Browse Turkmen – English Dictionary



ok1n1axisÝeriň okythe equatorial axis; axis of the Equator, terrestrial axisÝer öz okunyň daşyndan aýlanýar.The Earth rotates on its axis.2axle, spindleOkly haraz bilen bilelikde hem işläp bilýär.It can work together with a mill having an axle.
ok-därinammunitionok-däri skladyammunition store
ok-ýaýok-ýa:ýnbow and arrowBiziň ata-babalarymyz ok-ýaý bilen aw awlapdyrlar.Our ancestors hunted game with a bow and arrow.
okamakcfokatdyrmakokatmakv1to readsesli okamakto read aloudkitap okamakto read a bookleksiýa okamakto read a lecturedoga okamakto say a prayerHer molla öz bilenini okar.Each mullah recites from his own knowledge., proverb2to study; to read; to study; to recite, say; to givemekdepde okamakto attend schoolsesli okamakto read alouddoga okamakto say a prayer, prayleksiýa okamakto lecture, give/deliver a lectureHer molla öz bilenini okar.Each mullah prays from his own knowledge.alkyş okamakto give thanks foruniwersitetde okamakto study at the UniversityOl gazet okap bilýär.He can read a newspaper,, proverb
okalmakvto be readokalan kitabyma book I've read
okalganreading-hall, reading-roomBiziň okalgamyzda köp gyzykly kitaplar bar.We have many interesting books in our reading-room.
okarao:ka:ranbowl, large dishokara doly süýta bowl full of milkokaraňy getir süýt bereýinsay.cfkekene1ladybirdBrit2ladybugAmer
okaraňy getir süýt bereýin 1
okatmakcfokamakokatdyrmakv caus1to teachAltyn asyrda dilleri okatmagyň usullary köp.There are many language teaching methods in the Golden Century.2to make someone read, make someone study
okatdyrmakcfokamakokatmakv caus1to arrange tuition for, get someone to teachMen oglumy okatdyrýaryn.I have got someone to teach my son.2to make someone teach
okdurylmakvto dash, dart, rushokdurylyp barmakto take to one's heels, rush away
okgunlyadvquick, fast; swift, headlong, impetuous; swiftly, impetuously, quicklyokgunly hereketswift movement
oklamak2vto throw, hurldaş oklamakto throw/hurl stonespökgi oklamakto throw a ball
oklamak1vto load, chargetüpeňi oklamakto load a rifle/gunweapon
oklawnrolling-pinBiziň dükanymyzda her dürli oklawlar bar.There are different rolling-pins in our shop.oklaw ýaly gö straight as rolling-pinOl garry goja oklaw ýaly göni ýöreýär.That old man walks as straight as rolling-pin.
oktýabrnOctoberоктябрьoktýabr aýyOctoberOktýabr aýynda biz Garaşsyzlyk baýramyny belleýäris.In October we celebrate Independence Day.
okuwn1studiesokuwy gutarmakto complete one's studiesokuw kitabytextbookokuw ýylyacademic yearokuwa girmeka) to start school b) to start universityokuw bölümioffice of the head of studiesokuw wagtyschool hourseducation2trainingokuw kitabytraining manualwork3classes, lessonsOkuwdan soň, men öýe gaýtjak.After classes I'll go home.
okuw-ýazuwnreading and writing, literacyokuw-ýazuw öwrenmekto learn to read and writeokuw-ýazuw bilmezlikto be unable to read and write
okuwçyn1student2pupil, school childOkuwçylaryňkymyka?I wonder if it belongs to the school children?school age3apprenticework
okuwlyadjeducated, literateokuwly adameducated personokuwly bolmakto be educated
okuwsyzadjuneducated; illiterateHäzirki wagtda okuwsyz adam az.There are few uneducated people at the moment.
okyjyoky:jynreaderHer bir kitaba okyjy baha berýär.A reader gives a mark to every book [they read].
ol2pron1heOl sakgalyny aldy.He cut his beard.2sheOl owadan köýnek satyn almaly.She should buy a beautiful dress.Ol ok ýaly bolup geçip gitdi.He passed by in a flash.Ol akylyň öýjügi.He is as wise as Solomon.Myrat kyn meseleleri çözüp bilýär, ol akylyň öýjügi.Myrat can solve difficult issues, he is as wise as Solomon.3itMen zemzem gördüm. Ol gaty uly eken.I saw a lizard. It was huge.
ol1demthatol jaýthat houseol ýerdein that placeol taýdathere
olarprontheyolaryňof them, theirolarato themOlar meniň dostlarym.They are my friends.3rd person plural
oljanbooty, loot, plunderOl 50 sany düýäni olja alypdyr.He took 50 camels as plunder.oljasy oňmakph. make a fortuneOnuň bu işde oljasy oňupdyr.He made a fortune doing this work.He made a fortune in this business.