Browse Turkmen – English Dictionary



däneçilikngrain cultivation, cereal cultivationdäneçilik hojalygyarable farming, cereal production
däpn1custom, tradition, usage, habitÝaşulyny hormatlamak däp bolupdyr.It was the custom to respect the elder.däp etmekto get accustomed/used (to), get into the habit ofdäp bolmakto become accustomed to, get used to2rite, ceremony, ritualtoý däbiwedding ceremony
däp-dessurdäp-dessu:rntradition, custom
därin1powder, gunpowdertüsseli därismoking gunpowderdäri ammarygunpowder store2medicineMen däri içdim.I had medicine.dial
didardi:da:rn1faceMen seniň didaryňy görsem. I would like to see your facefig2image, aspect, look
dikmekv1stick in, drive in, sink ingazyk dikmekto stick in a tent peg
2to plant (a tree)göz dikmekto fix/plant eyes on someone, or to envy3erect (a tent), put up, build, to stand (something) up straight çadyr dikmekto erect a tent
dik1adjsheer, vertical, steepdik çyzykvertical linedik durmakto stand upright2adjdirectly, straight3plumb, straight
dikelmek1vraise, rise up, to be put in an upright position, prop oneself up (on one's elbow)2vto rise, stand upýeriňden dikelmekto stand up3restore, resurrect, recover, resumeHowa maýlaly bäri bugdaý gün-günden dikelýär.Since the warm weather returned the grain has grown day by day.
dikeldilmekvto be restored, to be rebuilt, be resurrected
dikeldişnrestoration, reconstructiondikeldiş işlerirestoration workdikeldiş döwriperiod of reconstruction
dikeltmekv caus1to stand something up, straighten something, make erectýykylan üzümleri dikeltmekto stand up fallen vines2to restore, rehabilitate, reconstruct, rebuild, resume, renovate, revivesenagaty dikeltmekto revive industrysaglygyňy dikeltmekto recover one's health, get better3restore, re-establish, resumediplomatik gatnaşyklary dikeltmekto resume/re-establish diplomatic relations
dikuçarnhelicopterPrezidentiň Daşoguzda dikuçar ulanmagyna garaşylmaýar.The president is not expecting to use a helicopter in Dashoguz.
dil2n1the tongueJigim maňa dilini çykaryp gaharymy getirýär.My little brother makes me angry by sticking out his tongue.sygryň dilinden taýýarlanan nahara dish prepared from cow's tongueGyzgyn çaýy owurtlap dilimi bişirdim.I scalded my tongue by sipping hot tea.Meniň dilime kiçijik ýara çykdy.A small sore has appeared on my tongue.Başa bela iki barmak dilden geler.The tongue is as small as two fingers but it can cause a calamity.2language, tonguetürkmen dilithe Turkmen languageTerjimeçi bolup işlemek üçin dil bilmeli.To work as an interpreter you must know a language.Joram ene dilinden başka bäş sany daşary ýurt dillerini bilýär.My friend knows five languages beside her mother tongue.ene dilimother tonguedil möhüm aragatnaşyk serişdesilanguage is a vital medium for communicationTürkmen diliTurkmen languageçet ýurt dilleriforeign languagesdil bilimilanguage educationedebi dilliterary languageylmy dilscientific language gazet dilinewspaper languageJurnalistikada okaýan talyplara metbugat dilini öwredýärler.Students of journalism are taught newspaper language/style.3hand (of a clock), pointer, needlesagadyň dilithe hand of a clockSagadyň kiçi dili sagady, uly dili hem munudy görkezýär.The little hand of the clock points to the hour, the big hand points to the minute.sagadyň dilithe hands of a clockölçeýji gurallaryň dilithe needle of measuring instruments Kremiliň uly jaňlaryň dillerine ýüp daňyp, jaň kakýarlar.The huge Kremlin clock hands and chimes are driven by ropes.dil aýratynlyklarycomp.the peculiarities of a languageDil öwrenmek üçin dil aýratynlyklaryny bilmeli.To learn a language one needs to know the peculiarities of that language.dil hatycomp.1a letter requesting somethingJogap almak üçin mekdep direktoryna dil hatyny ýazdym.In order to get an answer I wrote a letter imploring the school principal to reply.2ncertificate3shop receipt, written receiptdil öwrülmezlikcomp.nindescribable, inexpressible, words cannot expressBu zatlary saňa aýtmak, meniň dilim öwrülmez.Words cannot express what I want to say to you.dil speak casually, to speak tongue-in-cheek, to speak carelessly, speak without thought, speak insincerelyToý çakylygyny dil ujundan aýtdy.His wedding invitation to him was said word of mouthToý çakylygy dilden-dile ýaýradyThe wedding party invitation circulated by word of mouth.dile baýcomp.good at languagesEne dil mugallymymyz dile hem çeper, hem baý.Our Turkmen language teacher is an eloquent orator.
dile düşgürcomp.adjcompetentDile düşgür adama bir ümläniňde düşünýär.A competent man understands what you are saying from the first word.dile garypcomp.adjineloquentKitaby köp okap özüňi türgenlemeseň diliň garyp bolýar.If you do not read many books your vocabulary will be limited.dili agyrcomp.adjspeech impedimentHassanyň nerw keselinden soň dili agyr.The patient has a speech impediment as the result a nervous breakdown.dili barmazlykcomp.adjcannot say, cannot addŞu meseläni täzeden gozgamaga indi dilimem baranok.At this moment I can not say anything new that touches on this problem.dili gysgalykcomp.withdrawn, shy, introverted, quietSerdaryň kakasy arakhordygy sebäpli klasdaşlarynyň ýanynda dili gysgady.Serdar was withdrawn in the presence of his classmates because his father was a drunk.dili süýjicomp.adjsweet tonguedDili süýji adamyň sözlerem mylaýym, maslahatlary hem peýdaly bolýar.A sweet tongued person's words are kind and his advice is useful.dilim aýlananokcomp.I cannot say, I am not able to utterErbet zatlary aýtmaga meniň dilim aýlananok.I cannot say bad things.diliňe çolamakid.vto say something that ought not to be saiddil açmakph. v.vto begin to speak, learn to speakMen entek bu mesele barada dil açamok.I have not said anything about this issue yet.dil birikdirmekph. v.v causto agree onBir işi bitirmek üçin dil birikdirip, maslahatlaşyp etseň işiň biter.You can complete your work if you discuss it and come to an agreement.dil bitmekph. start talking, begin to speakGyzyma bir ýaşda dil bitip, gürläp başlady.My daughter started talking when she was one year old.dil çolaşmakph. speak unclearlySerhoşyň dili çolaşyp, gürrüňini düşündirip bilmedi.The drunk could not speak clearly, so he could not be understood.dil öwrenmekph. v.vto learn/study a language, acquire a languageDil öwrenmek üçin bar ünsiňi bermeli.You should pay full attention when learning a language.dil tutulmakph. v.vto keep silent, to hintGorkudan ýaňa dili tutulup, esli wagtlap gürläp bilmedi.Because of fear he could not speak for a long time.dil ýarmakph. v.vto utter a word, to speak up, enter the conversationBiziň syrymyz barada hiç kimiň ýanynda entek dil ýarmagyn.Do not utter a word to anyone about our secret.dil ýetirmekph. insult, hurt, wound, offendResul öz klasdaşyna göwnine degip dil ýetirdi.Resul offended and insulted his classmate.Mainly used when God is insulted, or blasphemed.dil ýygnamakph. v. to keep one's mouth shut
Bolgusyz zatlary gürlemede, diliňi ýygna.Do not talk rubbish, keep your mouth shut.
dilden-agyzdan galph. v.vlapse into silence before deathSyrkawyň ýagdaýy peselip dilden-agyzdan galdy.The condition of the sick person deteriorated and he lapsed into silence.dile-agza düşmekph. v.vfor gossiping to occurDürtüp görkezmeseň, anyk düşündirmeseň dile-agza düşmez.If he did not do evil things, how could there be gossip?dili ýuwutmakph. v.vto swallow your tongue, keep silent Näme geplemän dursuň diliňi ýuwutdyňmy?Why do you keep silent, did you swallow your tongue? diliňden sypdyrmakph. v.v causlet slip, talk indiscreetly, talk carelesslyAýdylan syrlary diliňe berk bolup, diliňden sypdyrma.Don't be indiscreet - keep secrets to yourself.
dil1nheart, soul
dilçinlinguist, philologistFilologiýa fakultetini gutarýanlar soň dilçi bolup işleýärler.After graduating from the faculty of linguistics he worked as a linguist.Dilçi bolup işleýänler her diliň usulyny, grammatik düzgünlerini öwrenýärler.Linguists learn the systems and grammatical rules of every language.
dildenadjoral, verbal, by word of mouthdilden aýtmakto tell, say, speakHat ýazman habarymy dilden aýtdym.I delivered my message orally without writing.Toý çakylygyny dilden aýtdyk.We issued a verbal wedding party invitation.Bu habar çap edilmän dilden dile geçdi.This message spread by word of mouth without publication.
dildüwşüknplot, conspiracydildüwşük guramakto hatch a plot, plot, conspireWezirler patyşany öldürmek barada dildüwşük guradylar.The viziers hatched a plot to assassinate the king.Organ işgärleri prezidente garşy taýarlanylan dildüwüşigiň üstini açdy.The police uncovered a conspiracy against the president.Dildüwüşik geçirmek üçin meýilnama düzdüler.They have hatched a plan for the conspiracy.
dilemekv1to beg, ask, pray for, requestpul dilemekto ask for money Jaý almak üçin karz pul diledim.I asked for a loan to buy a house.Ýetim çagajyk ýoldan geçip barýanlardan pul diläp dur.An orphan is begging money from passengers.Kitaby okamak üçin diläp aldym.I asked for a book to read.Duşmana ölüm diländen, özüňe ömür dile.Beg for your life rather than asking for the death of your enemy.Hudaýdan uzak ömür dilemek.Ask God for a long life.Baýlyk dilenme-de, saglyk dile.Don't pray for riches, pray for health.Her gije Hudaýdan dilegler diläp, gowy umytlar edip ýatýaryn.Every night I pray to God in good faith, then go to sleep.2to express a desire/wish3to argue, try to buy forBazarda bir toklyny bäş ýüz müň manada diledim, ýöne ylalaşmadyk.In the market I tried to buy a yearling for five thousand Manat, but we could not agree a price.Sygry iki milliona diledim, dilän bahamda aldym.I argued that the cow was worth two million [Manat], and got it for that price.
dilegn1request, entreaty, plea, prayerdileg etmekto ask (for)Meniň dilegimi kanagatlandyrmagyňyzy sizden soraýaryn.I ask that you respond to my requests.2wish, desiregökdäki dilegiň ýerde gowuşmakyour wishes become a reality
dilewardilewa:rneloquent, wittyOrator adamlar dilewar bolýarlar.Orators tend to be eloquent.Dilewar bolmak üçin gepe çeper hem ýiti zehinli bolmaly.In order to be an orator a person should be eloquent and [verbally] very gifted.
dilimnslice, strip, piecebir dilim gawuna slice of melonUly gawundan bir dilim kesip aldym.I cut a slice of melon.Saýlamak üçin her matadan bir dilim gyrkyp aldym.I cut a piece of cloth for a sample.Pyrtykalyň dilimini tortyň üstüne goýdum.I put a slice of orange on the cake.
dillenmekvstart speaking, speak upOl birden dillendi.He spoke suddenly.Maňa kömek gerekdigine dillendim.I said I needed help. Men utanyp hiç dillenip bilmedim.I was shy and could not start speaking.Hemmeler bir bada dillendi.Everybody spoke at once.
dilleşmekvto agree, reach an agreement, arrangeOlar duşuşyk wagtyny dilleşdiler.They agreed the time of the meeting. Oglanlar dilleşip gyzlaryň baýramçylyklaryny gutlap, sowgat berdiler.The boys agreed to congratulate the girls about their holiday and gave them a present.Joram bilen dilleşip bileje teatra sahna görmäge gitdik.I arranged with my friend and went to the theatre to watch the performance.Gizlin dilleşip näme iş etjek bolýaňyz?What are you trying to achieve by making arrangements in secret?
dilmaçdilma:çninterpreter, translator
din2nthread, string