Browse Turkmen – English Dictionary



düşmek1vto have a bath, bathehammama düşmekto enter a bathhouseduşa düşmekto have a showerÇagalar howuzda suwa düşýärler.Children swim in the pool.
düşbicfdüşgüradjquick-witted, sharp, bright, shrewd, cleverdüşbi çagabright childdüşbi bolmakto be quick-witted
düşemekv1to spread, lay out, pavedüşek düşemekto make the bedTäze jaýa täze düşek düşediler.The new house was spread with new rugs.Ýatmak üçin düşegimi düşedim.I prepared my mat for sleep.Jaýyň diwaryny gyrmak üçin ilki pola gazet düşedik.We covered the floor with newspapers before scraping the walls of the room.2to layparket düşemekto lay parquet flooringUssalar otaga parket düşediler.The craftsmen laid parquet flooring in the room.
düşekn1mattress, sleeping matdiwanyň üstüne ýazylan düşeka mattress spread out on a sofa beddüşek salmakto make a 'bed'düşek ýygnamakto take up a mattressIrden turup ýatan düşekleriňi ýygnamaly.When you get up in the morning you have to gather up the mattresses.Düşek üstüne geçiň!Come and sit on the mattress!Durmuşa çykýan gyza ejesi ýorgan, düşek we ýassyk berýär.The mother gives mattresses and pillows to her married daughter.Täze otaga düşek düşäp, täze tuty asdym.I put new mattresses and curtains in the new room.2covering, coating
düşekçensmall mattressýüpek düşekçesilk mattress
düşelmekv1to be spread, be covered, be pavedgyzyl haly düşelen içerihome with a red carpet Remont edilen otaga entek düşek düşelmändir.The renovated room still has no carpet.Myhmanlara ýatmak üçin düşek düşeldi.The bedding was laid for the guests.Içeriň köne düşekleri aýrylyp täze düşek düşelipdir.Old rugs at home have been replaced with new ones.2to be laiddaş düşelen ýolgravelled roadObanyň ýollaryna asfalt düşelipdir.Village roads were laid with gravel.Ýollara asfalt düşelip, ýol abatlaýyş işleri geçirildi.Repairs were completed when the roads were surfaced with asphalt.Ýollara daş düşelmese ýüzi zaýalanypdyr.As the surface is damaged roads need to be laid with gravel.
düşelgen1camp, halt, stopping place, stopovermeýdan düşelgesifield campMeýdan düşelgämizde bar goşlarymyzy goýup töweregimiz bilen tanyşdyk.We set up our field camp, put down our equipment and reconnoitred our surroundings.Brigada düşelgede aşpez bilen kömekçisi nahar bişirmek üçin galdylar.The cook and his helper stayed in the camp to cook.2slope, descentdagyň düşelgesimountainsideDagyň düşelgesi kert eňňit bolup inýärdi.The descent of the mountain was a steep slope.3(bus) stopDüşelgede adam bolman awtobus durman geçip gitdi.There weren't any people at the bus stop, so the bus went past.Men indiki düşelgede düşüp galaryn.I will get off at the next stop.
düşewüntnincome, profit, gain, return, benefitdüşewünt düşürmekto profit (by, from)her aýdaky düşewüntthe monthly return Täze başlan işiň düşewünt bersin.May your new job be a success.
düşewüntliadjprofitable, paying, lucrative, remunerativedüşewüntli iş/kärprofitable affair/businessdüşewüntli orunprofitable place
düşgürcfdüşbi1adjquick-witted, bright, sharpAt örän düşgür jandar.The horse is very intelligent.dile düşgürbright, sharp2pliant, pliable
düşlemekvto stop, halt, campKerwen uzyn gün ýöräp, agşamara düşledi.The camel train travelled all day and stopped in the evening.
düşnükliadjobvious, clear, understandable, evident, intelligible, comprehensibledüşnükli zatnaturallydüşnükli geplemekto speak clearly Depderiňdäki hatyňy düşnükli hem arassa ýaz.Write your letter clearly and accurately in your notebook.Tema düşnükli bolar ýaly mugallym köp mysal getirdi.The teacher used many examples so that the topic would be clear.Terbiýäniň wajyplygy öz-özünden düşnükli.The importance of training is self evident.
düşnüksizadjobscure, unfathomable, not understandable, not understood, incomprehensibleDüşnüksiz haty okaňda, nirede haýsy harp durandygy belli däl.When you read an incomprehensible letter, you don't know where to start.Seniň edýän gürrüňleriň düşnüksiz, many ýok.You are talking gobbledygook.
düşüm2ncaseýeňiş düşümaccusative case9Grammargrammar
düşüm1nsuit, suitability
düşünmekcfdüşmek2vto understand, comprehend, grasp, knowDaşary ýurtlarda ýaşap görmeseň däplerine düşünmek kyn.It is difficult to comprehend the traditions of foreign countries if you do not live there.Sen meniň sözlerime nädogry düşünme.Do not misunderstand what I am saying.
düşündirmekv causto explain, illustrateokuwçylara sapagy düşündirmekto explain a lesson to the pupils Okuwçylar kada-kanuny bozmaz ýaly gowy düşündirmeli.It must be made clear to the pupils that they should not break the rules.Men öz ýagdaýymy size düşündiresim gelýär.I would like to explain my condition to you.Çagalara oýunyň manysyny düşündirip, oýun oýnamaga başladyk.Having explained how to play the game to the children, we started playing.
düşündiriş1nexplanation, accountdüşündiriş bermekto explainDüşündiriş hatymda işe näme sebäp bilen gijä galanlygymy ýazdym.I explained the reason for my tardiness in my explanatory note.Sözüň düşündirişi sözlükden tapyp bolýar.The meaning of the word can be found in dictionary.2adjexplanatorydüşündiriş hatyexplanatory note
düşünjen1idea, notion, concept, opinion, thought (intellectual)tebigat bilimi barada düşünje almakTo gain understanding of nature. Edýän işiň hakda düşünjäň bolmasa işiň harap bolar.If you don't have a notion of what you are doing, all your efforts will be in vain.Çylşyrymly düşünjeden bir many alyp bolmaýar. It is difficult to make sense of a complex concept.Her çagaň öz düşünjesi bar.Each child has its own ideas.Ol uniwersitetde okanynda giň düşünje toplapdyr.He learnt a lot during his studies at university.Giň düşünjeli adamdan beren soragyňa jogap alyp bolýar.One can get an answer to any question from a person with a broad outlook.2outlook, idea, beliefbaşga düşünjedifferent outlookDurmuş düşünjäňi kesgitleýär.Life shapes your outlook.Durmuş düşünjäňi kesgitleýär.Life defines your way of thinking.3consciousnesssyýasy düşünjepolitical consciousnessbaşga düşünjedifferent understanding
düşünjeliadjexperienced, learnedgiň düşünjeli adambroad-minded persondar düşünjeli adamnarrow-minded person
düşürmekv1dismount, descend, drop, put down, take down, drop offTaksi meni öýüň gabadynda düşürdi.The taxi dropped me off near my house.gabadyna düşürmekdrop off near/at/oppositeAgaja münen oglumy aşak düşürdim.I took down my son from the tree.Sürüji düşelgede soňky ýolagçyny düşürdi.The driver dropped off the last passenger at the camp.Gyzgynyňy düşürmek üçin parasetamol ýa-da asperin içmeli.To bring one's temperature down you need to take Paracetamol or Aspirin.2to unload, discharge, get offýük düşürmekto unloadTraktoryň teležkasyndan gawun-garpyz düşürdik.We unloaded melons and water-melons from the tractor's trailer.3go into, enter into, be part ofsurata düşürmekto be part of a photo shoot, have one's photo takenŞu günki söwdamyň düşewündi gowy bolup jaýyna düşürdim.Today’s sale was v.ele düşmekdüşmek2eleliňden düşü lose sight ofçagany eliňden düşürmekto lose sight of a childto briefly stop caring for a childEnem agtyklaryna elinden düşürmän seredýär.My grandmother looks after the her grandchildren without losing sight of them.
düwmekv1to knot, tie up (the ends of), pack up, bind upýüpüň ujuny düwmekto knot the end of rope Monjuk düzmek üçin ilki ýüplügiň ujuny düwmeli.To sew on a button you must first make a knot in the end of the thread.Toý däbinde gelin oglanyň guşagynda düwlen düwünleri çöşlemeli.According to wedding tradition the bride must untie the knot of the groom's rope belt.2to squeeze, close3to produceGawun-garpyzlar düwüpdir.Melons and water-melons started forming.Miweli agaç gülläninden soň derrew düwüp başlaýar.Fruit trees begin to produce after blossoming.
düwmen1bell, cymbal, sleigh belldüwme dakynmakto wear bellsMen owlajygyma düwme dakdym.I hung a small bell on my kid [i.e. young goat].2button, beadKöýnegimiň bäş düwmesiniň birisi gopupdyr.One of the five buttons on my shirt has been torn off.3bubble, dropÝaz ýagyş düwmeleri ýüzüme damýardy.Drops of spring rain dripped onto my face.Maralyň gözünden düwme-düwme ýaş döküldi.Many tears have fallen from the eyes of Maral.4key, buttonŞu wagt ulanylýan klawiatura 1994-nji ýylda işlenip düzülip, ol 104-105 düwmeden ybaratdyr.Keyboards designed in 1994 consisting of 104-105 keys are still in use today.
düwnükncancer of the gulletmedical