ekzamennexamэкзаменekzamen kabul etmekph. v.to give an exam
elcfegrinhand; armel goşlaryhand luggageUçara el goşlarymy ýanyma alyp mündüm.I got on the plane with my hand luggage.el çarpmakto applaud, clapOnuň elinde kitap bar.He has a book in his hand.Oglumyň elinden tutup seýil baga gitdik.I took my son's hand and we went to the park.Ýeňijini el çarpyp goldadyk.We supported the winner by applauding.Gyzym sag elinde däl-de çep elinde hat ýazýar.My daughter writes left-handed, not right.el çekmekto back away, withdrawGyzym kagyzyň ýüzüne elini goýup el çekdi.My daughter put her hand onto the paper then withdrew it.Eliňi çek!Hands off!Erbet niýetiňden sen el çek.Hold back your bad intention.Meniň çep elim agyrýar.My left arm aches.Joram öz el sagadyny ýitirdi.My friend lost her watch.Doganym öýde el degirmeni oňardy.My brother fixed the mill at home.Men saňa kömek edesim gelýär, ýöne bu meniň elimde däl.I want to help you, but it is out of my handsel barmazlykcomp.not to have time to do somethingHojalygyň işinden ýaňa tikin işe elim baranok.because of household's work I do not have time for sewing.el boşlugycomp.to be free, not be busyElimiň boş wagty kitap okaýaryn.When I am free I [often] read a book.el işlericomp.handiwork, things made by handEl işini men ejemden öwrendim.I learnt how to do handiwork from my mother.el ýalycomp.by handEl ýaly kagyzyň ýüzünde bir salgy bilen telefon nomer bar.On the piece of paper, written by hand, were an address and telephone number.elden-elecomp.advby hand (and into someone's hands)Elden-ele ber diýen hatyňy eline gowşurdym.I passed on your letter which you asked me to deliver by hand.eli açykcomp.generousAtamyň eli açyk, kim näme sorasa berýär.My grandfather is generous, he gives everything.eli agyrcomp.to have a strong right armBatyr pälwanyň eli agyr, garşydaşyny bir uranda ýatyrýar.The right arm of the boxer Batyr is strong - he floored his opponent with one blow.eli arassacomp.honestNurmyrat ogurlyk edendir öýdämok, onuň eli arassa.I do not think Nurmyrat robbed anyone, he is an honest man.eli galmazlykcomp.to beat, strikeMeniň elim zenan maşgala galmaz.I am not able to beat a woman.eli gysgalykcomp.to be short in financial termsDaýyň eli şu wagt gysgalyk edýär, ýogsa ýegenine gowy sowgat ederdi.Your uncle is on a low income, otherwise he would give a good present to his cousin.eli süýjülikcomp.a good cookBiziň mekdep aşpezimiziň eli süýji tagamly naharlary bişirýär.Our school cook prepares delicious meals.eli ýukalykcomp.low incomeMamamyň eli ýukalyk edýär sebäbi pensiýasy az.My grandmother is on low income, because she gets a small pension.eliň aýasycomp.palm (of hand)Meni ýoldaşym eliniň aýasynda saklaýar.My husband holds me in the palm of his hand.Magtymguly Pyragynyň el ýazmalary Saparmyrat Türkmenbaşy ad.kitaphanada bar.The manuscripts of St. Magtymguly are kept in the library named after Saparmyrat Turkmenbashy.Eliň aýasy gijese, rysgalyň göteriljekdir.If your palm itches you will get money.eliňi sowuk suwa urmazlykcomp.not to do anything (literally: do not touch the cold water)Uzak gün ýatyp, eliňi sowuk suwa urmansyň.By sleeping the whole day you did not do anything.sag elcomp.right handOl meniň sag elim.S/he is my right hand person.Men şu wagt başlygyň sag el wezipesini ýetirýärin.I'm currently working as the boss' right-hand man.el bermezlikid.to back away, withdrawÖz diýenimden men indi el bermezligi islämok.I do not want to back away from what I decided.eli ýukaid.poorly paidajala el bulamakph. v.to dice with deathMergen howply işe baş goşup ajalyna el bulaýar.When Mergen started doing something dangerous she was dicing with death.bir elde bolmakph. v.be in one person's handsZadyň elden ele geçmän bir elde dursa uzak ulanarsyň.If something doesn't pass from hand to hand but is in one person's hands you will use it for a long time.el barmakph. v.to be able to do (used in a negative sense)Serdaryň ýüregi ýuka, towuk soýmaga eli baranok.Serdar is very soft/merciful, he can not kill a hen.el bulamakph. v.to wave one's armsDaşyrakda oýnap ýören çagalara elimi bulap çagyrdym.I waved my arms and called children who were playing far away.Öz işiň bilen bol, iliň işine el bulama.Do not interfere in some else's work, but do your own.el çekmekph. v.1to back away from2to neglect, withdraw fromLeýliden sen el çekmegin, ol gowy maşgalaň gyzy.Do not neglect Leyli; she is a girl from a good family.el degirmekph. v.to touch, sleep withKuwwat toýdan öň Jerene el degiripdir.Kuwwat slept with Jeren before the wedding.el degmekph. v.to have time to do somethingŞu nahara el degmedi, yzyna guýaý.This meal was not touched, put it back.Eliň degse, bize oturmaga bar.If you have time, come to us for a visit.el galdyrmakph. v.v caus1to raise one's hand, voteSaýlaw geçirmek üçin el galdyralyň.In order to have elections we need to vote.2to hit, strikeTertipli bol, kişä el galdyrmak utanç bolar.Be disciplined! It is shameful to raise one's hand against someone else.el gatmakph. v.to get involvedKişiň zadyna el gatma.Do not get involved in someone else's affairs.Ogurlyga sen el gatmadyk bolsaň, seniň adyňy tutan bolmaz.If you have not been involved in the theft, your name would not have been on record.el gaýtarmakph. v.to get one's own back, take revengePälwan öz bäsdeşine el gaýtardy.The wrestler got his own back on his opponent.el gelmekph. v. to be successfulŞu gün elim geldi, söwdam artygy bilen boldy.Today it was successful, my business was excellent.el götermekph. v.to renounce, take backŞu käriňden el götermeseň, bir belaň üstünden bararsyň.if you do not renounce this action you undertook, you will be heading for disaster.el sermekph. v.to beg, solicitŞu ýaşyňda el sermede özüň işle.Do not beg at this age, earn your own money.el urmakph. v.to do bad things, stealÝaman işlere el ursaň ýüzüňe gara geler.If you do bad things, you will be shamed.el uzatmakph. v.to help, supportMeniň kyn günümde meniň dostum el uzatdy.My friend helped me on my day of need.el üzmekph. v.1to give something a break, stop doing something, give upTikinçilikden başga işe geçenimden soň elimi tikinden üzdüm.I stopped sewing after I got another job.Biz ol işden el üzdük.We gave up on that.2to break offel çarpmakto clapBegliň edýäny ters iş bolsa biz ondan el üzmeli bolarys.If Begli does something wrong, we will have to break off relations with him.el ýuwmakph. v.to make a clean breakŞatlyk bagşy bar haram gazananyndan el ýuwmaly boldy.Shatlyk the singer had to make a clean break of earning money illegally.el ýüzünde goýmakph. v.to keep close byGyş eginbaşlarymy ýygnamok entek el ýüzde goýdym.I did not collect my winter clothes, I still keep them close by.el tutuşmakholding handsJoralarym bilen el tutuşyp mekdebe gitdik.We went to school holding hands.el-ele bermekph. v.side-by-sideEl-ele berip joramyza agyr gününde kömek etdik.We stood side-by-side with our friend and helped her in her day of need.elde jan bermekph. v.to die in one's armsÝaralanan dostum elimde jan berdi.My wounded friend died in my arms.elden bermekph. v.to lose, fail to winÝaryşda utulyp baýragy elden berdik.We failed in the competition and lost the prize.elden geçirmekph. v.to check Okuwçylaryň depderlerindäki öý işlerini elden geçirdim.I checked the homework in the pupils' notebooks.elden gidirmekph. v.v causto lose hold ofMen öz bagtymy elden gidirdim.I lost hold of my happiness.elden sypdyrmakph. v.v causto loose the chanceŞol wakany elin elden sypdyrdym.I lost that chance.elden-ele geçmekph. v.from hand to handTäze kitaby klasymyzda eden-ele geçirip hemmeler okady.Everybody in our class passed the new book from hand to hand and read it.ele almakph. v.1to get hold of, get a handle onTerorçy uçary eline aldy.The terrorist got hold of a plane.Ýazan hatymy eliňe alaňsoň şol gün jogabyny ýaz.After you receive my letter reply to me that day.Mähri indi bilimleri eline aldy.Mahri got a handle on her studies.2to take control ofÝaramaz ýagdaýy ele aldyk we indi biz bar zada kontrollyk edýäris.We got control of the bad situation and now we're in control of it.ele bakmakph. v.to expect help from somebody without working, expect free helpÖzüň gazanç ediberseň kişiň eline bakmarsyň.If you earn yourself you will not look for another's help.ele geçirmekto seize, take holdele düşmekph. v.to fall into the hands ofKakamyň gazaba münen wagtynda eline düşdüm.I fell into the hands of my father just as he was getting angry.Urşuň birinji gijesinde Brest şäheri duşmanlaň eline düşdi.Brest city fell into enemy's hand on the first night of war.Ogry aňsatlyk bilen ele düşdi.The thief was captured easily.ele düşürmek1ph. v.to captureŞu köýnek arzan hem elinjek elime düşdi.I got this dress cheaply and easily.Esger özüni duşmanyň eline düşürmejek bolup, tankyň aşagyna oklady.The soldier jumped under the tank in order not to be captured by the enemy.ele düşürmek2ph. v.to make someone fall into the hands ofJenaýat edenleri ele düşürmek üçin polisiýaň işgärleri jan edip işleýärler.Policemen work hard to make criminals fall into hands.Şu ýüpekleri arzan bahadan ele düşürdim.this silk was fall cheap by me.ele ilmekph. v.vto fall into the hands of, be capturedÝagmyr duşmanlaryň eline ilipdir.Yagmur was captured by enemies.Ogry eline ilen zadyny göterip gidipdir.The thief took everything he could carry.eli agzyna ýetmekph. v.to live wellDaýymyňam indi iş tapaly bäri eli agzyna ýetýär.My uncle also lives well after he found the work.eli boş gelmekph. v.to come empty-handedÖýe eli boş gelipdir, ne süýji getiripdir, ne-de köke.He came home empty handed, he did not bring sweets and biscuits either.eli çykmakph. v.to break one's hand; to forget how to do somethingGarýagdy sport türgenleşiginde ýykylyp elini çykardy.Garyagdy fell down and broke his hand during sport training.Bir ýyl bäri kompýuterde işlemämsoň elimden çykypdyr.Because I did not work on the computer for a year, I forgot how to do it.eli galam tutmakph. v.to be able to writeGyzym alty ýaşam bolsa eli galam tutýar, mekdepde ökde okuwçylaryň birisi.My daughter can write even though she is six years old - she is one of the most capable pupils.eli gana bulamakph. v.to kill somebodyAdam öldürüp elini gana bulady.He killed someone.eli sowamakph. v.to loose the desire to do somethingMerdanyň işi ugrukmansoň eli sowady.Since Merdan's work was not going well, he lost the desire for it.eli ýarag tutmakph. v.to be capable of bearing armsOglanlara ýarag tutmagy gullukda öwredýärler.Boys are taught to bear arms in the army.eline kakmakph. v.to make someone stopŞatlyk hapa oýnajak bolanda eline kakdym.When Shatlyk wanted to play dirty I stopped him.Kemal jenaýata ýaňy baş goşanda agalary eline kakdylar.When Kemal started to get involved in criminal activities, his brothers stopped him.eliňde baryny etmekph. v.to endeavour, to do everything in one's powerSiziň meseläňizi bitirmek üçin elimde baryny ederin.I will do everything in my power to solve your problem.eliňden dur dökülmekph. v.to be very skilfulGöwheriň elinden dür dökülýär, bar işe ökde.Gowher was very skilful, she is able to do anything.eliňden gelenini etmekph. v.to endeavour, to do everything in one's powerÝetimlere eliňden gelenini etmek sogap bolar.To do everything in your power to orphans is kindness.eliňden gelmekph. v.to be skilful, to be able to do somethingTok enjamlaryny oňarmak elektrigiň elinden gelýär.An electrician can fix any kind of electrical equipment.eliňi burnuňa sokmakph. v.to come empty handedEliňi burnuňa sokup gelme-de, çagalara sowgatjyk getirgin.Do not come empty handed, but bring a present for the children.eliňi salgamakph. v. to wave one's handsOl uzakdan meni görüp, elini salgady.He waved his hand when he saw me far away.iki elläp ýapyşmakph. v.to take/agree with great pleasureTäze hödürlenen işe iki elläp ýapyşdym.I took the new job with great pleasurekişi el bilen ot gorsamakph. v.to do bad things via others, get others to do your dirty workKişi eli bilen ot gorsamada jogapkärçiligi boýnuňa al.Don't do bad things via others then admit your responsibility.özüňi ele almakph. v.to control oneself, get oneself under controlÖzümi ele almak üçin damja dermandan içdim.I took a drop of medicine to get myself under control.
elbetdeadjof course, certainly, to be sureElbetde, ol geler.Of course he will come.Elbetde, şatlyk geler.Of course joy will come.
elçalgyçnclothOnuň maňlaýyna goýlan öl elçalgyç ony dessine getirdi.He immediately brought a cloth for the oil on his forehead.
elektrikelek'trik1adjelectricэлектричествоelektrik energiýasyelectric powerelektrik kofe maşynyelectric coffee maker2nelectricianэлектрик, электромеханикÇyralary bejermek üçin elektrik geldi.an electrician came to fix lamps.
elhençadjterrible, frightful, fearful, dreadfulelhenç gygyrmakto cry out with a terrible cryelhenç gorkmakto be terribly afraidelhenç sowukterrible frostelhenç habarvery bad news