boýunn1neck2bank, shorederýanyň boýunythe riverbank 3responsibilityöz boýnuna almakto take responsibility on oneselfboýun pleadboýnuna goýmakph. charge, take to courtboýnuny sogurmakph. killboýnuny towlamakph. avoid, to not do somethingboýun almakph. v.vto admit, confess, acknowledge, own upGyzym kitaby ýyrtyp, gorkunjyna boýnuna almady.My daughter ripped the book, but because she was scared she didn't own up to it.boýun bolmakph. v.vto obey, submit to, keepTäze işe girenimde kärhanaň şertlerine boýun boldum.When I started the new job I had to stick to the workplace conditions.Tomus jogabynda klasymyzyň güllerini öýe getirip seretmegi boýun boldum.For my summer responsibility, I agreed to bring our class flowers home and look after them.Boýun bolan işiňi hökman etmeli.Whatever you sign up for, you need to carry out.boýun egmekph. v.1to submitUlumsy adamlar aňsat boýnuny egmeýärler.Proud people do not find it easy to submit.2to obeyBuýruga boýun egmedik esgerleriň etmişine görä temmisini alýardylar.Soldiers who disobeyed the order were punished according to their actions.Beýik Watançylyk urşunda sowetler namyslaryň öňünde boýun egmediler.In the Great Patriotic War, the Soviets did not submit to shame [i.e. they kept their honour].Boýnumyň damarlaryny sowukladyp, kellämi egip bilemok.I can’t bend my head by loosening the ligaments of my neck.Meniň boýnumda meň bar.I'm responsible for myself.3to bow downUruş döwründe nemeslara ýesir düşen esgerleriň boýun egmedikleriň baryny öldürýärdiler.During the war the Germans used to kill all those taken as prisoners who refused to bow down.boýun gaçyrmakph. refuse

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