radio'radionradioradio aýtdyrmakto switch on the radioradio diňlemekto listen in to the radioradioda bermekto broadcast
rahatra:hatn1calm, quietrahat ýerquiet placeGijäňiz rahat bolsun!Good night!2peace, comfort; freedomrahat uklamakto sleep peacefullyMen indi çagamdan rahat, ol okuwa ýerleşdi.I'm now free of my child, she is going to school.Men öýe gelenimden soň rahat tapdym.I had some peace and quiet once I got home.rahat düşekcomp.a comfortable mattressrahat oturgyçcomp.easy chair
rahatlanmakra:hatlanmakvto calm calm oneself, settle down, pacify oneselfRahatlanyň!Calm yourself!Seniň ilki rahatlanmagyň gerek, bolan zatlary soňra gürrüň berersiň.First you need to calm down, then you can explain what happened.Ejesini gören çaga rahatlandy.The child who saw his mother calmed down
rahatlykra:hatlyknpeace, calmnessrahatlygy bozmakto shatter someone's peace and quiet, disturb somebodyOňa rahatlyk gerek.He needs some peace and quiet.Gijäniň rahatlygy başlandy.The peace of night began.
raketara'ketan1rocket; missile; flare; rocketракетаkosmosa goýberilýän raketaspace rocketraketa goýbermekto start/launch a rocket/missilebaýramçylyk raketalaryfireworksasmanda ýarylýan raketaa rocket that explodes in the sky2flareýagtylyk raketasysafety flaresesli raketasafety horn3missileballistik raketaballistic missilekosmosa goýberilýän raketaspace rocketortaça agalyga hereket edýän raketamedium-range missiles"Ýer-howa" kysymly raketaSurface to air missile4.8.3War
raport'raportcfhabarnamanreportрапортdilden raport bermekto give a report orallyýazmaça raportwritten report
raspisaniýeraspi'saniýecfrejentimetable, scheduleрасписаниеsapaklaryň raspisaniýesiclass time-tableraspisaniýe boýunçaaccording to the time-table/scheduleOtly raspisaniýe boýunça barýar.The train is running to time.
rastra:stadjtruerast aýtmakto tell the truth; to be trueseniň aýdýanlaryň rastwhat you said is true
raý2ra:ýn1movement, pace2willöz raýynaof one's own free will, of one's own accord3wish, desireraýyňdan gaýtmakto give up one's desireöz raýyňa ýöremekto live your own lifeöz raýyňa hereket etmekto act in accordance with your intentionstomaşaçylaryň raýyna garap aýdym aýtmakto look at the spectators and singAtlar öz raýyna çapyp barýarlar.Horses race in their own way.Ol çagalaryň raýyny ýykmak islemedi.He didn't want to disappoint the child.Ony raýyňdan gaýtarmak kyn.It is hard to change her mind.Sen bu raýyňdan gaýt.Stop thinking like that
raýatra:ýatcfgraždan1ncitizen, subjectSen haýsy döwletiň raýaty?You're a citizen of which country?Türkmenistanyň raýatya citizen of Turkmenistan2adjcivic, civilraýat nikasya civil weddingraýat hukugycivil law
raýatlykra:ýatlykcfgraždanlyk1ncitizenshipbir döwletiň raýatlygyny almakto gain citizenship of a countryMen Türkmenistanyň raýatlygyna geçdim.I became a citizen of Turkmenistan.2adjcivil, civilian, civicraýatlyk hukuklarycivil rightsraýatlyk hukugycivil lawraýatlyk urşycivil war
raýdaşlykra:ýdaşlyknsolidarity, unanimityraýdaşlyk bildirmekto express one's solidarity (with somebody)Men demokratlara raýdaşlyk bildirýärin.I want to express my solidarity with the democrats.
raýyşra:ýyşnbank of an irrigation channelkanalyň raýyşycanal bank
razyra:zy:adj1satisfied (with), pleased (with), happy (with), contentrazy bolmakto be satisfied (with)Men senden razyI am satisfied with you.Men muňa razy däl.I'm not happy with that.2in agreement, contentMen seniň aýdanyň bilen razy.I agree with what you have said.Ol öýlenmäge razy boldy.He agreed to get married.Ol diňe okamaga razy boldy.He was only content to study.Razy bol! make peaceMenden razy bol, eje!Mother, make peace with me!
razyçylykra:zy:çylykcfrazylyknagreementBiz gyzyň kakasyndan razyçylyk aldyk.We gained the agreement of the girl's father [to get married].nika razyçylygyny almakph. gain agreement for a marriageŞaýatlar ýigitden we gyzdan nika razyçylygyny aldylar.The witnesses ratified the marriage agreement of the bride and groom.marriage
razylaşmakra:zy:laşmakv1to agreeOl meniň bilen razylaşdy.He agreed with me.2to put up with, to resign oneself to, have to acceptOl ýagdaý bilen razylaşmaly boldy.He had to accept the situation.Beýle şert bilen razylaşmak bolmaz.It's impossible to agree to that condition.Olar harydyň bahasynda razylaşmak islemediler.They didn't want to agree to the price of the goods.Men ol pikir bilen razylaşýaryn.I agree with that suggestion.3to say goodbye, make peace withMen ejem bilen razylaşmaga ýetişmedim.I didn't have time to make my peace with my mother.
razylykra:zy:lykcfrazyçylykn1satisfaction, contentmentOl barada uçilişäniň direksiýasyndan razylyk aldy.He took satisfaction from the three year management.Men başga işe öz razylygym bilen geçdim.I changed jobs because I wanted to.2consent, assentrazylyk bermekto give one's consentählumumy razylyk bilenby common consentrazylyk bildirmekph. v.v causto give one's consent, show satisfaction, agreenä razylyk bildirmekto disagree, show dissatisfactionOl bu teklibe özüniň razylygyny bildirdi.He made known that he agreed with this suggestion.Ol bu işe özüniň razylygyny bildirdi.He made known that he was happy with this job.
redaksiýare'daksiýan1editorial staff, editorial officeредакцияgazetiň redaksiýasynewspaper's editorial divisionžurnalyň redaksiýasymagazine's editorial divisionredaksiýa bilen aragatnaşyk saklamakto keep good relations with the editorial staff2editorship ; editingредакцияredaksiýanyň ýerleşýän ýerihead officegazetiň redaksiýanyň adresithe newspaper's head office3editionредакцияromanyň ilkinji redaksiýasyfirst edition of a novelAtaýewiň redaksiýasy bilen çapa taýýarlandy.It was prepared for publication by Atayev.
registrasiýaregi'strasiýancheck inрегистрацияregistrasiýa etmekto check inregistrasiýa geçmekto get past check inregistrasiýa başlamakfor to check in to beginairport
rehimcfrehim-şepagatnmercy, pityrehim etmekto have mercy, have compassionrehim etmezlikruthless(ness), merciless; lack of mercyrehimi inmekph. wish compassionSeniň ýaş çagalara rehim insin.May compassion [from God] come down on your young children!rehimiň gelmekph. feel sorry (for), regretMeniň oňa rehimim gelip, pul kömegini etdim.I felt sorry for him, so I gave him some money.
rehim-şepagatrehim-şepa:gatcfrehimnmercyOl adamda rehim-şepagat ýok.That person doesn't have any compassion.öýsüzlere rehim-şepagat etmekto have compassion on the homelessrehim-şepagat soramakto ask for mercy