asman kä açylýar, kä bürelýär.In winter the sky is sometimes clear, sometimes overcast.
açylyşnopeningBu gün Aşgabatda täze muzeýiň açylyşy boldy.Today there was the opening [ceremony] of a new museum in Ashgabat.
açyşndiscovery, findTäze programmany öwrenmeklik meniň durmuşymda açyş boldy.To learn a new [computer] program was a discovery in my life.açyş etmekph. v.to discoverÇarlz Darwin biologiýa ylmynda iňňän möhüm açyş etdi.Charles Darwin made momentous discoveries in biology.