aýňalmakv1to recover, feel welldümewden aýňalmakto recover from a cold2to come to one's sensesHuşuny ýitiren zordan aýňaldy.It is difficult to come to one's senses after losing consciousness.
aýraadjseparately, apartaýlawly düşmekto be separated, fall away from
aýralyknseparation, being apart, parting, leave-takingaýralyk pursadycurrently apartaýralyk habarynews of leaving
aýrannayran - a drink made from soured milk Often yoghurt mixed with salt and water and drunk as a drink with kebabs or whatever. Very popular in Turkey.
aýratynaýraty:nadj1particular, special, unusualaýratyn saýlanmakto stand out2isolated, separateaýratyn otagseparate room, single room3speciallyaýratyn gowy görmekto favourOl ilden aýratynmy?Does she go off on her own (away from people)?
aýratynlykaýraty:nlykn1peculiarity, special featuretürkmen medeniýetiniň aýratynlyklaryTurkmen culture's special features2alone, on one's ownOl aýratynlykda çykyş eder.He is presenting alone.
aýry-aýryadjvarious, differentŞol habara her kim aýry-aýry baha berdi.Everyone thought differently about this news.
aýrylmakv1to be taken away, be separated, be removedMiwesini göterip bilmedik şaha aýrylypdyr.The branch that could not take the weight of the fruit has been removed.2to abandonçagalaryň ýanyndan aýrylmakto abandon children3to emigrateWatandan aýrylmakto emigrate4to be firedMen ol işden aýryldym.I was fired from that job.5to divorceOl ärinden aýryldy.She divorced her husband.6to die, leave behindBiziň garrymyz aýryldy.Our old man is no more.7to lose steadiness, be/get dizzyBaş aýlananam aýryldy.My head is spinning.I feel dizzy.
aýtmakcfaýdylmakv1to tell, speak, say, pronouncesözi harp boýunça aýtmakto spell out a wordhabaryňy aýtmakto tell newserteki aýtmakto tell a storyonuň aýtmagy boýunçaaccording to what s/he said2singaýdym aýtmakto sing a song
aýypnshame, infamy, disgraceaýyp sözshaming wordIşsiz oturmak aýyp.It's shameful to sit without work.Garyplyk aýyp däl.Being poor is not a shameful thing.aýyby ýokcomp.it doesn't matter; blamelessaýybyňy yaşyrmakph. v.to hide one's shame, cover up one's mistakes, pretend it's not your fault
aýyplamakvto accuse, blame, set the blame (on)Ony para alandygy üçin aýypladylar.He is disgraced because he took a bribe.