Türkmen sözlügünde söz gözle

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Klawaturada mümkin däl simwollary girizmek üçin ýokardaky gözleg boşlugyndaky düwmeleriň birini basyň.

[Ugrukdyryjy: Siz Diller we Söz toparlaryny inkär edip bilersiňiz, olar has kämil gözlegler üçin.]

Seret Türkmençe-iňlisçe sözlügi



işsizliknunemploymentDaşary ýurtlarda gün-günden işsizlik artýar.Unemployment is increasing in foreign countries day by day.
itmekvto push, moveyzyndan itmekto push from behinditip goýbermekto push
itn1dogaw itihunting dog, hound, gun doggoýun itisheep-dog, hunting dogTürkmen itleri daýaw we güýçli bolýarlar.Turkmen dogs are big and strong.2vile person, villainIçimi it ýyrtýar.comp.I cannot stand it any longer.it durmuşycomp.a dog's lifeIşçileriň ýagdaýy it durmuşyThe condition of workers is a dog's life.ite it ölümicomp.a bad death for a bad person i.e. they got what they deservedgününe it aglamakph. v.to live a life of wretched povertyit alan sanaja döndermekph. v.to tear to piecesMöjekler goýny it alan sanaja dönderdiler.The wolves tore the sheep to pieces.it masgarasy etmekph. v.to disgrace, defame, humiliateOny it masgarasy edip, obadan kowdular.They cut him off from the village as a way of humiliating him.it ýaly ýadamakph. v.to be dog-tiredŞu gün men it ýaly ýadadym.Today I was dog-tired.
It gara görmese üýrmeza dog will not bark if it doesn't see anyone
italiýaly1nan Italian2adjItalian, Italian (person)italiýaly, italýan aýalItalian womanitaliýaly, italýan diliItalian, the Italian language3.5.3Language
iteklemekcfitelemekv1to push, Biri-briňizi iteklemäň!Do not push each other!2to instigate (somebody to), push somebody intojenaýat etmäge iteklemekto push somebody into doing a crime
itelemekcfiteklemekv1to push, shovebir-biriňi itelemekto jostle one another, push each other2to push-startMaşyn otlanmansoň, üç bolup itelediler.Because the car refused to start, three men push-started it.
itermekvto push, shovemaşyny itermekto push the car
iterginpush, shoveitergi bermekto give a pushitergi bermekto stimulate, give impetus (to), start something offitergi bolup hyzmat etmekto be an incitement (to something), stimulate (something)
iýmekv1to eatköp iýmekto eat a lotMen iýip boldum.I've finished eating.2to eat away, to corrodegüýe paltony iýipdirA moth has eaten away at the coatgamçy iýmekph. v.to be beaten with a whipgamyny iýmekph. v.to trouble (about), to take care (of)iýip-içmekph. v.to eat and drinkBiz iýip-içip bolansoň, ýolumyzy dowam etdik.We continued our way after we ate and drank.
iýdirmekv causto feed, to give someone something to eatOlar bize gelende, men olar iýmäge bir zatlar berdim.I gave them something to eat when they came to us.hakyňy iýdirmekph. v.v causto be swindled
iýerlikadjfoodýol üçin iýerlik zat almakto take food for a journey
iýermenadjgluttonous, voraciousiýermen öküzgluttonous bull
iýilmekv1to be eatenPalaw türkmenleriň söýlüp iýilýän nahary.Pilaf is the Turkmens' favourite dish.2to be ground
iýmnfodder, forageiým bermekto feed, to give fodder tomallar üçin iýmanimal fodder
iýmişnfruitgök iýmişlergreen fruitiýmiş getirmekto yield/bear fruit
iýmitnfood, meal, fodderiýmit bilen üpjün etmekto supply food
iýmitlenmekvto be fed, to be nourished, to be eatengowy iýmitlenmekto eat well, to be well fedgüýçli iýmitlenmekto eat a lot of food
iýmitlendirmekv causto feedgünde üç gezek iýmitlendirmekto feed three times a dayÝaş haýwanlary wagtly-wagtynda iýmitlendirmeli.Young animals must be fed at regular intervals.
iýmlikadjfodder, forageiýmlik arpabarley for fodder
iýuli'ýulnJulyИюльIýul aýy örän yssy aý.July is a very hot month.
iýunnJuneИюньIýun aýynda mekdepde ekzamenler başlanýar.At school the examinations start in June.

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