nadanlykna:da:nlykn1ignoranceNadanlyk bize täze ylmy açyşlary özleşdirmäge päsgel berýär.Ignorance gets in the way of us making new scientific discoveries.2stupidity, foolishness
nagannrevolverSoň görüp otursalar Meňli hanyň ýassygynyň aşagynda nagany bar ekeni.Then those sitting there saw that Mengli Khan had a revolver under his cushion.
nagaracfnagaraçynnagaranagara kakmakto play the nagaraA large
nagaraçycfnagarannagara playerÖňki döwürde nagaraçylar uruş başlandygyny yglan edipdirler.In old times nagara players announced the start of a war.
nahcfgowaçapagtaadjcotton threadnah matacotton clothÖňki döwürde nah mata gymmat bolupdyr.In olden times cotton cloth was expensive.
nahalnsapling, young tree, young plantalma nahalyyoung apple treenahal oturtmakto plant young treesAtam mellege on düýp nar nahalyny ekdi.My grandfather planted ten pomegranate saplings in his plot of land.
naharncooked food; meal; dishHer gün iki wagtyna gyzgyn nahar iýmeli.One should eat a hot meal twice a day.
naharhananaharha:nan1café, small restaurant2cafeteria, dining hall, refectorytalyplaryň naharhanasystudent refectory
naharlamakvto feedsyrkawy naharlamakto feed a disabled personBu ýerde oňat naharlaýarlar.They feed you well here.
naharlanmakv1to be fedwagtly-wagtynda naharlanmakto be fed on time2to have a meal, eatrestoranda naharlanmakto have a meal in the restaurant
nalamakna:lamakv1to moan or groan from pain or griefOl durmuşyndan ah çekip, nalamaga başlady.Moaning about his life, he started to groan.2to complain or protestEger olar senden nalaýan bolsalar...If they are complaining because of you...
nalaçna:la:çadjforced; reluctant, unwilling, disinclined; involuntarynalaç ýagdaýthe fact of being compelledOl eden günäsini nalaç boýun aldy.He was forced to admit his guilt.
nalyşna:lyş1nwail, lament2vto wail, to lamentHudaýdan perzent diläp nalyş çekdiler.They prayed and asked God for a child and lamented.
namana:manletter; written agreement, contractnama ýollamakto send a letter