Browse Turkmen – English Dictionary



ideýanidea, notion, concept, themeromanyň ideýasythe main theme of a novel
idilii:diliadvas it should be, properly, good and properbir zady idili etmekto do something properly
igenfileUssanyň ýiti igesi bar.The master craftsman has a sharp file.6.7.1Cutting tool
igelemeki:gelemekv1to file, to sharpenAşpez pyçagyny igeledi.The cook sharpened his knife.2to nagErtirden agşama çenli aýaly ony igeläp dur.His wife nags him from dawn until dusk.
iglemeki:glemekvto grow thin, to lose weightOperasiýadan soň Gözel igledi.Gozel lost weight after the operation.
iki:knspindleÖňler her hojalykda ik bolupdyr.In olden days there was a spindle in every family.burnundan ik ýaly gan torture, to tire out, to exhaust
ikinumtwoBiz iki bolup gitdik.The two of us went.iki bolup bilmediň not be able to contain yourself, get very excitedHabary eşidip, begenjimizden ýaňa iki bolup bilmedik.When we heard this news, we couldn't contain ourselves with joy. Seniň diridigiňe men şatlygymdan iki bolup bilmedim, çünki sen meniň tenimden ten we ganymdan hem gansyň.When I heard that you're alive I couldn't contain myself with joy, because you are my flesh and blood.iki eliňi burnuňa sokup come with nothing to contributeBar pulumy biderek zada sowup, iki elimi burnuma sokup geldim.Having spent all my money on something I didn't need I came with nothing to contribute.iki gözüň dört marryDurmuş toýuň bilen gutlaýarys, iki gözüň dört bolupdyr.We congratulate you on your wedding, your two eyes became four.maleiki elläp ýapyşmakph. take/agree with great pleasureTäze hödürlenen işe iki elläp ýapyşdym.I took the new job with great pleasureiki ýalnyň arasynda galmakph. be in two mindsOl dostuna kömek etjek bolup, iki oduň arasynda galdy.Because he tried to help his friend he remained in two minds.iki ýana bökmekph. v.vto jump to one's feet
iki-ýekeadjrare, singleBu biziň ýurdumyzda iki-ýeke gabat gelýän haryt.This is a rare thing in our country.
ikibakaadvto and fro
ikibaşdanadjall the sameOl ikibaşdan geler.He will come all the same.
ikilençadj1a second time, for the second timeikilenç soramakto ask for the second time2in the future, for the future, henceforthikilenç beýle etme!Don't behave like this in the future!
ikilikcfikiýüzlülikn1"poor", two, unsatisfactory (i.e. mark)Ol taryhdan ikilik aldy.He got a two for history.Marks are usually given out of five in Turkmenistan, so a two is a very low mark.2deceptionikilik etmekto deceive, cheat
ikinji1ordsecondikinjidensecondly2secondaryikinji güncomp.Tuesday
ikirjiňlemekcfikirjiňlenmekvto waiver, to be in two mindsikirjiňlemän aýtmakto tell without hesitation
ikirjiňlenmekcfikirjiňlemekvto waiver; to be in two mindsOl ikirjiňlenýär.He's in two minds.
ikitaraplaýynadjtwo-sided, bilateralTürkmen-iňlis ikitaraplaýyn gepleşik geçirildi.Turkmen-English bilateral discussions were held.
ikiýüzlülikcfikilikndouble-dealing, hypocrisy, acting in a two-faced mannerikiýüzlülik etmekto act in a two-faced way
ilmekvto fallele ilmekph. v.vto fall into the hands of, be capturedÝagmyr duşmanlaryň eline ilipdir.Yagmur was captured by enemies.Ogry eline ilen zadyny göterip gidipdir.The thief took everything he could carry.
ili:ln1general populace, inhabitants, populationIlim günüm bolmasa, aýym günüm dogmasyn.If I don't have any compatriots, may my life cease to exist.2countryýat illerdein foreign landsil-halkcomp.npeopleBiziň Prezidentimiz il-halk bähbitli işleri edýär.Our President does beneficial works for the, inhabitantsOnuň toýuna ähli il-ulus bolup kömek etdik.All the local people helped him with his wedding.ile meňzeş etmekph. help someone on in life; to do something properlyBu ýetim oglany illäp-günläp ile meňzeş etdik.We helped this orphan boy (to) get through life.
ilati:la:tnpopulationşäher ilatytownspeople, urban populationoba ilatyrural populationilat ýazuwycensus of the populationÝaňy-ýakynda biziň ýurdumyzda ilat ýazuwy geçirildi.A census was recently held in our country.Türkmenistanyň ilaty gün-günden artýar.The population of Turkmenistan is increasing daily.
ilatlyi:la:tlyadjpopulatedilatly ýerpopulated area
ilçii:lçin1ambassador, diplomatTürkmenistana daşary ýurtly ilçiler geldiler.Foreign ambassadors came to Turkmenistan.2envoy, messengerHer bir türkmen obasynyň öz ilçisi bolupdyr.Every Turkmen village had its own envoys.
ilçihanai:lçiha:nanembassyBiziň ýurdumyzda köp ilçihanalar bar.There are many embassies in our country.Meniň oglum ABŞ-nyň ilçihanasyna işe girdi.My son got work in the US embassy.
ildeşi:ldeşnsomeone (a person) from the same country, compatriotIldeşlerimiz Nowruz baýramyny döwlet derejesinde bellediler.The compatriots celebrated Nowruz festival at the state level.