Browse Turkmen – English Dictionary



ybadatyba:datn1worshipybadat eýlemekto worship, bow downybadat etmekto worship, bow down2devotionGözellik ybadat täjini, takwalyk gerdenligini dakynmakdadyr.Beauty is in the wearing of the crown of devotion and the jewellery of piety.3worshipper, those who worshipYbadatçylar ertir Käbeden gaýdyp gelerler.Those who have been worshipping [at the Qaba] will return back from the Qaba tomorrow.The Qaba is a black stone in Mecca, considered sacred by Muslims. The haj is a pilgrimage to this stone.
ybadathanayba:datha:nan1place of worshipHytaýda ýiten ybadathana tapyldy.A lost temple has been found in China.2mosqueMuslim3cathedral, churchChristian4synagogue; templeJewish
ybaratyba:ratadjconsist of, be made up ofBu kwartira üç otagdan ybarat.This flat consists of three rooms.This flat has three rooms.
ygalnprecipitation, rainDaglara köp ygal ýygnanypdyr.A lot of precipitation has gathered on the mountains.
ygallyadjrainyygally ýylrainy yearÝyl ygally bolsa daýhanlar bol hasyl alýar.If it rains a lot during the year, then farmers get a bountiful harvest.
yglan etmekygla:n etmekv1to proclaim, to publishrezolýusiýany yglan etmekto publish a resolutionhökümi yglan etmekto pronounce a verdict2to declareOl patyşanyň garşysyna uruş yglan etdi.He declared war against the king.uruş yglan etmekto declare war
ygrarygra:rnpromiseÖz niýetiňi çalyşmajagyňa şu ýerde ygrar et!Promise right away that you will not change your mind.
ygşyldamakvto rustle, rockMen sährada otlaryň ygşyldysyny diňläp ýatmagy halaýaryn.I like to lie in a valley listening to the rustle of grass.
ygtybarlyygtyba:rlycfynamdarynamlyadjreliable, faithfulygtybarly adamreliable personÝumşy ygtybarly adama tabşyrgyn!Give this task to a reliable person!ygtybar bolmakph. v.ygtyba:rcfynamynançtrust, beliefMen bu adama ygtybar bolup biljek däl.I can not trust this man.
ygtybarlylyknfaithfulness, reliability, dependabilityÖz lebziňe wepalylyk we ygtybarlylyk türkmeniň esasy häsiýetleridir.Faithfulness to one's promise and reliability are the main characteristics of Turkmen people.
ygtyýarygtyýa:rn1authority2permissionygtyýar bermekto give permission, authoriseygtyýar almakto get permissionOnuň ygtyýary ýok.She isn't authorized.Siziň ygtyýaryňyz bilenWith your permission, by your leaveSiziň ygtyýaryňyz boýunça biz bu işi bitirdik.We did this job with your permission.
ygtyýarlyygtyýa:rlyadjauthoriseddoly ygtyýarly wekila fully-authorised representativeTürkmenistanyň doly ygtyýarly wekili daşary ýurda sapara gitdi.Turkmenistan's fully-authorised representative went to a foreign country on an official visit.
ygtyýarlylykygtyýa:rlylykn1authority, sovereigntyOl ruhy älemine ygtyýarlylyk etjek bolup synanyşdy, emma başarmady.He tried to have authority over the spiritual world, but he couldn't.2ownershipMeniň ygtyýarlylygymdaky zatlary ellemäň.Do not touch the things I own.
ygtyýarsyzygtyýa:rsyzadj1unauthorised, without permissionOnuň şol gezekki ýeňilmegi ony ygtyýarsyz adama öwürdi.That time's failure turned him into an unauthorised person.2against one's willOl ygtyýarsyz ylalaşmaly boldy.He was forced to agree, against his will.3involuntary
yhlasyhla:snzeal, diligence, enthusiasm, dedicationyhlas etmekto show enthusiasm, make an effortyhlas bilen işlemekto work with diligenceOnuň yhlasy ýerine düşdi.His dedication paid off.Yhlas bilen aglasaň, sokur gözden ýaş çykar.If you try really hard, you will achieve what you want.
yhlaslyyhla:slyadj1wholehearted, enthusiastic2diligent, conscientiousyhlasly zähmet çekmekto work diligentlyMen onuň yhlasly işleýşini görüp haýran galdym.I was so surprised to see him working diligently.
yky:kadv1the lee [of the wind]2sheltered placeOl ykdan jyklady, emma hiç zat görüp bilmedi.He tried to peek from a hidden place, but could not see anything.
ykbalykba:lnfate, lot; fortuneykbalyňa minnetdarlyk bildirmekto thank one's lucky starsYkbal meni Türkmenistana eltdi.Fate sent me to Turkmenistan.Men şu günki bagtym üçin ykbalymdan razy.I thank my lucky star for my happiness.
ykdysadyykdysa:dy:adjeconomicykdysady aragatnaşyklareconomic tiesykdysady syýasateconomic policyYkdysady meseleleri çözmek üçin wagt gerek.To solve economical problems we need time.
ykdysadyýetykdysa:dyýetneconomysyýasy ykdysadyýetpolitical economyBiz mekdepde ykdysadyýet sapagyny geçýäris.We study economy at school.
ykdysadyýetçiykdysa:dyýetçineconomistMen geljekde ykdysadyýetçi bolmagy isleýärin.I want to become an economist in the future.
ykdysatçyykdysa:tçyneconomistOnuň dogany belli ykdysatçy.Her brother is a well-known economist.
ykjamadj1firm, firmly, with a firm handykjam saklamakto hold firmlyOl zatlaryny hemişe ykjam saklaýarHe always holds onto his things with a firm hand.2comfortable, convenientykjam oturmakto sit comfortablyHaçanda men öýe gelenimde, doganym kresloda ykjam oturyp maňa garaşyp oturan eken.When I came home, my brother was waiting for me, sitting comfortably on a chair.
ykjamlamakvto collect, prepare, make something readyOglanlar zatlaryny ykjamlap goýdular.The boys got their things together.
ykjamlanmakvto prepare oneself, collect oneself, get readyykjamlanyp durmakto be/get readyOl ykjamlanyp, ýola düşmäge taýyn bolup durdy.He got prepared, and was ready to begin the journey.