Browse Turkmen – English Dictionary



u:çn1end, extremity, edge, end of cloth, stringetiň ujundanfrom the peace of the meat2point, edge, point, tip, top of one's head; bottom of one's feetMeniň saçymyň ujy gyrlansoň gyrkdym.Because my hair got split ends, I cut it.Skotçyň ujuny aňsat tapar ýaly epläp goýaryn.I will fold the edge of the sellotape over to find it easily [next time].Köýnegimi gasamda iňňäň ujy barmagyma çümdi.When I shortened my dress, the tip of the needle stuck into my finger.Serdar galama uç çykarmak üçin artyp başlady.Serdan began to sharpen the pencil.Daýanç bilen Guwanç hersi ýüpüň ujuny agaja daňyp hiňňildik ýasadylar.Dayanch and Guwanch made a swing by tying the end of the rope to the tree.Atam ýetmişiň ujundan gädip ugrady, ýöne şonda-da sport bilen türgenleşýärdi.Even though my grandfather has turned seventy, he still trains as a sportsmen.Balerinalar barmaklarynyň ujunda tans edýärler.Ballerinas dance on the tip of their feet.Aýak ujuňa ýorgan goýdum, ýapynsaň.If you want to cover, I put a blanket at the bottom of your feet.ýeriň aňry ujycomp.edge of the earthŞirin Wepa bilen ýeriň aňry ujynada gitmage kaýyldy.Shirin was ready to go to the edge of the earth with Wepa.kelebiň ujuny ýitirmek (bulaşmak)ph. v.vunable to find a solutionMeret durmuşda kelebiň ujuny ýitirip arakhor boldy.Meret could not find any solution to life and became an addict.
uçmakv1to flyIlkinji gezek maňa uçarda uçmak gorkuly boldy.My first flight on a plane was scary experience for me.Akja kepderi açyk äpişgeden uçup girdi.A white dove flew in through the open window.Guşjagaz uçmak isleýän ýaly, ganatjyklaryny kakýardy.A little bird was flapping its wings as if it wanted to fly.2to swing, to rockAglamaz ýaly Mähri gyz jigsini sallançakda uçurdy, olam uklady.To comfort her younger sister Mahri swung her in the cradle and she fell asleep.Yralýan oturgyçda Gülşat uçmagy halaýar.Gulshat loves swinging on a swinging chair.3to rideTäze atraksionda uçmak üçin joralarym bilen seýil bagyna gitdik.We went to the park with my friends for a ride on the new [park] attraction.4to evaporateÝagyş ýagandan soň, gün erbet gyzdyrsa suw bugaryp uçýar.If the sun heats up after raining, water evaporates quickly.Ýagyş ýagandan soň, Gün erbet gyzdyrsa, suw bugaryp uçýar.If the sun heats up after raining, water evaporates quickly.5to disappeargözüňden uçmakph. disappearSeýil bagyna gidenimizde birden oglum gözümden uçdy.When we went to the park suddenly my son disappeared.kelläňden uçmakph. completely forgetŞu günki ýygnak meniň kellämden uçdy.I completely forgot today's meeting.
uçarnaeroplane, plane, aircraftTürkmenistan Amerikadan iki sany täze uçar satyn aldy.Turkmenistan bought two new air planes from America.
uçgunnsparkÝyldyrym çakanda uçgun agaja düşüp, agaç ýanyp başlady.When the lightning struck some sparks hit the tree, and the tree started to burn.Merdanyň ýokaryk zyňan demri togyň simine degip, uçgun syçrady.Merdan threw a welding iron up in the air and it made a spark by touching the electrical cable.
uçramakvto get, to come over, encounter, suffer, have to put up withMen bir derde uçradym.I had to suffer.I was made to sweat.Sen ýuka geýinseň, öýken keseline uçrarsyň.If you dress lightly, you will get pneumonia.Maşyny sürüp barýarkam, tigri sypyp men howpa uçradym.While I was driving the car, the wheel slipped and it got quite dangerous.Dostlar suwa düşüp durkalar, Meýlisi ýylan çakyp, bir bela uçrady.While friends were swimming Meylis was unfortunate enough to be bitten by a snake.
uçurmakv1to launchRaketany uçurmak üçin ony startda goýup, onlukdan aşaklygyna sanap başladylar.To launch the rocket it was installed on the launch pad and the countdown from ten started.Batbörek uçurmak.To fly a kite.2to release (birds)Seýil bagynda ýaş juwanlar kepderi uçurdylar.The newly married couple released a pigeon in the park.3to swing someone, to push someone on the swings, to rock someoneMekan bizi Gurbanlykda hiňňilikde uçurdy.Mekan pushed us on the swings during the Sacrifice Festival. Gülşat, Şemşady ýatyrmak üçin sallançakda üwredi.Gulshat put Shemshat in the cradle to rock her to sleep.4to let someone have a rideÇagalary seýil bagyň atraksionynda uçurmak üçin pul töledim.I have paid for a ride in the park for children.5to chip, make fly offGorkyma elimdäki çäýnegi gaçyryp onuň gulpuny uçurdym.In my fear I dropped the teapot and the handle flew off.Çüýşaň gapagyny batly açamda, agzyny uçurdym.I broke off a bottle neck while being too forceful in removing the cap.Agaç ussa oňaryp oturan dutaryndan agaç ýonuşgalaryny uçurmajak bolup, usullyk bilen işleýärdi.While making a dutar the carpenter worked carefully in order not to spread wood chips around.Syrçaly bedräni gaçyryp, syrçasyny uçurdym.A piece of enamel chipped off the bucket when I dropped it.başyňdan huşuny uçurmakph. have one's head in the clouds, for one's head to begin to spinOl gyzy görenimde, başymdan huşum uçdy.When I saw that girl my head began to spin.söz uçurmakph. fly off the handle, to speak without thinkingDiliňden oýlanman erbet söz uçurmak gelşiksiz bolar.Not thinking what you say and flying off the handle shows a lack of good upbringing.
uçurmannpilotMeniň oglumyň uçurman bolasy gelýär.My son wants to be a pilot.
uçuşcfreýsnflightSankt-Peterburg şäherine guş uçuş ýokarlykdan seretseň örän owadan.Saint Petersburg is so beautiful from a bird's eye point of view.Bürgüdiň uçuşy çalt we owadan.An eagle's flight is fast and beautiful.Uçar uçuş zolagyna tarap sürüp ugrady.The plane taxied towards the runway.Aşgabat säherinden Londona çenli biziň uçuş wagtymyz alty sagat otuz minut dowam etdi.Our flight from Ashgabat to London took six hours and a half hours.
uçut1adjsteep, abruptBu gaýa uçut bolanlygy sebäpli diňe ökde alpinistler dyrmaşyp bilýärler.As the cliff is very steep only the best climbers can climb it.Dagyň etegindäki ýol uçut bolanlygy sebäpli biz awtobusdan düşüp ýoräp gitdik.Owing to the steep road on the edge of the mountain we had get off the bus and walk.2nprecipiceÝabany geçiň aýagy typyp, uçut dagdan ýykyldy.The wild goat stumbled over and fell down the precipice.
ugramakvto leave on a journey, to go, to leaveMen çörek almak üçin çörek dükana ugraýynmy?Shall I go to the bakery shop to buy some bread? Oglanlar balyk tutmak üçin köle tarap ugradylar.The boys went to the lake to fish.Guşga tarap ugraýan otla zordan ýetişdim.I barely caught the train to Gushgy.Men ugraýyn, sagat ikide ýygnagym bar.I have to leave as I have a meeting at two o'clock.Myhmanlar ugramakçy bolsalar, toý serpaýyny beriň.If the guests are leaving, give them some wedding gifts.Mary – Aşgabat aralykda gatnaýan awtobus on minutdan ugraýar.The bus from Mary to Ashgabat leaves in ten minutes.Günörtanky yssa galmankak öýe ugramaly.We need to leave for home before the midday heat.Biz deňze iki hepdelik dynç almak üçin ýene iki günden ugrarys.We are leaving in two days for the sea for two weeks vacation.
ugratmakv caus1to accompany, to walk, to say goodbye, to send offKonsertden soň sazandany sahnadan şowhunly el çarpma bilen ugratdylar.After the concert the musician was sent off with resounding applause.Konsertden soň Pälwan Leýlini öýüne ugratdy.After the concert ended Palwan walked Leyli home.Meniň maşynym bolsa, men sizi aeroporta çenli ugradyp bilerdim.If I had a car I could see you off at the airport.Men günde irden ýoldaşymy işe öpüp ugradýaryn.I kiss my husband goodbye as I send him off to workÇagalarymy günde mekdebe çenli ugradýaryn.I send my children off to school everyday.2to sendMeniň ugradan hatym bir hepdäň içinde barypdyr.The letter I sent was delivered in a week.Joramyň ejesine ýazan hatynda menem ejesine salam ugratdym.As my friend wrote a letter to her mother, I sent my greetings as well.Joramyň ejesine ýazan hatynda menem onuň ejesine salam ugratdym.As my friend wrote a letter to her mother, I sent my greetings as well.
ugrukmakv1to move towards, to move in the direction ofAwçy tokaýa tarap ugrukdy.The hunter moved towards a forest.Maşyn günorta ugrukdy.A car moved south.Balyk gowy tutulmansoň, balykçylar derýanyň başga tarapyna ugrukdylar.As the fishing was unsuccessful, the fishermen moved to the other side of the river.2to improveBirinji synpda okaýan Mekanyň hatlary entegem ugruganok.The first grade student Mekan's handwriting still hasn't improved.Indi elim tikine ugrugansoň, başga gyz-gelinleriň köýneklerinem tikýärin.As my sewing skills have improved I am sewing other girls' dresses as well.Söwdam ugrukmansoň, indi men başga işe başlaýmakçy.As my treaty business did not succeed, I will try another job.Söwdam ugrukmansoň, indi men başga işe başlamakçy.As my treaty business did not succeed, I will try another job.
ugrunacfugur1advtowards, along, agreeugruna kowmakto agree, to allow, to assent toidiom2postalong, besideAgaçdan gaçan ýapraklar şemalyň ugruna uçýardylar.Leaves fallen from trees were being blown along by the wind.Biz akymyň ugruna ýüzüp gitdik.We swam with the current.Çagalar maşynlaryň geçýän ýolunyň ugrunda oýnaýardylar.The children were playing on the street where cars were passing.Mekdep okuwçylary ýoluň ugruna agaç nahallaryny ekdiler.The school children planted trees beside the road.Goşlaryňy düwüpsiň, ugur niräk?You've packed your suitcase, where are you going?3nin the direction ofBarýan ugruňy üýtgedip bilmersiňmi?Can't you change the direction of your route?Et dükan haýsy ugurda ýerleşýär?In which direction is the butchers?Which way [should I go] to find a butchers?Sazyň ugruny üýtgedip, başgaça saz düzäýdik.We changed the motive of the melody and accidentally composed another one.Taýynlaýan çykyşymyzyň ugruny üýtgetdik.We changed the way (abstract sense, as in method) of our performance.Kyn meseläniň çözmeli ugruny tapmak üçin mugallyma ýüz tutduk.We asked a teacher how to solve a difficult problem.Şemal öz ugruny her minutda üýtgedýärdi.The wind changed direction every minute.Biziň ýolumyz ugurdaş, bile gidibereli.Our routes are the same, let's go together.Köp ene-atalar çagalaryny dogry terbiýelemän, ugruna goýberýärler.Many parents let their kids have their own way, instead of bringing them up correctly.Men şu otlardan derman taýynlamanyň ugruny öwrenýärin.I am learning the technique of preparing medicine from these plantsKemal bilen Leýliň taslamasy ugruna bardy.Kemal and Leyli's were close to being the v.ugruny ýitirmekugurugruna bolmakph. be successfulMeniň täze açan işim ugruna boldy.My new business was successful.Ugruna bolsun!ph. v.vMay it be successful! All the best!ugruna çykmakph. startDoganym kiçi gyzyny ýitirende barymyz gözlegiň ugruna çykdyk.When my brother lost his little daughter, we all started looking for her.Biz palaw bişirmäň ugruna çykdyk.We started to cook pilau.ugruna kowmakph. v.vto indulge, assent to, allowçagany ugruna kowmakto indulge the childSygrymyzy ugruna kowup, sürüde bakdyk.We followed our cow along with the herd.Eger çagany ugruna kowsaň, ol başyňa çykýar.If you agree to everything, your child will become spoilt.
ugurcfugruna1postdirection, towards, in the direction of, by, at the side (of)ýoluň ugryalong the roadýeliň ugrywind directionýoluň ugrundaby the road, on the roadsideMamamyň ýarawsyzlykdan ýaňa indi ugry ýok.My Grandma doesn't feel good now due to her illness.Meniň şu gün ugrum ýok, ýarawsyzrak.I don't feel good today, I am sick.ugur nirä?Where are you heading?Onuň bilen gürleşmegiň ugruny tapmaly.Got to find the way to speak to him.Sen bu işiň ugruny bilýärsiň.You know the way to get this job done.Haýsy ugra gitmeli?Where should we go?Ugur nirä?Which way are you going?bellenen ugurrouteugry ýokto be in bad shapeugruňy kesgitlemekto orientate yourself2poststyle (of art)sungatda realistik ugurrealismabstraksiýam ugryabstract style (of art)3postfieldol bu ugurdan uly spesialistS/he is a great specialist in this field.Ol din ugrundan alym.He is a professor in religious studies.4postsense, meaning, methodOnuň aýdýanlarynyň ugry bar.There is sense in what he says.Onuň gepiniň ugry ýok.His speech is meaningless.5nside, vergeýoluň ugrythe roadside, vergeýoluň ugrundaon the verge of the roadOl size haýsy ugurdan garyndaş?From which side is he related to you?Ol biziň daýy ugrumyzdan bolmaly.He must be from our uncle's v.ugruna bolmakugrunaugruna çykmakugrunaugur haýyr bola!comp.a) All the best! b) Where are you going?Ugur haýyr bola! Nirä ugradyňyz?May your trip be successful! Where are you going?ugry ýokid.stopping being a close friend; breaking up withMeňliň indi Şirin bilen ugry ýok.Mengli has stopped being friends with Shirin.ugruny ýitirmekph. v.vto lose one's sense of directionNartäç ýoldaşyndan aýrylşansoň, ugruny ýitirdi.After she got divorced from her husband, Nartach lost her direction [in life].ugur almakph. v.v1to find a way, succeed, improveBiziň işimiz ugur alyp başlady.Our business is improving.Indi biziňem tikinçilik kärhanamyz ugur alyp başlady.Now, our dress-making enterprise has started to improve.2to follow the example, act according toDurmuşyň kynçylygyny ýeňip geçmek üçin biz ene-atalarymyzdan ugur almaly.To overcome difficulties, we should follow the example of our parents.ugur tapmakph. v.vto find a way, to take off (in figurative sense), to take an example fromOglum şäherde ýitende, özi ugur tapyp gelipdir.When my son got lost in the city, he himself found his way home.
ugursyz1adjlacking in direction, pointless, ill-manneredÇaryň doganlary onuň ugursyz oglandygyna, köp arak içýändigine namys ederdiler.Chary's brothers were feeling ashamed because of his ill-mannered demeanour and alcohol addiction.Biziň öňki alan sygrymyz ugursyzdy, süsýärdi.Our last cow was ill-mannered and butted [people].Maralda ugursyz gylyk-häsiýet kändi, şolaň birisem gabanjaňlykdy.Maral's character had many bad features and one of them was envy.2advpointlessly, harshlyKärhanaň ýolbaşçysy öz işgärlerine gaharlanyp, ugursyz gepleşdi.The director of the company was angry with his workers and talked to them harshly.Batyr ugursyz görýänligi sebäpli tagtadaky ýazylan zatlary okap bilenokdy.Because of his weak sight, Batyr couldn't read what was written on the blackboard.Leýli ýarawsyzlygy sebäpli ugursyz okaýardy, ikilik baha alýardy.Because of her illness Leyli studied badly and was getting poor marks.
ugurtapyjynguide, route-finderSerdar öz dostlarynyň arasynda ugurtapyjylygy bilen tanalýardy.Serdar was well-known among his friends because of his route-finding ability.Ugurtapyjy belgi goýuşdyryp, oglanlar tokaýda öz oýunlaryna başladylar.Setting route markers, the boys started their game in the forest.Ýol gurluşygy başlanandan soň, sürüjilere ugurtapyjy belgiler goýdular.After road construction began, road signs were put up for drivers
ujypsyzujy:psyzadj1useless, tinyMeniň ujypsyz aýlygym diňe iýmitimize ýetýär.My small salary is only enough to buy food.Biz muzeýda mikroskopyň aşagynda ujypsyzja kebelek gördük.We looked at a tiny butterfly through a microscope at the museum.2smallujypsyz iş üçin dawalaşmakto quarrel over nothingUjypsyz zat üçin adamyň göwnüne degme!Don't offend someone over a small matter!
uklamaku:klamakvto sleepGarry adamlara uklamak kyn.Old people find it hard to sleep.Myhmanhanada men arkaýyn uklap bilemok.I don't sleep well in hotels.Sagadymyň batareýasy çöküp, irden uklap galypdyryn, şol sebäpli ýigrimi minut işe gijä galdym.As my watch battery had died, I overslept and was 20 minutes late for work.piliň gulagynda uklamakph. be in the dark, to be unaware, be uninformedNabat piliň gulagynda uklan ýaly ol klasdaky boljak konsertden bihabardy.Nabat was in the dark about the forthcoming class concert.uklap galmakph. v.vto fall asleepOgluma kitaby okap gutarýançam uklap galdy.My son fell asleep as I finished reading the book.Merdan dostunyňka oturmaga baranda, işden ýadaw bolup uklap galdy.When Merdan visited his friend, he fell asleep as he has tired from his work.uklap geçirmekph. v.vto sleep in, oversleep uklap oturmakph. v.vbeing sleepySerdar çeper film görüp oturan ýerinde bir irkilip, bir oýanyp uklap otyrdy.Serdar was sitting sleepily watching a movie.
ukolcfsanjymninjection, inoculationуколOl kesellä ukol etmegi tabşyrdy.He ordered an injection be done [to counteract] the illness.
ukyu:kynsleepUky, iýmit bilen suw adama birinji gerekli zatlar.Sleep, food and water are the first things that a person needs.uka batmakto fall asleepukudan goýmakto disturb someone's sleepGazetde bir adamyň 10 ýyldan soň letargik ukudan oýanandygyny çap etdiler.A newspaper article was published about a person who woke up from a coma after 10 years.Sen meni bolgusyz gepleriň bilen ukudan goýduň.You disturbed my sleep with your meaningless chatter.Aýjeren jigisini elinde üwränsoň uka batdy.As Ayjeren rocked her sister, she fell asleep.Ilki günler sagadyň jyňňyrdysyna oýanamsoň, indi endik bolup özümem turýaryn.At first I was woken up at seven a.m. by my alarm clock; now I wake up myself out of habit.Ukym gelse-de öý işi sapaklarymy dynýançam ýatmadym.However much I wanted to sleep, I didn't go to bed until I finished my homework.ukudan ganmakto enjoy sleeping, to rest well from one's sleepJeren ukusyndan ganyp turdy.Jeren got up, well-rested from her sleep.ukudan ýaňabecause of sleepinessUkudan ýaňa zordan açylýan gözlerini owkalap Mähri düşegine geçdi.Mahri went to bed massaging her eyes which she could hardly keep open because of her sleepiness.süýji a deep sleepMeýlis sallançakda süýji ukuda ýatyrdy.Meylis slept well in her cradle.baky uka gitmekph. go to sleep, fall into an eternal rest, dieÝarawsyz ýatan kakam dogan garyndaşlary bilen hoşlaşyp baky uka gitdi.As he was saying goodbye my sick father slipped into eternal sleep.uka gitmekph. v.vto go to sleep (under the influence of gas or drugs)Hassa operasiýadan öň narkoz edenlerinden soň derrew uka gitdi.The patient was anaesthetised and went to sleep quickly before the operation.Aýylar gyşda üç aýlyk penjesini agyzlaryna salyp uka gidýärler.Bears put their paws in their mouths and hibernate for three months.Ýaňy uka gidip ugramda, tisginip turdum.As I was nodding off I jumped with a start.ukudan goýmakph. v.vto not let sleep, prevent from sleeping, keep awakeGijeki çakan ýyldyrym Meňlini ukudan goýdy.The thunder in the night prevented Mengli from sleeping.ukudan oýanmakph. v.vto wake upMeniň kiçi ogluma her gün irden ukudan oýanmak kyn düşýär.It is difficult for my little son to wake up early morning every day.ukudan oýarmakph. v.vto wake someone upBäbek gije aglap, ejesini ukudan oýardy.At night, the crying baby woke her mother.ukyň gaçmakph. v.vto be unable to sleepŞu günki bolan uruşdan soň onuň ukusy gaçdy.After today's fight he could not sleep.
ukypuky:pngift, talent, aptitude, abilitySende ukyp bar.You have a real gift.Türkmen-türk mekdebine girmek üçin seniň ukybyňy barlaýarlar.They will test your aptitude for entering Turkmen-Turk school.Sende sporta ukyp bar, ýöne sen ýaltaçylyk edip türgenleşeňok.You have no aptitude for sport, because you are lazy and don't train.Nurmyratda saza bolan ukyp bar, ol ýedi ýaşyndaka Sazçylyk mekdebinde bäsleşikde birinji orny eýeledi.Nurmyrat has a musical talent; he came first in the musical school competition for seven-year-olds.ilatyň satyn alyjylyk ukybycomp.the population's ability to buyIlatyň satyn alyjylyk ukyby pes bolanlygy sebäpli uny bazarda satman dükanlarda hökümet bahadan arzan satýarlar.The flour is sold in the shops , not in the markets, because the population's ability to buy is low.
ukyplyuky:plyadjgifted, talentedBilbil aýdym-saza ukyply bolup, medeniýet institutyna okuwa girdi.Bilbil has musical talent, so she entered an institute of art and culture.Döwran Hudaý tarapdan ukyply oglan.Dowran is gifted by God.Döwlet kiçilikden köp kitap okap oglan ukyply bolup ýetişdi.Dowlet read many books as a child and became a talented boy.Çary öz ukyplylygy bilen hem-de köp sazlaryň üstünde işläp, aýdym aýdyp at gazanan bagşy boldy.Chary was a gifted man and worked on many melodies, sung songs, and became a well-known singer.
ulagntransportŞäherden daşda ýaşamsoň, işe gabat gelen ulagda gidýärin.As I live well outside the city, I travel to work by any available transport.
ulalmakv1to grow, grow upGullugymy dynyp gelýänçäm öýümizde bar zat üýtgäpdir, hatda meniň ekip giden üzüm agaçlarym ulalypdyr.By the time I finished my army service everything at home had changed, even vines I had planted were fully grown.2to increase, to grow; to grow up, to increase, to become proudNäzik iş wezipesinde baş hasapçy bolup ulalypdyr.Nazik became proud after she got the profession of being an accountant.Men özüm ulalsamam, ýüregim entegem çagaňky.In spite of the fact I grew up, my heart is still a child's.Men mamam bilen babamyň elinde ulaldym.I grew up in the care of my grandparents.Çagalar ulalsalar-da, ene-atasy üçin olar entegem kiçijik çaga ýaly.Even though children grow up, they are like little children to their parents.