Browse Turkmen – English Dictionary



ýolagçyýo:lagçyn1passengerýolagçy otlypassenger trainýolagçy uçarair-liner2travellerÝolagçy ýolda ýagşy.It's good (for a traveller) to be on the road.
ýolbarsnlionýolbars çagasylion cuburkaçy ýolbarslionessýolbars ýüreklicomp.lion-heartedÝolbars ýürekli adam çagany heläkçilikden halas etdi.A lion-hearted man rescued a child from accident.
ýolbaşçyýo:lbaşçycfdirektorn1leaderÝurt ýolbaşçysy halk üçin köp işleri edýär.The leader of the country does a lot of things for his nation.2managerKompaniýanyň ýolbaşçysy täze önümiň mahabatlandyrmalaryny görkezdi.The manager of the company presented advertisements of a new product.3chairmanÝygnagyň ýolbaşçysy söz sözledi.The chairman delivered his speech.4teacher, supervisorylmy ýolbaşçyacademic supervisorsynp ýolbaşçyclass teacher
ýolbaşçylykýo:lbaşçylyknleadership, guidanceýolbaşçylygyndaunder the leadership/guidance (of)ýolbaşçylyk etmekto lead, be in charge (of), be at the head (of)
ýoldaşn1friend, companionýoldaş bolmakto be friends (with)ýan ýoldaşmarriage partner2(travelling) companion, fellow-travellerMen ýoldaşym bilen milli muzeýe aýlandym.My fellow-traveller and I visited the national museum.3fellow worker, workmateMeniň ýoldaşym maňa birnäçe gowy maslahatlar berdi.My workmate gave me some good advice.4placentaEger aýalyň ýoldaşy bozulsa, çaga kemisli dogulýar.If a woman's placenta is broken, the child is born defective.2.1Body
ýoldaşlykncomradeship, partnership, companionship, friendshipýoldaşlyk sudycomradely court - an elected court during Soviet times, operating at the local levelýoldaşlyk duşuşygyfriendly/unofficial matchsports
ýollamakýo:llamakv1to sendMaňa hat ýolla.Send me a letter.letter, e-mail2to pass on Ol maňa sowgat ýollady.He passed me a present.
ýolukmakvto encounter, find oneself (in), fetch upbir bela ýolukmakto get into trouble, come to grief
ýolunmakv1to tear off, come off, break offIlik ýolundy.The button came off.2to be interrupted, be cutAragatnaşyklar ýolundy.Ties have been cut.
ýomutnYomut (tribe)Ýomutlar tahýa tikmäge ökde bolýarlar.Yomut people are excellent at sewing skull of the main Turkmen tribes
ýonmakýo:nmakv1to plane, smooth something with a plane; cut out, hewagaçy ýonmakto plane wood2to extort, takeMen ondan on müň manat ýondum.I extorted ten thousand manats from him.fig
ýonujynmason, wood carver, metal workerÝonujy agaç ýonup dur eken.A wood carver was chipping the wood.
ýormakv1to tell fortunes, to foretell2to interpretedüýşi gowulyga ýormakto interpret one's dream with a pleasant meaningdreams
ýorga1adjamblingýorga atan ambling horse2vto move, to walkÝorgalan ýol aşar.If you move slowly you'll get started on the road.
ýorgannquilt, duvetýorgana girmekto get between the coversýorgan örtünmekto cover oneself with a quiltÝorganyňa görä aýak uzat!comp.Cut your coat according to your cloth!Men iki obany çagyryp, uly toý edip biljek däl. Ýorganyňa görä aýak uzat diýipdiler, bir obany çagyrjak.I cannot put on a huge wedding party by inviting two villages. They had said, 'Cut your coat according to your cloth, I will invite one village.'
ýorgutninterpretationDüýşiň ýorgudyny hiç kime aýtmaly däl.You must not tell the interpretation of your dream to anyone.dreams
ýowarnmutual helpýowar etmekto help each other
ýowuzadj1severe, hard, sternýowuz günlerhard daysýowuz hökümharsh sentenceýowuz jezasevere punishmentýowuz synagstern testurşuň ýowuz ýyllarydifficult years of war2evil 3hard
ýoýmakvto pervert, distort, changeBu okuwçy mugallymynyň her sözüni ýoýup otyr.This pupil distorts every word of his teacher.
ýöne2ýö:neadj1free, for nothingOl muny saňa ýöne berdimi?Did he give it to you for nothing?2just for the sake (of), without reasonOl ýöne gitdi.He went there just for the sake of it.
ýöne1ýö:neconjbut, howeverMen garaşdym, ýöne sen gelmediň.I waited but you didn't come.
ýönekeýýö:nekeýadj1simple, understandableýönekeý sözlersimple words2average, ordinary, modestýönekeý adammodest personýönekeý bir wakacommon tale, everyday occurrence3simpleýönekeý sözlemsimple sentenceýönekeý sözlersimple wordsýönekeý daýhan gyzyan ordinary farm girlMeniň ýönekeý adymy tutaýyň!Please speak to me normally!ýönekeý bir wakaeveryday occurrence9Grammargrammar
ýönekeýlikýö:nekeýliknsimplicity, usualness, ordinariness, humilityÝönekeýlik adamy bezeýär.Humility is a person's crown.
ýönelmekýö:nelmekvto make one's way (to, towards, into), direct one's steps (to)uniwersitete tarap ýönelmekto make one's way towards the university
ýöňkemekvto accuseOňa ýok ýerden günä ýüklediler.They accused him without any guilt.gara ýöňkemekph. blacken someone's name