dernsweatdere batmakto break out in a sweat, perspireder dökmekto work hardgara dere batmakto break out in a sweat
derbi-dagynderbi-da:gynadvdefeatderbi-dagyn etmekto break up, rout, defeatOlar duşmany derbi-dagyn etdiler.They routed the enemy.
derenvalley, canyon, wadiPerhaps without water flowing at the bottom, except during sudden rainfall.
dereginepostinstead of, in exchange for, in order tobaşganyň deregine işlemekto work instead of another personÝiten kitabyň deregine iki kitap bermeli.two books should be given in exchange for the one that was lost.
derejecfkategoriýanänäderejen1level, degree, standardOnuň aýdýan sözleri bilim derejesini görkezýär.His vocabulary indicates his level of education.Meniň gyzgynym 39 derejä ýetdi.My temperature reached 39 degrees.2rank, position, post, level, measureOl öz derejesini bilýän adam.S/he is a person who knows their place.Biziň gatnaşygymyz ýokary derejede.Our attendance is at a high level.3degreeakademik derejesiacademic degreealymlyk derejesiscience degree 4voiceişlik derejeleria verb's voicesypatlaryň deňeşdirme derejesithe voice of adjectives of comparison9Grammargrammar
derek3nnewsGeçen uruşda ýiten agamdan hiç derek ýok.There is no news from my older brother who was lost in the last war.derek tapmakto search outderegi dargamakto be destroyed at the root
derek11postinstead of, in place ofOňa derek muny alaý.Take that one instead (of this one).Biz teatra Jerene derek Maraly äkitmegi ýüregimize düwdük.We decided to take Maral instead of Jeren to the theatre.2nusefulness, use, function
dereksizadj1worthless2senseless, without (good) reason
derin1skin, hideIr säherdäki şöhle adam derisine peýdaly.The morning sunlight is beneficial for man’s skin.deri keselleriskin diseasederisine saman dykmakthe hide was stuffed with strawDiýenimi etmeseň deriňe saman dykaryn.If you do not listen to me I will stuff your hide with straw.2.1Body2leathergymmat sütükli deriexpensive leather
derlemekvto sweat, perspireMen çaý içip derledim.I was perspiring whilst drinking tea.Aýnanyň ýüzi derläpdir.Ayna’s face was damp with perspiration.
dermanderma:nn1medicine, drug; tonic, comfortderman içmekto take one's medicinederman bermekto give/administer medicinedag howasy jana dermanmountain weather is a tonic for the soulSeniň her sözüň maňa derman.Your every word is a comfort to me.2fertiliserderman tabletkasycomp.cftabletkanpills, tablets (medicine)
dermanhanaderma:nha:nanchemists, pharmacy, drug store
dermanlykderma:nlykadj1medicinaldermanlyk otlarmedicinal herbs2trifling, small (amount)
derňemekv1to inspect, check, examine, investigatebölümiň işini derňemekto investigate the work of departmentişi derňemekto investigate the case2to parse, analysesözlemi derňemekto analyse the sentence9Grammargrammar
derňewn1inquiry, investigation Onuň işi derňewde.His work is under investigation.derňew geçirmekto conduct an investigationBu edarada derňew geçirildi.An investigation was conducted in this office.2assessment, check, inspection, examination, check-up, verification3parsing, analysis, researchgrammatik derňew geçirmekto parse something grammaticallyylmy derňewscientific researchderňew guramalaryresearch organisationgrammatik derňew geçirmekto analyse grammatically
derňewçininspector, investigatorOl maliýe meselesinden derňewçi bolup işleýär.He works as a financial investigator.prokuroryň derňewçisicounsel for the prosecution
derrewadvquickly, in no time at all, immediately, at once, right now
ders3nmanure, dungekinlere ders bermekto fertilise
ders1nsubject (for study etc.), lesson, topicderslerine gowy ýetişýän okuwçypupil who studies well in his subjects
dertn1disease, pain, illness, ailmentDert ýamany – garrylyk.The worst illness is old age.prov2grief, difficulty, bitterness, emotional sufferingBu iş maňa dert boldy.This work caused me a lot of grief.Meniň derdim başymdan agdyk.I am already overloaded.derdini paýlaşmakto share his grief derdi özüne ýetikhis work is difficult for him
dertdeşadj1having the same illness2sympathetic, sharing each other's worries and concerns