öçö:çnrevenge, vengeanceöç almakto take revengeöç alyjyavenger, revenger
öçmekcföçürmekv1to go out, go off2to die out, go outOt öçdi.The fire died out.3to fail, cut outMotor öçdi.The engine cut out.4to become erased, to become illegibleÝazgy öçüpdir.The writing has become illegible.5to fade, to vanishreňki öçmekto become colourless, lose its lustreýadyndan öçmekto vanish from one's memory6to stop talkingÖç, gepleme!Stop -- don't say anything!
öçügsiadjdark, not giving much lightKeseliň ýüzi öçügsi görünýärdi.The ill person's face appeared dark.
öçükadjextinguished, switched/turned off, put outÇyra öçük eken.The light was turned of.
öçürmekcföçmekv1to turn off, switch offgazy öçürmekto turn off the gasçyrany öçürmekto turn off the light2to stopmotory öçürmekto stop the engine3to put out, extinguishody öçürmekto put out the fire4to erase, rub outBu ýazanlaryňy öçür-de, täzeden ýaz!Rub out what you have written and write it again!5to strike off, deletespisokdan öçürmekto strike a name off the list
öçürilmekv1to be turned off, switched offTelewizor öçürilen.The television is switched off.2to be extinguished, be put outOt öçürildi.The fire was extinguished.3to be erased, be rubbed out4to be crossed out, deletedOnuň ady spisokdan öçürildi.His name was crossed out of the list.
ökdeadj1knowledgeableökde mugallymknowledgeable teacher2skilful, experiencedökde ussaskilful repairmanökde işgärexperienced workerOl işine ökde adam.He is an expert in his field.ökde çapyksuwarskilful jockey
ökdeliknskill, expertiseişine ökdelikskill at workökdelik bilenskilfully
ökjenheelköwşüň ökjesishoe heeljorabyň ökjesiheel of a sockökje götermekph. v.to take to one's heelsökjesine düşmekph. v.to pursue, chase, go afterTilki towşanyň ökjesine düşüp kowalady.The hunting dog chased the rabbit and drove him away.ökjäň ýeňlemekph. v.to move easily
ökünmekv1to regretMen oňa ynananyma ökünýärin.I regret that I trusted him.Beren soragyma ökündim.I regretted asking such a question.2to repentHan peýdasyz hem bolsa etmişine ökünipdir.Although it was a waste of time, the khan repented of his wrong-doing.
ölmekv1to dieölüp gitmekto dieöz ajalyňa ölmekto die a natural death2to die, go extinctölüp giden dildead languageextinct languagefig
ölö:ladj1wetöl bolmakto become wetöl etmekto wet2damp, moistöl geçirmekto absorb moistureöl bolmakto become dampöl etmekto moisten
ölçemekv1to measureçen bilen ölçemekto measure by eyeçuňlugy ölçemekto sound, fathomkimdir biriniň temperaturasyny ölçemekto take somebody's temperatureKostýumy ölçäp gör.Try on the suit.2to consider, to weigh something upÖlçäp, biçip, belki-de meni suda bererler.Weigh it up, think about it -- they're probably going to prosecute me.Ýedi ölçäp bir kescomp.Look before you leap.Öýlenmäge howlukma, ýedi ölçäp bir kes.Do not be in a hurry to marry, look before you leap.prov
ölçegnmeasureagram ölçegiweight measuresuzynlyk ölçegimeasurements of lengthbirlik ölçegione measure of unitaýakgabyň ölçegishoe sizeölçegini saklamak to keep within limits ölçegini bilmekto know when to stopölçegini bilmezlikcarrying things too far, not knowing when to stopbarrel ölçegicomp.barrel (of oil)
ölçeglicfbelginomerotag1sansanyadj1measuredölçegli matameasured cloth2fixedölçegli normafixed normölçegli iş hakyfixed wage3limitedbiziň wagtymyz ölçegliour time is limited4having a certain size
ölçegsizadj1unlimited, limitless, without limit, unrestrictedbir zady ölçegsiz ulanmakto use something without limit2boundless, unbounded, immenseölçegsiz giňişlikimmense space
ölçermekv1to move logsthe logs are moved so they can burn better2to weigh; to consider, think over, turn over in one's mindMen ony köp ölçerip gördüm.I thought over it too much.
öldürmekv1to kill, murderÇopan möjegi öldürmändi, möjek her gün bir guzyny alar gider oturardy.The shepherd didn't kill the wolf, so the wolf used to kill a lamb each day.2to torment, torture; killMeni garaşdyryp, halys öldürdiň.You almost killed me by making me wait.You have tortured me by making me wait.fig
öliadj1dead, deceasedne öli ne dirimore dead than aliveöli ýaly ýatmakto sleep like the deadruhy taýdan ölispiritually deadölini kesmekto dissect, cut up a corpsejanlandyrylan ölizombie2lifelessŞol gözel görnüşi öli ruhlary-da jana getirdi.This image of beauty brought lifeless spirits back to life.3irresolute, weak characteröliň soragyny soramakph. v.to question someone to death
ölümn1death, dyingölüm jezasycapital punishment, death penaltyölüm ýassygydeathbedölüm ýassygynda ýatmakto be on one's deathbedölüm adam saýlamaz.Death is the grand leveller.Ajal ýetmese, ölüm ýok.One does not die before death., proverb2mortal(ity)ölümiň öýündecomp.1hardly, with difficulty2hardly, with difficulty3barely, with difficulty
ömryllaömrylla:adjnever, for nothing, not for anythingmen ony ömrylla etmerinI will never do it
ömüradj1lifeÝöne ömrüm şäherde geçdi.But I spent my life in the city.2eternally, alwaysOl ömür maňa sögüp ýör.He is always telling me off.ömür boýycomp.throughout one's life; your entire lifeAdamzat durmuşyny gowulandyrmak üçin ömür boýy zähmet çekýär.Humankind strives lifelong in order to improve their life.Şitilhanada ekilen limonlar ömür boýy hasyl berýär.Lemon trees that grow in a special house give fruit throughout their lives.