ibermekvto sendMen oglumy daýzalaryna iberdim.I sent my son to his aunt's.
iblisibli:snthe devilIblisiň aldawyna gitme!Do not be deceived by the devil's lies!
içmek1vto drink2vto take, swallowderman içmekto take some medicine3nSpecial robe made from wool, sheepskin coatMeniň ejem babama içmek sowgat etdi.My mother gave a wool robe to my grandfather as a present.ant içmekph. v.to take an oath, swear an oathhudaýdan ant içmekph. v.to solemnly swear, swear in God's nameHudaýdan ant iç!Solemnly swear!
iç1nabdomen, stomachiçi geçmekto have diarrhoea2postinside, interior3postinside, into etc. (see below)için(de)inside (it), in (it)içineinto, insideiçine girmekto go/come intoIçine gir!Go inside!içine salmakto put in/intoiçindenout of, fromiçinden çykmakto come out ofiçine almakto include (in)4postduringGyşyň içinde bazara gitmek kyn.It is difficult to go to the market during winter.daşy jäjek içi möjekcomp.a wolf in sheep's clothingIçimde it uwlaýar.comp.I'm ravenously hungry.içi gysgançid.boringBu kino örän içi gysganç eken.As it turned out, this was a very boring film.içine-daşyna geçmekph. v.to flatter, treat insincerelyOlar meniň içime-daşyma geçip, teatra gitmäge razy etdiler.They flattered me and persuaded me to go to the theatre.içiň gysmakph. v.to be boredMeniň obada içim gysýar.I am bored in the village.içiň-bagryň ýakmakph. v.vto upset, hurtSen meniň aýdanymy etmän, içimi-bagrymyň ýakdyň.You upset me when you didn't do what I said.içiňden geplemekph. v.to speak to oneselfOl adam gaty erbet eken – diýip ol içini gepletdi.He was a very bad man - when she spoke she was forced to speak inside herself.içiňden okamakph. v.to read to oneselfMyrat, sen içiňden okasana, ýogsam maňa hat ýazmaga päsgel berýäň.Myrat, please read to yourself, otherwise you are preventing me from writing a letter.içiňi tutup galmakph. v.to be deceived, be dupedJemal halysyny satyp, içini tutup galdy.Jemal was deceived into selling her carpet.
içalyiça:lynspyDostum ol oba içaly bolup gitdi.My friend went to that village as a spy.
içeri1adjdomestic, home, internal; householdIçeri işler ministrligiMinistry of domestic affairsiçeri syýasathome policy2ninsides, contentsiçeri dürli goş-golamdan dolyinside was full of different thingsIçeri tämizdi hem ýagtydy.inside was clean and bright3adjinternalHer içeriniň öz dert-aladasy bar.every home has own problemsBiziň içerimizde it ýok.We don't have a dog in our yard
içerkiadjdomestic, internal, inside, homeiçerki syýasatdomestic policyiçerki otagthe room furthest from the front dooriçerki suwlarinternal plumbing; the water inside [the house]döwletiň içerki ýagdaýythe internal situation of the countryýurduň içerki düzgünlerithe internal rules of the country
içgiliadjdrunk, drunkenJoramyň äri hemişe içgili bolansoň, işden boşatdylar.They dismissed my friend's husband from work because of he is always drunk.
içginiçgi:nadvattentively, carefully, deeply, greatlyiçgin gyzyklanmakto be very much interested (in)
içigaran1someone who is envious, or a person with ill-intentions (towards)içigara adaman envious person2troublemaker, mischief maker, malefactor
içýaniçýa:nnscorpionÇaryny çölde içýan çakypdyr.Chary was stung by a scorpion whilst he was in the desert.
idemeki:demekv1to care for, look after2to look (for), to search, to seek, to make inquiriesidäp tapmakto findMen köne dostumy idäp tapdym.I looked for my old friend and found him.
idegi:degn1nursing, care (of), looking (after)ideg etmekto take care (of), look (after)Bu keselhanada syrkawlara oňat ideg edilýär.The patients are taken good care of in this hospital.2searchidegine çykmakto go in search of somebody/something, look (for)3maintenance, repairsMaşyna ideg gerekli.The car needs repairing.
idegçi1nnursemaidIdegçi onuň ýarasyna derman çaldy.The nursemaid applied an ointment onto his injury.2carer, caring person, the person who takes care of somebody or somethingDidar gowy idegçi ýigit bolup ýetişdi.Didar has grown up as a caring lad.
ideglii:degliadj1having care/supervisionidegli bolmakto be under somebody's care/supervision2wanted, sought by someone