ugrunacfugur1advtowards, along, agreeugruna kowmakto agree, to allow, to assent toidiom2postalong, besideAgaçdan gaçan ýapraklar şemalyň ugruna uçýardylar.Leaves fallen from trees were being blown along by the wind.Biz akymyň ugruna ýüzüp gitdik.We swam with the current.Çagalar maşynlaryň geçýän ýolunyň ugrunda oýnaýardylar.The children were playing on the street where cars were passing.Mekdep okuwçylary ýoluň ugruna agaç nahallaryny ekdiler.The school children planted trees beside the road.Goşlaryňy düwüpsiň, ugur niräk?You've packed your suitcase, where are you going?3nin the direction ofBarýan ugruňy üýtgedip bilmersiňmi?Can't you change the direction of your route?Et dükan haýsy ugurda ýerleşýär?In which direction is the butchers?Which way [should I go] to find a butchers?Sazyň ugruny üýtgedip, başgaça saz düzäýdik.We changed the motive of the melody and accidentally composed another one.Taýynlaýan çykyşymyzyň ugruny üýtgetdik.We changed the way (abstract sense, as in method) of our performance.Kyn meseläniň çözmeli ugruny tapmak üçin mugallyma ýüz tutduk.We asked a teacher how to solve a difficult problem.Şemal öz ugruny her minutda üýtgedýärdi.The wind changed direction every minute.Biziň ýolumyz ugurdaş, bile gidibereli.Our routes are the same, let's go together.Köp ene-atalar çagalaryny dogry terbiýelemän, ugruna goýberýärler.Many parents let their kids have their own way, instead of bringing them up correctly.Men şu otlardan derman taýynlamanyň ugruny öwrenýärin.I am learning the technique of preparing medicine from these plantsKemal bilen Leýliň taslamasy ugruna bardy.Kemal and Leyli's were close to being the v.ugruny ýitirmekugurugruna bolmakph. be successfulMeniň täze açan işim ugruna boldy.My new business was successful.Ugruna bolsun!ph. v.vMay it be successful! All the best!ugruna çykmakph. startDoganym kiçi gyzyny ýitirende barymyz gözlegiň ugruna çykdyk.When my brother lost his little daughter, we all started looking for her.Biz palaw bişirmäň ugruna çykdyk.We started to cook pilau.ugruna kowmakph. v.vto indulge, assent to, allowçagany ugruna kowmakto indulge the childSygrymyzy ugruna kowup, sürüde bakdyk.We followed our cow along with the herd.Eger çagany ugruna kowsaň, ol başyňa çykýar.If you agree to everything, your child will become spoilt.

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